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笠原 崇光*; 瀧上 眞知子*; 長澤 尚胤; 瀧上 昭治*
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 34(3), p.395 - 398, 2009/09
早川 弘毅*; 森本 昌規*; 池田 直*; 米田 安宏; 小原 真司*; 吉井 賢資; 松尾 祥史*; 道内 尊正*; 森 茂生*
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 34(1), p.51 - 54, 2009/05
に対し高エネルギー放射光X線を用いた局所構造解析を行った。Pair-distribution functionに対するフィッティングの結果、強誘電相における局所構造は、これまで報告されている結晶構造とは異なり、ルテチウム原子が変位した構造を持っていることがわかった。このことは、この物質の結晶構造を再検討する必要性を示す。また、局所構造解析の結果を誘電率測定・磁化測定や電子線回折などから得られた結果とあわせて議論し、LuFe
米田 安宏; 吉井 賢資; 早川 弘毅*; 池田 直*
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 34(1), p.15 - 18, 2009/03
岡部 敏弘*; 小野 浩之*; 畑山 一郎*; 和栗 敦*; 澤田 譲*; 津川 秀仁*; 市田 忠夫*; 中根 明夫*; 佐野 輝男*; 田中 和明*; et al.
no journal, ,
The oil extracted from Aomori Hiba has excellent antibacterial and insecticidal effects. To heighten the added value of the Aomori Hiba oil, the water-soluble nano-hiba oil with about 10 nm of particle size was developed by applying emulsification technology to the oil. The emulsified Aomori Hiba oils showed no signs of phase separation and remained intact even six months after its preparation. Since the nano-hiba oil can be sprayed quickly, antibacterial examinations were carried out to explore potential applications in preventions of hospital infection and damages caused by blight and insect in agricultural environments. Furthermore, a novel antibacterial material composed of nano-hiba oil and water-absorption gel was investigated. Hydroxypropyl cellulose hydrogels as support materials for the nano-hiba oil were prepared by irradiating their paste-like solutions. Subsequently, absorbability in nano-hiba oil as well as the antibacterial effects were evaluated. The hydrogels showed excellent antibacterial effect up to three weeks. Therefore, it was suggested that the hydrogels containing nano-hiba oil are suitable as antibacterial materials.
米田 安宏; 阿部 浩之
no journal, ,
大和田 謙二; 廣田 和馬*; 寺内 暉*; 大和 英弘*; 安田 直彦*
no journal, ,
瀧上 眞知子*; 廣木 章博; 長澤 尚胤; 笠原 崇光*; 瀧上 昭治*; 玉田 正男
no journal, ,
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) turns into a gel by forming the hydrogen bonds among CMC molecules when mixed with acid solution. In this study, effects of molecular weight of CMC on the gel fraction, water absorption, and mechanical properties were investigated. CMC with lower molecular weight was prepared by acid hydrolysis at 121C in the autoclave. The molecular weight of CMC decreased with autoclaving time. The obtained CMC in the range of 834 kDa to 326 kDa was mixed with 0.5M citric acid, and then maintained at 30
C and 50
C to form CMC-acid gel. The gel fraction decreased with decreasing the molecular weight of CMC as the CMC-acid gel was maintained at 30
C for 4 days. However, the high gel fraction was exhibited by increasing the heating temperature and time even though the molecular weight of CMC is 326 kDa. The gels with lower gel fraction swelled in water than that with higher gel fraction. The mechanical properties of the CMC-acid gel, such as compression modulus, elongation and breaking strength decreased with decrease of molecular weight of CMC.