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検索結果: 9 件中 1件目~9件目を表示
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Development of the external pressure charts of 2 $$^{1}/_{4}$$Cr-1Mo and Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel at elevated temperature design

安藤 勝訓; 岡島 智史; 芋生 和道*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2019/07

高温設計における座屈に対する必要な厚さの評価のため、2種類のフェライト鋼(2 $$^{1}/_{4}$$Cr-1MoおよびMod.9Cr-1Mo鋼)の外圧チャートを開発した。本提案においては、日本機械学会の高速炉規格で提供されている機械的および物理的特性を使用して、ASME BPVCに記載されているガイドラインに基づいて、各材料の外圧チャートを作成した。この外圧チャートの提案により、これまで実施されていた150$$^{circ}$$Cを上回る温度では、これらの鋼種について、代替的に他の材料の外圧チャートを使用して評価しなくてはならなかったことと、代替しても480$$^{circ}$$Cを超えた場合には外圧チャートによる評価ができないことの二つの問題が解決される。


Plastic collapse stresses for thick wall pipes with external cracks

長谷川 邦夫; Li, Y.; Lacroix, V.*; Mare$v{s}$, V.*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2019/07

周方向欠陥を有する管の曲げによる塑性崩壊応力はASME Code Section XIにあるAppendix Cに用意されている極限荷重評価式で推定される。この式は外表面や内表面にある亀裂の管に適用される。一方、われわれは亀裂断面の平均半径を亀裂のあるところと無いところの平均半径を考慮した式を開発した。Appendix Cとこの式から得られる塑性崩壊応力を比較したところ、小口径で肉厚の厚い管では20から30%、Appendix Cによる応力は非保守的になることが分かったことから、Appendix Cの式の適用条件を検討した。


Consideration on fatigue crack growth thresholds under negative stress ratio

長谷川 邦夫; 宇佐美 三郎*; Lacroix, V.*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2019/07



Susceptibility to neutron irradiation embrittlement of heat-affected zone of reactor pressure vessel steels

高見澤 悠; 勝山 仁哉; 河 侑成; 飛田 徹; 西山 裕孝; 鬼沢 邦雄

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2019/07



Application of probabilistic fracture mechanics methodology for Japanese reactor pressure vessels using PASCAL4

Lu, K.; 勝山 仁哉; Li, Y.; 吉村 忍*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/07

Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) methodology, which represents the influence parameters in their inherent probabilistic distributions, is deemed to be promising in the structural integrity assessment of pressure-boundary components in nuclear power plants. To strengthen the applicability of PFM methodology in Japan, Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed a PFM analysis code called PASCAL4 (PFM Analysis of Structural Components in Aging LWRs Version 4) which can be used to evaluate the failure frequency of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) considering neutron irradiation embrittlement and pressurized thermal shock events. PASCAL4 is expected to make a significant contribution to the probabilistic integrity assessment of Japanese RPVs. In this study, PFM analyses are performed for a Japanese model RPV using PASCAL4, and the effects of non-destructive examination and neutron fluence mitigation on failure frequency of RPV are quantitatively evaluated. From the analysis results, it is concluded that PASCAL4 is useful for the structural integrity assessment of RPVs and can enhance the applicability of PFM methodology.


Effect of coolant water temperature of ECCS on failure probability of RPV

勝山 仁哉; 眞崎 浩一; Lu, K.; 渡辺 正*; Li, Y.

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2019/07



A Proposal of inelastic constitutive equations of lead alloys used for structural tests simulating severe accident conditions

橋立 竜太; 鬼澤 高志; 若井 隆純; 笠原 直人*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/07

シビアアクシデント時には、原子力発電所の構造材料は過度の高温にさらされる。過酷事故時の構造物の終局破損様式を把握することは非常に重要であるが、そのようなシビアアクシデント時の破壊メカニズムは明らかにされていない。しかしながら、実際の構造材料を用いて構造物破壊試験を実施することは非常に難しく、かつ高価な試験になる。そこで、実際の構造材料の代わりに鉛合金を使用した構造物破壊試験を提案する。鉛合金の強度は実際の構造材料の強度よりもはるかに小さく、低温, 低荷重で試験を実施することが可能である。低温における鉛合金の破壊機構と過渡の高温における実際の構造材料の破壊機構の類似性を実証するために数値解析が必要である。鉛合金の材料特性を把握し、数値解析(有限要素解析)に必要な鉛合金の非弾性構成式を開発する。


A Comparison of proximity rules for surface planar flaws

Bouydo, A.*; Dulieu, P.*; Lacroix, V.*; 長谷川 邦夫; Mare$v{s}$, V.*

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/07

Flaw assessment according to Fitness-For-Service (FFS) codes is usually based on equations describing the impact of a single flaw in piping or pressure vessels components. However, when multiple flaws are detected, interaction rules are to be taken into account to evaluate whether these flaws should be combined into a larger flaw or should be evaluated as separate ones. In recent years, numerous works have be done to evaluate the conservatism of the interaction rules required by FFS code and, if needed, establish new characterization rules. These new characterization rules are based on the distance between flaws, their depths their lengths or a combination of these three parameters in order to reflect the level of interaction between adjacent flaws. A comparison, focusing on multiple surface planar flaws, between ASME B&PV Section XI current combination rules, other Fitness-For-Service codes and other interaction rules established by fellow authors in presented in this paper.


Generic proximity rules for multiple radially oriented planar flaws; Technical basis of code case N-877 revision 1

Dulieu, P.*; Lacroix, V.*; 長谷川 邦夫

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/07

In the case of planar flaws detected in pressure components, flaw characterization plays a major role in the flaw acceptability assessment. When the detected flaws are in close proximity, proximity rules given in the Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Codes require to combine the interacting flaws into a single flaw. However, the specific combination criteria of planar flaws vary across the FFS Codes. These criteria are often based on flaw depth and distance between flaws only. However, the level of interaction depends on more parameters such as the relative position of flaws, the flaw sizes and their aspect ratio. In this context, revised and improved proximity criteria have been developed to more precisely reflect the actual interaction between planar flaws. Thanks to numerous three-dimensional XFEM analyses, a wide range of configurations has been covered, including interaction between two surface flaws, interaction between two subsurface flaws and interaction between a surface flaw and a subsurface flaw. This paper explains in detail the steps followed to derive such a generic proximity rules for radially oriented planar flaws.

9 件中 1件目~9件目を表示
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