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First-principles calculations on dislocations in MgO

清原 慎*; 都留 智仁; 熊谷 悠*

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 25(1), p.2393567_1 - 2393567_9, 2024/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Direct ${it in-situ}$ temperature measurement for lamp-based heating device

墨田 岳大; 須藤 彩子; 高野 公秀; 池田 篤史

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; Methods (Internet), 2(1), p.50 - 54, 2022/02

Despite a wide variety of its practical applications, handiness, and cost-effectiveness, the advance of lamp-based heating device is obstructed by one technical difficulty in measuring the temperature on a heated material. This difficulty originates in the combination of polychromatic light source and a radiation thermometer that determines temperature from radiation (i.e. light). A new system developed in this study overcomes this intrinsic difficulty by measuring exclusively the radiation from the heated material, allowing us to perform the direct and ${it in-situ}$ measurement of temperature in a light-based heating device (an arc image furnace). Test measurements demonstrated the reliability of temperature measurement using the developed system as well as its promising potential for the determination of emissivity at high temperature particularly in the infrared region.


High reactivity of H$$_{2}$$O vapor on GaN surfaces

角谷 正友*; 隅田 真人*; 津田 泰孝; 坂本 徹哉; Sang, L.*; 原田 善之*; 吉越 章隆

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23(1), p.189 - 198, 2022/00

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:46.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Work hardening behavior of hot-rolled metastable Fe$$_{50}$$Co$$_{25}$$Ni$$_{10}$$Al$$_{5}$$Ti$$_{5}$$Mo$$_{5}$$ medium-entropy alloy; In situ neutron diffraction analysis

Kwon, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Gong, W.; Jeong, S. G.*; Kim, E. S.*; Sathiyamoorthi, P.*; 加藤 秀実*; Kim, H. S.*

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23(1), p.579 - 586, 2022/00

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:46.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Metastability engineering is a strategy to enhance the strength and ductility of alloys via deliberately lowering phase stability and prompting deformation-induced martensitic transformation. In this work, the martensitic transformation and its effect on the mechanical response of a Fe$$_{50}$$Co$$_{25}$$Ni$$_{10}$$Al$$_{5}$$Ti$$_{5}$$Mo$$_{5}$$ medium-entropy alloy (MEA) were studied by in situ neutron diffraction under tensile loading. This work shows how great a role FCC to BCC martensitic transformation can play in enhancing the mechanical properties of ferrous MEAs.


Investigation of microstructure in additive manufactured Inconel 625 by spatially resolved neutron transmission spectroscopy

Tremsin, A. S.*; Gao, Y.*; Dial, L. C.*; Grazzi, F.*; 篠原 武尚

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 17(1), p.324 - 336, 2016/07


 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:53.44(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Non-destructive testing techniques based on neutron imaging and diffraction can provide information on the internal structure of relatively thick metal samples (up to several cm), which are opaque to other conventional non-destructive methods. Spatially resolved neutron transmission spectroscopy is an extension of traditional neutron radiography, where multiple images are acquired simultaneously, each corresponding to a narrow range of energy. The analysis of transmission spectra enables studies of bulk microstructures at the spatial resolution comparable to the detector pixel. In this study we demonstrate the possibility of imaging (with about 100 $$mu$$ m resolution) distribution of some microstructure properties, such as residual strain, texture, voids and impurities in Inconel 625 samples manufactured with an additive manufacturing method called direct metal laser melting (DMLM).


Possible weak magnetism in MB$$_6$$ (M: Ca, Ba) probed by muon spin relaxation and muon level-crossing resonance

黒岩 壮吾*; 高際 實之*; 山澤 眞紀*; 秋光 純*; 幸田 章宏*; 門野 良典*; 大石 一城; 髭本 亘; 渡邊 功雄*

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 7(1), p.12 - 16, 2006/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:21.95(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

CaB$$_6$$はキュリー温度$$T_C=600$$Kの強磁性体である可能性を指摘した論文が発表されて以来、本物質の強磁性の起源に関する研究は理論及び実験の両側面から精力的に行われてきた。われわれは$$mu$$SR法を用いてMB$$_6$$(M=Ca, Ba)の磁性を調べることを目的に研究を行った。その結果、CaB$$_6$$では130K,BaB$$_6$$では110K以下でミュオン緩和率の増大を観測したが、磁気秩序の発達に伴うミュオンスピン回転スペクトルは観測されなかった。またCaB$$_6$$におけるミュオン準位交差共鳴実験の結果から、炭素サイトでの電場勾配が110Kでステップ状に変化することが判明した。これらの結果から、ミュオン緩和率の増大は電場勾配の変化により微小な内部磁場が出現した可能性を示唆する。

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