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検索結果: 8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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The CMMR program; BWR core degradation in the CMMR-3 test

山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of International Conference on Dismantling Challenges; Industrial Reality, Prospects and Feedback Experience (DEM 2018) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2018/10



Pipe cutting method at high radiation area in FUGEN

瀧谷 啓晃; 石山 正弘; 手塚 将志; 北山 尚樹

Proceedings of International Conference on Dismantling Challenges; Industrial Reality, Prospects and Feedback Experience (DEM 2018) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2018/10



Development of treatment method for analytical waste solutions in STRAD project, 1; Oxidative decomposition of ammonium ion with catalyst

粟飯原 はるか; 渡部 創; 野村 和則; 神谷 裕一*

no journal, , 

An effective decomposition method of ammonium ion in radioactive analytical waste solutions containing U, Pu and nitric acid has been developed to suppress formation of ammonium nitrate. Oxidative decomposition was examined using ozone gas with existence of cobalt ions as homogeneous catalyst. Reduction in concentration of ammonium ion was achieved by combination of the ozone gas oxidation with the catalyst, and the behavior distinctly depend on compositions of the initial solution.


Development of treatment method for analytical waste solutions in STRAD project, 3; Separation of ammonia by vaporization

松浦 治明*; 小林 亜海*; 三善 真秀*; 粟飯原 はるか; 渡部 創; 野村 和則

no journal, , 

Treatment of radioactive waste solution containing various chemical reagents would be critical issue for decommissioning of nuclear facilities. We have targeted on the wastes containing ammonium ion which would produce ammonium nitrate. To decompose ammonium ion by catalysis, separation of ammonium ion in the solution is expected to be achieved. By using simulated waste solutions, vaporization behavior of ammonia has been investigated. As a result, about 40% of ammonia in the simulated solution with NH$$_{4}$$$$^{+}$$ of 4.47 g/L was recovered by adjustment in pH and heating.


Development of treatment method for analytical waste solutions in STRAD project, 2; Ammonium ion adsorption onto zeolites

浅沼 徳子*; 宮野 陸*; 粟飯原 はるか; 渡部 創; 野村 和則

no journal, , 

In order to avoid production of ammonium nitrate, stabilization of ammonium ion in analytical waste solution is necessary. In this study, adsorption separation of ammonium ion from the solution was made by using zeolites, i.e. Clinoptilolite, IE-96, HiSiv$$^{TM}$$1000. Fundamental ad-sorption characteristics of these zeolites which is adsorption rate, isotherm analysis and pH property were investigated.


Radioactive nuclides recovery from spent solvent in STRAD project, 1; Zr recovered by alkaline solutions

荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 久保田 俊夫*; 野村 和則

no journal, , 

In order to recover U and Pu from the degraded solvents as a part of waste liquid management program STRAD (Systematic Treatments of RAdioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning), recovery of loaded cations in simulated degraded solvents into alkali solutions were experimentally examined. A target solvent of this study was TRUEX solvent involving CMPO and TBP in n-dodecane. Zr was used as a simulant of Pu, and recovery performance and mechanism of Zr from simulated spent solvent into NaOH or Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$ solutions were evaluated. Zr was recovered in NaOH solution as precipitate, while back extraction of Zr into Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$ solution was progressed by forming carbonate complex. Similar recovery mechanisms are also expected for U and Pu loaded in the solvent.


Overview of STRAD project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes generated in nuclear facilities

渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一; 粟飯原 はるか; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 神谷 裕一*; 浅沼 徳子*; 松浦 治明*; 久保田 俊夫*; et al.

no journal, , 

A new collaborative research project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes containing various reagents generating in nuclear facilities was started from 2018 initiated by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The project was named as STRAD (Systematic Treatments of RAdioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning) project. Tentative targets to be studied under the project are aqueous and organic liquid wastes which have been generated by experiments and analyses in a reprocessing experimental laboratory of JAEA. Currently fundamental studies for treatments of the liquid wastes with complicated compositions are underway.


Radioactive nuclides recovery from spent solvent in STRAD project, 2; Zr adsorption onto ion exchange resins

中村 文也*; 安倍 諒治*; 新井 剛*; 瀬古 典明*; 荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 野村 和則

no journal, , 

It is considered that tributyl phosphate (TBP) contained in spent PUREX solvent is well known to decompose into dibutyl phosphate (DBP) by radiation exposure. It has been found that DBP extracts U and Pu to form strong complexes. Since these complexes have stability even at low nitric acid solution, the spent solvent loaded with U and Pu for a long term is difficult to back extracted using nitric solution. Therefore, we have studied the treatment method for adsorbing of U and Pu from spent solvent using adsorbent. In this study, the method of Zr(IV) quantitative analysis using fluorescence spectroscopy was established. Moreover, adsorption behavior of Zr(IV) in DSP-n using adsorbents was evaluated. It was confirmed that non-woven fabrics with phosphoric acid type and imino diacetic acid type showed excellent adsorption ability.

8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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