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菅原 透*; 遠藤 聡*; 石井 芳一*; 森本 恭一
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井手 広史; 石塚 悦男; 綿引 俊介; 斎藤 隆; 稲葉 良知; 河村 弘
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これまでにJMTRではさまざまな照射技術を開発してきた。主な技術として計装技術, 計測技術, 制御技術がある。計装技術としては、使用済燃料の再照射試験のために開発された再計装技術と遠隔組立技術がある。計測技術としては、照射試験の高度化のために開発された温度,変位及びき裂進展のための測定技術がある。制御技術としては、水中の試験片温度を一様に制御することができる飽和温度制御技術,試験片の温度を一定に制御することができる自動温度制御技術,試験片の荷重制御ができる荷重制御技術,供給水の水質の制御ができる水環境制御技術、試験片への照射スペクトルの制御ができるスペクトル制御技術、核融合炉のパルス運転の模擬ができるパルス照射技術、燃料棒の出力密度の制御ができる出力急昇試験技術がある。これらの照射技術を用いて、軽水炉の高経年化対策のための照射誘起応力腐食割れ試験,軽水炉燃料の出力急昇試験等に貢献した。本会議では、JMTRにおけるさまざまな照射技術を紹介する。
小西 賢介; 久保 重信*; 小山 和也*; 神山 健司; 豊岡 淳一; 佐藤 一憲; 小竹 庄司*; Vurim, A. D.*; Zuyev, V.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
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向 和夫
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In Japan, the research and development project of fast reactor cycle technology named "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems" had been carried out from 1999 to 2005. As a result of Feasibility Study, JAEA presented the combination of the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) with oxide fuel, the advanced aqueous reprocessing and the simplified palletizing fuel fabrication as the most outstanding concept of FBR Cycle Systems. Thinking of the shift from the "concept" to the "fact", JAEA changed the project name well-known as Feasibility Study for the Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development "FaCT" project, which has been launched in 2006. In this FaCT project, design study and experimental study regarding the main concept will be implemented in order to present the conceptual designs of commercial and demonstration fast reactor cycle facilities by 2015 with development plan to realize them.
丹羽 元; 飛田 吉春; 久保 重信; 佐藤 一憲
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First this paper describes the design requirements in the FaCT project, especially for the safety design. The results of the EAGLE project are briefly described, and their implication in the safety design/assessment of the SFR investigated in the FaCT Project is shown. In the experiments in the EAGLE project, molten pool of fuel-steel mixture or alumina was successfully formed in the test section and discharged downward through the internal duct structure. These results show that the molten material in the core is discharged due to the pressure in the core shortly after the failure of the internal duct in the early stage of molten material formation and that the discharged material could be quenched as fragmented debris if sufficient amount of coolant is available. This implies that there could be a design solution for the safety design requirements in the FaCT Project.