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Li, F.
no journal, ,
To better understand the failure limit of fuel cladding during the PCMI phase of an RIA, pre-cracked and hydrided cladding samples with base metal final heat-treatment status of CW and RX were tested under biaxial stress conditions (axial to hoop strain ratios of 0 and 0.5). Displacement-controlled biaxial-expansion-due-to-compression (biaxial-EDC) tests were performed to obtain the failure strain of the samples. The conversion of the failure strains to J-integral at failure by finite-element analysis involving data of SR cladding specimens from our previous study revealed that the failure limit in the dimension of J-integral at failure unifies the effects of pre-crack depth. About 30 to 50 percent reduction in the J-integral at failure was observed as the strain ratio increased from 0 to 0.5 irrespective of the annealing type, pre-crack depth, and hydrogen content. The rate of fractional decreases of J-integral at failure with increase of hydrogen content are in the order of CWSR
RX, which are essentially independent of strain ratio for the CW and SR samples. The results were incorporated into the failure prediction model of the JAEA's fuel performance code in the form of a correction factor that considers the biaxial loading effect.
岡田 裕史
no journal, ,
In order to evaluate the fracture resistance of cladding tube against a seismic loading which might be applied following LOCA, four-point-bending-test has been conducted. In consideration of previous studies and results, the effect of the amount of oxidation on the maximum bending stress of pre-hydrided test rod with small amount of ballooning was investigated in this study. Based on the obtained results, the maximum bending stress of pre-hydrided test rod decreased compared with that of as-received test rod. In addition, it is considered that the decrease in maximum bending stress is almost determined by hydrogen concentration after simulated LOCA test. According to this trend, it is expected that the maximum bending stress at ballooned-and-ruptured region in pre-hydrided cladding tube is determined by hydrogen concentration after simulated LOCA and its value is similar to the data obtained in this study and literature data.
天谷 政樹
no journal, ,
宇田川 豊
no journal, ,
This presentation reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the PCMI-related parameters between the OS-1 rod and other BWR rods supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.
Negyesi, M.
no journal, ,
The study is concerned with high temperature steam oxidation behaviour of Zry-4 fuel cladding. The effect of the experimental setting and the specimen surface roughness on the oxidation rate is addressed. The presented results show strong influence of the degree of oxidation upon the heat-up phase on the subsequent isothermal oxidation behaviour. On the other hand, the effect of the specimen surface roughness has not been clearly evidenced. The results were also compared to literature data.
三原 武
no journal, ,
成川 隆文
no journal, ,
JAEA has performed a wide range of loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) studies in response to fuel-burnup extension, new experimental results, and the accident at NPPs. Currently, new LOCA tests are ongoing in JAEA to evaluate fuel behavior under LOCA conditions including the phenomena of fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal (FFRD) and the mechanical strength of fuel cladding tubes during the post-LOCA long-term core cooling period. These test results, including those obtained from the future study, are expected to provide the necessary information for the future regulation on high-burnup fuels.
谷口 良徳
no journal, ,
垣内 一雄
no journal, ,
高燃焼度MOX燃料(BZ-3, BZ-4)に対するパルス照射試験前後のペレットSEM-EPMAデータを用いて、反応度事故(RIA)時におけるMOX燃料ペレットからの核分裂生成ガス(FPガス)放出を評価した。PuスポットでのXe放出の相対変化量及びペレット外周部のクラックによる放出を考慮した結果、Puスポットからの放出は、BZ-4で約5%、BZ-3で約10%と評価された。パンクチャー試験による実測値との比較から、パルス照射実験中にはPuスポット以外の領域からもFPガスが放出されることが示唆された。
田崎 雄大
no journal, ,