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和田 裕貴; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 239, p.126598_1 - 126598_18, 2025/04
This study reviewed the saturated boiling heat transfer research in downward flows. A database of downward flow heat transfer experiments was created using experimental studies. Saturated boiling heat transfer correlations in internal flows were collected, and no downward flow-specific heat transfer correlations were identified. The applicability of heat transfer correlations to downward flow heat transfer experiments was evaluated, and no correlation could predict the heat transfer coefficients accurately for all experimental databases. However, correlations that could predict heat transfer coefficients reasonably well were determined for each channel size. Cooper's correlation [Int. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser. 86 (1984) 785-792] had a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 11.7% for mini-channels and Kim and Mudawar's correlation [Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 64 (2013) 1239-1256] had an MAPE of 66.5% for macro-channels. Furthermore, because the advection direction between the liquid-phase and the generated bubbles differed depending on the liquid-phase velocity in downward flows, we evaluated the prediction performance of the heat transfer coefficient for the liquid-phase velocity. For some experimental data, the prediction performance of the existing correlation for downward flow heat transfer worsened as the advection velocity of the bubbles decreased. This result is one of the issues to be addressed in the future development of heat transfer correlations.
孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126445_1 - 126445_14, 2025/02
Various bubbles exist in two-phase flows. A practical approach is classifying the bubbles into two groups based on their drag coefficients. Two-group two-fluid model can potentially provide the most accurate analysis of two-phase flows. Two-group drift-flux model should be established as a constitutive equation to simplify the two-group two-fluid model for its practical use. The drift-flux model for large square channels has seldom been investigated, even though such channels exist in various engineering systems. This study developed the two-group drift-flux model for large square channels based on experimental databases.
茂木 孝介; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊詞*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126406_1 - 126406_15, 2025/02
被引用回数:0We performed Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations of a single-phase turbulent opposing flow mixed convection in a heated vertical circular tube. Previous research has indicated that the Launder-Sharma model (hereafter the LS model), one of the most popular RANS turbulence models, overestimates experimental heat transfer coefficients for opposing flows. Although the RANS models have been widely applied to opposing flows in various systems, the mechanism and conditions under which the predictive performance of the LS models fail remain unclear. This study aims to understand the model characteristics and their applicability under various mixed convection conditions. This article investigates the LS model, the LS model with the Yap correction, and the model. The LS model remarkably over predicts the Nusselt number and the friction coefficient under highly buoyant conditions. The error for the Nusselt number was more than 90% for , where is a controlling parameter. The conditions under which the prediction of the LS model fails are linked to those under which reverse flow occurs near the heated wall. The reverse flow condition is given by . This condition could be used where the LS model cannot be applied. The LS model with Yap correction and model can predict experimental data successfully from forced convection to mixed convection conditions . For natural convection-dominant conditions , the LS model with the Yap correction was numerically unstable and could not obtain a converged numerical solution; however, the model stably reproduced the experimental data. By optimizing the model constants included in the Yap correction, the stability and accuracy of the calculation can be improved under highly buoyant opposing flow conditions.
Zhang, H.*; 梅原 裕太郎*; 吉田 啓之; 森 昌司*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 218, p.124750_1 - 124750_11, 2024/01
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:53.62(Thermodynamics)The interfacial shear stress and pressure drop of an upward vertical annular flow of nitrogen-water, HFC134a-water, and nitrogen-95% ethanol solution were comprehensively investigated considering the effect of the liquid-gas density ratio and surface tension. A direct link between the disturbance wave height and equivalent sand-grain roughness was noted through the analogy with the famous Moody chart for single-phase turbulent flows. A predictive model of the interfacial friction factor was developed based on this finding. To predict the pressure drop of the annular flow, a new model with good predictive performance for annular flows of various working fluids including steam-water under boiling water reactor operating condition (286C and 7MPa) was proposed.
安田 陽介*; 松本 吉弘*; 篠原 武尚; 鍋島 史花*; 堀内 敬介*; 永井 大樹*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 213, p.124291_1 - 124291_2, 2023/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)Behaviors of the working fluid in a flat-plate pulsating heat pipe (PHP), made of aluminum alloy, in the bottom- and top-heating orientations were visualized by neutron radiography. The results indicate that the initial distribution of the working fluid does not affect the startup characteristics of oscillation of the working fluid in regard to the specifications of flat-plate PHP used in this study.
孫 昊旻; 功刀 資彰*; 横峯 健彦*; Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211, p.124214_1 - 124214_17, 2023/09
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:40.04(Thermodynamics)An experiment for upward bubbly flows was conducted in a large square channel. The local void fraction, axial gas velocity, axial liquid velocity, interfacial area concentration, and Sauter mean diameter were measured at three axial locations. Based on the measurement data, the flow characteristics through flow development were investigated. The drift-flux parameters were directly determined from the local measurement data through their definitions. It was found that the distribution parameters and the void fractions could be fairly reproduced by the existing correlations for large circular pipes. Furthermore, the interfacial area concentrations could be predicted by existing correlations with reasonable accuracy.
Zhang, H.*; 梅原 裕太郎*; 吉田 啓之; 森 昌司*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211, p.124253_1 - 124253_13, 2023/09
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:82.20(Thermodynamics)In this study, the characteristics of disturbance waves, including velocity, longitudinal size, and frequency, are comprehensively investigated by conducting gas-liquid upward annular flow experiments in a 5 mm tube through the constant electric current method (CECM). The film thickness time trace is recorded concerning time, and the information on disturbance waves is subsequently extracted. The effect of liquid and gas flow rate, density ratio, and surface tension on the disturbance wave is quantitatively analyzed. A predictive model of the wave velocity based on the shear stress balance of the liquid film is proposed. A physical model for wave frequency prediction is derived on the basis of the mass conservation equation. A simple empirical model with good prediction accuracy of wave frequency is also derived. Compared with existing correlations available in the literature, the newly derived models show better performance under a wide range of flow conditions.
Han, X.*; Shen, X.*; 山本 俊弘*; 中島 健*; 孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178, p.121637_1 - 121637_24, 2021/10
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:72.20(Thermodynamics)This paper studies the flow regimes, their transitions and the drift-flux correlations in upward gas-liquid two-phase flows in vertical rod bundle flow channels. The flows are classified into 5 flow regimes, namely, bubbly, finely dispersed bubbly, cap-bubbly, churn and annular flows according to their different flow characteristics. Transition criteria between the flow regimes are proposed mechanistically. Those criteria can correctly predict 83% of the existing experimental observation of the flow regime. The drift-flux correlations for the distribution parameter and the drift velocity are also improved. The void fractions predicted by those correlations are compared with the existing experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement with mean relative error of 8%.
Wang, Z.; Duan, G.*; 松永 拓也*; 杉山 智之
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, p.119919_1 - 119919_20, 2020/08
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:76.85(Thermodynamics)Enforcing accurate and consistent boundary conditions is a difficult issue for particle methods, due to the lack of information outside boundaries. Recently, consistent Neumann boundary condition enforcement is developed for the least squares moving particle semi-implicit method (LSMPS). However, the Robin boundary cannot be straightforwardly considered by that method because no computational variables are defined on the wall boundary. In this paper, a consistent Robin boundary enforcement for heat transfer problem is proposed. Based on the Taylor series expansion, the Robin boundary condition for temperature is converted to the fitting function of internal rather than boundary particles and incorporated into least squares approach for discretization schemes. Arbitrary geometries can be easily treated due to the use of polygons for wall boundary. A convergence study was firstly carried out to verify the consistency. Then, numerical tests of 1-D and 2-D heat conduction problems subjected to mixed boundary conditions were performed for verification, and good agreements with theoretical solutions were observed. Natural convection problems with different boundary conditions in an annulus were carried out for further validations of heat-fluid coupling. Excellent agreements between the present and literature results were demonstrated.
Han, X.*; Shen, X.*; 山本 俊弘*; 中島 健*; 孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 144, p.118696_1 - 118696_19, 2019/12
被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:67.63(Thermodynamics)This paper presents a database of local flow parameters for upward adiabatic air-water two-phase flows in a vertical 66 rod bundle flow channel. The local void fraction, interfacial area concentration (IAC), bubble diameter and bubble velocity vector were measured by using a four-sensor optical probe. Based on an existing state-of-the-art four-sensor probe methodology with the characteristic to count small bubbles, IAC in this study was derived more reliably than those in the existing studies. In addition, bubble velocity vector could be measured by the methodology. Based on this database, flow characteristics were investigated. The area-averaged void fraction and IAC were compared with the predictions from the drift-flux model and the IAC correlations, respectively. The applicability of those to the rod bundle flow channel was evaluated.
木村 暢之; 宮越 博幸; 上出 英樹
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50(9-10), p.2024 - 2036, 2007/05
被引用回数:56 パーセンタイル:84.46(Thermodynamics)高速炉において、温度の異なる流体が混合することにより発生するサーマルストライピング現象を定量的に評価することは、構造健全性の担保及び設計合理化のうえで重要である。そこで、流体から構造材への非定常熱伝達挙動を明らかにするために、平行三噴流Na試験を実施した。構造材表面近傍における流体中と構造材中の温度変動から2点間の伝達関数を求め、既存の単一周期の理論式を適用し、熱伝達率を導出した。その結果、流体中の温度変動から構造材中の温度変動挙動を良好に再現することができた。
椎名 保顕; 稲垣 照美*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48(2), p.373 - 383, 2005/01
被引用回数:37 パーセンタイル:74.54(Thermodynamics)潜熱蓄熱の実用化には伝熱促進が不可欠であるが、熱伝導率の高い多孔体中に蓄熱媒体を含浸させ実効熱伝導率を向上させることにより伝熱促進を図る方法が考えられる。本研究では、気孔率の高い発泡金属中に蓄熱媒体を含浸させた場合の相変化時間に及ぼす実効熱伝導率等の影響を、円筒カプセル蓄熱体を用いた場合について数値解析及び近似解析により評価した。その結果、蓄熱媒体の熱伝導率が低い場合には、相変化時間は数十倍短縮されること、また、フィンを用いる場合に比べても数倍から十倍程度伝熱が促進されることを示し、この方法が伝熱促進に高い有効性を有することを明らかにした。
呉田 昌俊; 日引 俊*; 三島 嘉一郎*; 秋本 肇
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(7), p.1171 - 1181, 2003/03
被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:51.84(Thermodynamics)ボイド率と沸騰開始点の実験データ及びシステムパラメータの影響評価が、高熱流束限界熱流束予測モデルの検討を進めるうえで必要であった。そこで著者は、中性子ラジオグラフィ高速度撮像法によるボイド率計測技術を開発し、サブクール沸騰流の瞬時ボイド率及び時間平均ボイド率を計測し、ボイド率データベースを蓄積してきた。本研究では、瞬時ボイド率の計測結果から瞬時及び時間平均の沸騰開始点を求め、システムパラメータが沸騰開始点での熱平衡クオリティに及ぼす影響を評価した。評価の結果、システムパラメータの影響が小さいことがわかった。次に、既存の沸騰開始点評価式の短加熱長矩形流路への適用性を検討し、既存の評価式は沸騰開始点での熱平衡クオリティを過小評価することを示した。また、沸騰開始点の評価が限界熱流束モデルによる限界熱流束予測に及ぼす影響を試算し、予測精度が向上することを示した。
呉田 昌俊; 秋本 肇
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 45(20), p.4107 - 4115, 2002/09
被引用回数:52 パーセンタイル:83.04(Thermodynamics)本研究では、片面加熱狭隘矩形流路における高熱流速限界熱流束実験を行い、狭隘流路内サブクール沸騰流用無次元限界熱流束相関式を提案することを目的とした。まず、片面加熱狭隘矩形流炉用無次元相関式を、各種パラメータの限界熱流束に及ぼ影響を整理しなから導出した。従来の限界熱流束予測式を片面加熱狭隘矩形流路へ適用した場合と比べて、計算精度が2~10倍程度改善できた。次に、得られた式の両面加熱狭隘矩形流路,半周加熱小口径鉛管,全周加熱小口径鉛管への適用性を検討し、各種狭隘流路に対して限界熱流束を統合的に評価できる式を提案した。
菊池 茂人*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(6), p.1213 - 1221, 2001/03
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:53.04(Thermodynamics)ペブル充填層の実効熱伝導率の数値解析では、これまで、ペブルが正方格子状に規則配列した場合のユニットセルでモデル化しており、ランダム配列を考慮していないにもかかわらず、測定結果に一致してしまい、この解明が課題であった。また、ペブル充填層の熱伝導率が容器壁近傍で減少することが測定されていたが、その物理的説明が不十分であり、数値解析モデルも存在しなかった。本研究では、ランダムペブル充填層の熱伝導率は、従来のユニットセルの約2倍と評価した。また、壁近傍で熱伝導率が減少する原因は、壁近傍でペブル同士の接触点の数が減少すること、及び容器壁の熱伝導率が有限な大きさであることを示し、容器壁を含むことを特徴とする解析モデルを提案した。壁近傍熱伝導率とパルク領域の熱伝導率比を、文献をもとに測定値と比較し、本解析モデルの妥当性を検証した。