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Journal Articles

Migration of radioactive $$^{85}$$Sr,$$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{60}$$Co through a loess soil layer

Z.Li*; H.Wang*; Takebe, Shinichi; Tanaka, Tadao

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.353, 0, p.1109 - 1115, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Sorption of $$^{60}$$Co,$$^{85}$$Sr,$$^{137}$$Cs,$$^{237}$$Np and $$^{241}$$Am on soil under coexistence of humic acid; Effects of molecular size of humic acid

Tanaka, Tadao;

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.353, 0, p.1013 - 1020, 1995/00

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JAEA Reports

Field test of radionuclide migration; Cooperative research between JAERI and CIRP

; Yamamoto, Tadatoshi; ; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Tanaka, Tadao; Mukai, Masayuki; Komiya, Tomokazu; S.Li*; Z.Wang*; et al.

JAERI-Research 94-009, 44 Pages, 1994/07


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JAEA Reports

Determination of distribution ratio for $$^{60}$$Co,$$^{85}$$Sr and $$^{134}$$Cs in loess medium

Tanaka, Tadao; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Z.Li*; H.Wang*;

JAERI-M 94-077, 17 Pages, 1994/06


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JAEA Reports

Preliminary investigation on determination of radionuclide distribution in field tracing test site

Tanaka, Tadao; Guo, Z.*; Mukai, Masayuki; Takebe, Shinichi; S.Li*;

JAERI-M 93-235, 17 Pages, 1993/12


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JAEA Reports

Radionuclide migration behavior at the low adsorption region on the aerated soil testing, the second report; Effect of inflow volume and migration analysis

Takebe, Shinichi; Mukai, Masayuki; Komiya, Tomokazu; Kamiyama, Hideo

JAERI-M 93-034, 15 Pages, 1993/02


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JAEA Reports

Radionuclide migration behavior at the low adsorption region on the aerated soil testing

Takebe, Shinichi; Mukai, Masayuki; Komiya, Tomokazu; Kamiyama, Hideo

JAERI-M 92-205, 19 Pages, 1993/01


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Journal Articles

Characteristics of migration of $$^{85}$$Sr and $$^{137}$$Cs in alkaline solution through sandy soil

Onuki, Toshihiko

Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 212, p.609 - 616, 1991/00

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Journal Articles

Sorption mechanism of radioactive nuclides in sedimentary rocks

Tanaka, Tadao; K.Sriyotha*; Kamiyama, Hideo

Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management: RECOD91,Vol. 2, p.1011 - 1016, 1991/00

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JAEA Reports

Migration behavior of radionuclide in soil layer of final storage; Radionuclide migration test in aerated soil layer by precipitation

Yamamoto, Tadatoshi; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Tanaka, Tadao; Mukai, Masayuki; Komiya, Tomokazu; ;

JAERI-M 89-189, 18 Pages, 1989/11


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JAEA Reports

Migration behavior of radionuclide in soil layer of final storage site; Radionuclide migration test in aerated soil layer by radioactive contaminated water

Yamamoto, Tadatoshi; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Tanaka, Tadao; Mukai, Masayuki; Komiya, Tomokazu; ;

JAERI-M 89-144, 23 Pages, 1989/10


no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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