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High reactivity of H$$_{2}$$O vapor on GaN surfaces


角谷 正友*; 隅田 真人*; 津田 泰孝   ; 坂本 徹哉; Sang, L.*; 原田 善之*; 吉越 章隆 

Sumiya, Masatomo*; Sumita, Masato*; Tsuda, Yasutaka; Sakamoto, Tetsuya; Sang, L.*; Harada, Yoshitomo*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka


GaN is an attracting material for power-electronic devices. Understanding the oxidation at GaN surface is important for improving metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices. In this study, the oxidation at GaN surfaces depending on the GaN crystal planes (+c, -c, and m-plane) was investigated by real time XPS and DFT-MD simulation. We found that H$$_{2}$$O vapor has the highest reactivity due to the spin interaction between H$$_{2}$$O and GaN surfaces. The bond length between the Ga and N on the -c GaN surface was increased by OH attacking the back side of three-fold Ga atom. The chemisorption on the m-plane was dominant. The intense reactions of oxidation and Al$$_{x}$$Ga$$_{1-x}$$N formation for p-GaN were observed at the interface of the Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ layer deposited by ALD using H$$_{2}$$O vapor. This study suggests that an oxidant gas other than H$$_{2}$$O and O$$_{2}$$ should be used to avoid unintentional oxidation during Al$$_{x}$$Ga$$_{1-x}$$N atomi layer deposition.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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