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検索結果: 7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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Simulations of toroidal rotation due to the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in tokamaks

本多 充; 佐竹 真介*; 鈴木 康浩*; 松永 剛; 井手 俊介; 吉田 麻衣子; 林 伸彦

no journal, , 

For simulations of toroidal rotation driven by the neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV), the framework of the collaborative execution of the integrated code TOPICS with the 3D equilibrium code VMEC and the 3D neoclassical transport code FORTEC-3D has been developed. In tokamaks, toroidally-asymmetric components of the magnetic field exist and they produce the NTV. The NTV damps or sometimes accelerates toroidal rotation towards a certain rotation level, called the offset rotation. The effects of the NTV on toroidal rotation has been investigated in JT-60SA plasmas. The simulations show that even the smaller ripple amplitude produces a non-negligible amount of the NTV torque that is almost comparable to the NBI torque and significantly alters the resultant toroidal rotation profiles.


A High-order extension of the $$p_z$$ electromagnetic gyrokinetic model

宮戸 直亮

no journal, , 

A high-order extension is derived for the $$p_z$$ electromagnetic gyrokinetic model. In the $$p_z$$ formulation, the fundamental 1-form or phase space Lagrangian for the single charged particle motion in a magnetic field has the same symplectic structure as the standard electrostatic gyrokinetic model. Hence, the guiding-center (GC) transformation and the high-order extension similar to the electrostatic case can be applied for the $$p_z$$ formulation. In the electrostatic case, the high order term is considered only in the relation between the GC position and the particle position. In addition to this, the high order term should be considered in the relation between the GC parallel momentum and the parallel particle momentum for the electromagnetic fomulation.


ITER remote experiments and simulations

小関 隆久; Clement, L. S.*; 中島 徳嘉*

no journal, , 

ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC) based on the Broader Approach (BA) activity of the joint program of Japan and Europe (EU) is being built in Rokkasho, Japan. The REC will make possible to participate the ITER experiment remotely from Rokkasho. It will have the functions of the remote experiment system, such as setting of experiment parameters, shot scheduling, real time data streaming, communication by video-conference between the remote-site and on-site. Also, it has a function of numerical simulation for preparation and estimation of the shot performance and the analysis of the plasma shot. In order to make effective use of the limited machine time, it is important to improve the environment for the shot preparation and the data analyses. This can be performed by detailed data analysis and more efficient plasma performance prediction by the simulation. The role of the simulation on the experiments and the future function for DEMO are discussed.


Simulation of runaway electron confinement in presence of macroscopic MHD modes

矢木 雅敏; 松山 顕之; 若狭 有光*; 奴賀 秀男

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The runaway electron (RE) confinement has been investigated by a relativistic guiding-center trace code ETC-Rel using analytic expressions of the MHD modes. In this work, the nonlinear evolution of the MHD field is simulated by the 4-field reduced MHD code R4F. The use of nonlinear MHD codes allows us to treat more realistic values of the saturated amplitude and the eigenmode structure for given equilibrium. Results of the code verification for R4F, which simulates nonlinear coupling of the (2, 1) and (3, 2) tearing modes are shown. The RE confinement using nonlinear MHD simulations of density-limit disruptions with the edge radiation loss is also discussed.


Gyrokinetic Vlasov simulations of ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport on realistic tokamak equilibrium

仲田 資季; 本多 充; 吉田 麻衣子; 浦野 創; 前山 伸也; 沼波 政倫*; 渡邉 智彦*

no journal, , 



Two-dimensional transport modeling and preliminary simulation of tokamak plasmas

瀬戸 春樹; 福山 淳*

no journal, , 

A new framework of core-edge-SOL transport simulation has been proposed. In this work, a set of transport equations applicable on both core and SOL region is formulated and a concept of a numerical scheme connecting 2D transport code and 2D equilibrium code is also proposed. This system allows us to simulate core-edge-SOL transport without computational boundary in the edge region. The proposed equation system is equivalent to conventional 1D core transport model in the weakly collisional limit and to conventional 2D SOL transport model in the strongly collisional limit.


Excitation of flow-stabilized resistive wall mode in rotating tokamak plasmas

相羽 信行; 廣田 真*; 白石 淳也

no journal, , 


7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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