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検索結果: 111 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Preliminary studies on ion-pair extractions of Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta using extractants having tertiary N atom from H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ and HF

佐々木 祐二; 金子 政志; 松宮 正彦*

Chemistry Letters, 53(9), p.upae164_1 - upae164_4, 2024/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

これまで、カチオン性の抽出剤を使って、TcO$$_{4}$$$$^{-}$$などのアニオン種となる金属イオンを対象にイオン対抽出による分離法を開発してきた。イオン対抽出法は超アクチノイド元素やNb, Taといった有用金属の抽出も期待できる。最近塩酸溶液中で塩化物が配位してアニオン種となる白金族元素にも応用可能であることを見出したため、この方法をさらに発展させて、硫酸やフッ化水素酸中でアニオン種として存在するZr, Hf, Nb, Taの抽出を検討した。その結果、本法によるこれら金属イオンの抽出は可能であることを明らかにし、分配比の抽出剤濃度や振とう時間依存性などの基礎情報を取得した。


Water fraction dependence of the aggregation behavior of hydrophobic fluorescent solutes in water-tetrahydrofuran

辻 勇人*; 中畑 雅樹*; 菱田 真史*; 瀬戸 秀紀*; 元川 竜平; 井上 大傑*; 江川 泰暢*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 14(49), p.11235 - 11241, 2023/12

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:52.75(Chemistry, Physical)

This work investigates the water-fraction dependence of the aggregation behavior of hydrophobic solutes in water-tetrahydrofuran (THF) and the elucidation of the role of THF using fluorescence microscopy, dynamic light scattering, neutron and X-ray scattering, as well as photoluminescence measurements. Based on the obtained results, the following model is proposed: hydrophobic molecules are molecularly dispersed in the low-water-content region (10-20 vol %), while they form mesoscopic particles upon increasing the water fraction to $$sim$$30 vol percent. This abrupt change is due to the composition fluctuation of the water-THF binary system to form hydrophobic areas in THF, followed by THF-rich droplets where hydrophobic solutes are incorporated and form loose aggregates. Further increasing the water content prompts the desolvation of THF, which decreases the particle size and generates tight aggregates of solute molecules. This model is consistent with the luminescence behavior of the solutes and will be helpful to control the aggregation state of hydrophobic solutes in various applications.


Slightly hydrogen-ordered state of ice IV evidenced by ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction

小林 大輝*; 小松 一生*; 伊藤 颯*; 町田 真一*; 服部 高典; 鍵 裕之*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 14(47), p.10664 - 10669, 2023/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:36.79(Chemistry, Physical)

氷IVは、水分子が配向乱れを示す氷の準安定高圧相である。配向秩序は他の氷相ではよく観測されるが、氷IVでは報告されていない。われわれは、DClを添加したD$$_{2}$$O氷IVのその場粉末中性子回折実験を行い、氷IVにおける水素秩序を調べた。その結果、単位胞体体積の温度微分dV/dTが約120Kで急激に変化することを発見し、またリートベルト解析により低温でわずかに水素が秩序化することを明らかにした。D1サイトの占有率は0.5から外れており、そのずれは試料をより高い圧力で冷却すると増加し、2.38GPa, 58Kで0.282(5)に達した。この結果は、氷IVに対応する低対称の水素秩序状態の存在を証明するものである。しかしながら、高圧下での徐冷によって、完全に水素が秩序化した氷IV相を実験的に生成することは難しいようである。


Polarized neutrons observed nanometer-thick crystalline ice plates in frozen glucose solution

熊田 高之; 中川 洋; 三浦 大輔; 関根 由莉奈; 元川 竜平; 廣井 孝介; 稲村 泰弘; 奥 隆之; 大石 一城*; 森川 利明*; et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 14(34), p.7638 - 7643, 2023/08

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)



Rotational-energy transfer in H$$_{2}$$ ortho-para conversion on a metal surface; Interplay between electron and phonon systems

植田 寛和; 福谷 克之

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 14(34), p.7591 - 7596, 2023/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:18.21(Chemistry, Physical)

Clarifying energy transfer processes in molecular adsorption on solid surfaces is essential to understand gas-surface interaction. Unlike the vibrational-energy transfer processes, which are thought to be well understood in detail, the rotational-energy transfer process still remains unclear. Considering the interconversion between ortho and para states of H$$_{2}$$ is accompanied by the nuclear spin flip and the rotational-energy transfer, the surface-temperature dependence of the ortho-to-para conversion of molecularly chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ on Pd(210) is studied. The conversion rate is accelerated with increasing surface temperature. Based on the conversion model proposed for metal surfaces, we analyze the temperature dependence of the conversion rate taking account of both electron and phonon systems of the substrate. The rotational-energy transfer is most likely mediated by surface electrons with an assistance of the substrate phonons.


Selective epitaxial growth of Ca$$_{2}$$NH and CaNH thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering under hydrogen partial pressure control

Chon, S.*; 福谷 克之; 他8名*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 13(43), p.10169 - 10174, 2022/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Calcium compounds with N and H are promising catalysts for NH$$_{3}$$ conversion, and their epitaxial thin films provide a platform to quantitatively understand the catalytic activities. Here we report the selective epitaxial growth of Ca$$_{2}$$NH and CaNH thin films by controlling the hydrogen partial pressure ($$P_{H_{2}}$$) during reactive magnetron sputtering. We find that the hydrogen charge states can be tuned by $$P_{H_{2}}$$: Ca$$_{2}$$NH containing H$$^{-}$$ is formed at $$P_{H_{2}}<0.04$$ Pa, while CaNH containing H$$^{+}$$ is formed at $$P_{H_{2}}>0.04$$ Pa. In situ plasma emission spectroscopy reveals that the intensity of the Ca atomic emission ($$sim$$422 nm) decreases as $$P_{H_{2}}$$ increases, suggesting that Ca reacts with H$$_{2}$$ and N$$_{2}$$ to form Ca$$_{2}$$NH at lower $$P_{H_{2}}$$, whereas at higher $$P_{H_{2}}$$, CaH$$_{x}$$ is first formed on the target surface and then sputtered to produce CaNH. This study provides a novel route to control the hydrogen charge states in Ca-N-H epitaxial thin films.


Development of heavy element chemistry at interfaces; Observing actinide complexes at the oil/water interface in solvent extraction by nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy

日下 良二; 渡邉 雅之

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 13(30), p.7065 - 7071, 2022/08

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:73.82(Chemistry, Physical)

Understanding the chemistry of elements at the bottom of the periodic table is a challenging goal in chemistry. Observing actinide species at interfaces using interface-selective second-order nonlinear optical spectroscopy, such as vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy, is a promising route for developing heavy element chemistry; however, such attempts are scarce. Here, we investigated the phase transfer mechanism of uranyl ions (UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$) in solvent extraction using the di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) extractant dissolved in dodecane organic phase by probing the oil/water liquid-liquid interface using VSFG spectroscopy. The POO$$^{-}$$ symmetric stretch vibrational signals of the HDEHP ligands clearly demonstrated that uranyl ions form interfacial complexes with HDEHP at the oil/water interface. The interfacial uranyl-HDEHP complexes were formed with uranyl ions coming from both the aqueous and oil phases, strongly suggesting that the interfacial complex is an intermediate to cross the oil/water interface. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations proposed the molecular structure of the interfacial uranyl-HDEHP complex.


Using CO$$_{2}$$ Reactions to Achieve Mass-spectrometric Discrimination in Simultaneous Plutonium-isotope Speciation with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

松枝 誠; 川上 智彦*; 小荒井 一真; 寺島 元基; 藤原 健壮; 飯島 和毅; 古川 真*; 高貝 慶隆*

Chemistry Letters, 51(7), p.678 - 682, 2022/07

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:59.20(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法(ICP-MS)を用いて、複雑な同位体干渉を受けることなく、様々なPu同位体を同時に同定するための新しい方法論を開発した。ICP-MS/MS及びDRC内でのCO$$_{2}$$ガス反応を用いて、Pu同位体分析($$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{240}$$Pu, $$^{241}$$Pu, $$^{242}$$Pu, $$^{244}$$Pu)におけるAm, Cm, Uなどの同重体干渉によるバックグラウンドノイズ強度を除去した。


Polymer photonic crystals prepared by triblock copolymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation

磯崎 祐嘉*; 東原口 誠也*; 金子 直矢*; 山崎 駿*; 谷口 竜王*; 唐津 孝*; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平

Chemistry Letters, 51(6), p.625 - 628, 2022/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:25.39(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Polymer photonic crystals (PPCs) that selectively reflect visible light were prepared by triblock polymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. The addition of homopolymer to the polymerization system swelled a specific phase of the microdomains, enabling the preparation of PPCs with long-wavelength structural colors. Small-angle neutron scattering confirmed the increase in the domain spacing of the lamellar microdomains with the addition of homopolymer, while maintaining their morphology.


Crystalline fully carboxylated polyacetylene obtained under high pressure as a Li-ion battery anode material

Wang, X.*; Tang, X.*; Zhang, P.*; Wang, Y.*; Gao, D.*; Liu, J.*; Hui, K.*; Wang, Y.*; Dong, X.*; 服部 高典; et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 12(50), p.12055 - 12061, 2021/12

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:61.73(Chemistry, Physical)



Prediction of stability constants for novel chelates design in minor actinides partitioning over lanthanides using density functional theory calculation

金子 政志; 佐々木 祐二; 和田 恵梨子*; 中瀬 正彦*; 竹下 健二*

Chemistry Letters, 50(10), p.1765 - 1769, 2021/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

密度汎関数計算を用いて、マイナーアクチノイドとランタノイドの新規分離試薬の分子設計に向けて水溶液中におけるEu$$^{3+}$$及びAm$$^{3+}$$錯体の安定度定数を予想した。実験値の安定度定数の対数と計算した錯生成エンタルピーは、一次の決定係数R$$^{2}$$ $$>$$ 0.98で相関した。さらに、新規キレート配位子の安定度定数の予測を試み、ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸キレート配位子の誘導体が、酸性条件での使用やAm$$^{3+}$$分離性能の観点から有用であることが示唆された。


Highly-sensitive analysis of fluorescence XANES at Europium (Eu) L$$_{rm III}$$-edge for the determination of oxidation state for trace amount of Eu in natural samples by bragg-type crystal analyzer system

小長谷 莉未*; 河村 直己*; 山口 瑛子; 高橋 嘉夫*

Chemistry Letters, 50(8), p.1570 - 1572, 2021/08

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:16.17(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Electrochemical studies of uranium (IV) in an ionic liquid-DMF mixture to build a redox flow battery using uranium as an electrode active material

大内 和希; 小松 篤史; 鷹尾 康一朗*; 北辻 章浩; 渡邉 雅之

Chemistry Letters, 50(6), p.1169 - 1172, 2021/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.14(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Freezable and unfreezable hydration water; Distinct contributions to protein dynamics revealed by neutron scattering

山本 直樹*; 古府 麻衣子; 中島 健次; 中川 洋; 柴山 修哉*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 12(8), p.2172 - 2176, 2021/03

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:61.73(Chemistry, Physical)



Neutron spin-echo studies of the structural relaxation of network liquid ZnCl$$_2$$ at the structure factor primary peak and prepeak

Luo, P.*; Zhai, Y.*; Leao, J. B.*; 古府 麻衣子; 中島 健次; Faraone, A.*; Zhang, Y.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 12(1), p.392 - 398, 2021/01

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:40.35(Chemistry, Physical)

典型的なネットワークイオン性液体ZnCl$$_2$$の第1およびプレ回折ピークでの微視的な構造緩和を中性子スピンエコー分光により調べた。第1構造ピークの緩和はプレピークのものより速く、活性化エネルギーは約33%高い。融点より十分高温においても、伸長指数関数で記述される緩和が観測された。驚くべきことに、とくに第1ピークにおいて、非指数関数性パラメータは冷却とともに急激に増加し、$$T_{rm m}$$に向かって緩和は伸長指数型から指数型へと変わる。これらの結果は、過冷却状態の典型的なガラス的ダイナミクスが平衡液体で現れること、2つの異なる空間スケールの運動の活性化エネルギーが冷却に伴うネットワーク構造の形成と関連していることを示唆する。


Gas barrier properties of chemical vapor-deposited graphene to oxygen imparted with sub-electronvolt kinetic energy

小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; Holby, E. F.*; 山田 貴壽*; 吉越 章隆; 高桑 雄二*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 11(21), p.9159 - 9164, 2020/11

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:14.75(Chemistry, Physical)



Extraction and separation between light and heavy lanthanides by $$N,N,N',N'$$-tetraoctyl-diglycolamide from organic acid

佐々木 祐二; 松宮 正彦*; 中瀬 正彦*; 竹下 健二*

Chemistry Letters, 49(10), p.1216 - 1219, 2020/10

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:38.14(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Nanoscale relaxation in "Water-in-Salt" and "Water-in-Bisalt" electrolytes

Gonzal$'e$z, M. A.*; Borodin, O.*; 古府 麻衣子; 柴田 薫; 山田 武*; 山室 修*; Xu, K.*; Price, D. L.*; Saboungi, M.-L.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 11(17), p.7279 - 7284, 2020/09

 被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:79.54(Chemistry, Physical)

"Water-in-salt" (WIS) and "water-in-bisalt" (WIBS) electrolytes have recently been developed for Li-ion batteries. We report Quasielastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) measurements on solutions of a WIS electrolyte at two concentrations, and a WIBS electrolyte at one concentration. The data were Fourier transformed to obtain experimental intermediate scattering functions (ISFs) and compared with corresponding quantities obtained from Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Both QENS and MD ISFs could be fitted well by a single stretched exponential function to obtain apparent translational diffusion coefficients for the water molecules. The QENS values agree well with the MD simulations for the solutions of a WIS electrolyte at two concentrations, but MD simulations predict a slower relaxation of water compared to QENS for the WIBS electrolyte. Comparison of the incoherent and coherent scattering reveals much faster water dynamics compared with structural relaxation of the ionic framework.


Local structure of rare earth elements (REE) in marine ferromanganese oxides by extended X-ray absorption fine structure and its comparison with REE in ion-adsorption type deposits

長澤 真*; Qin, H.-B.*; 山口 瑛子; 高橋 嘉夫*

Chemistry Letters, 49(8), p.909 - 911, 2020/08

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:17.04(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Speciation of rare earth elements (REE) in marine ferromanganese oxides (MFMO) was conducted by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and sequential extraction to compare the enrichment mechanisms and extraction rates between MFMO and ion-adsorption type deposits, which can be reasonably explained by the formation of inner- and outer-sphere complexes in the two materials for yttrium and other REE.


Nanostructural characterization of oleyl acid phosphate in poly-$$alpha$$-olefin using small-angle X-ray scattering

大場 洋次郎; 元川 竜平; 日野 正裕*; 足立 望*; 戸高 義一*; 井上 倫太郎*; 杉山 正明*

Chemistry Letters, 49(7), p.823 - 825, 2020/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Nanostructures in lubricants play a key role in lubrication properties. In this study, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was applied to characterize the nanostructures of oleyl acid phosphate (OLAP) in base oil. The results show that OLAP forms reverse-micellar-like aggregates. This information from SAXS will drive further development of lubricants.

111 件中 1件目~20件目を表示