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JAEA Reports

Study on construction technology for repository

Tanai, Kenji; Iwasa, Kengo; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Miura, K.*; Okutsu, Kazuo*; Kobayashi, Masaaki*

JNC TN8400 99-046, 177 Pages, 1999/11


For the construction of underground facilities comprising access tunnels, connecting tunnels, main tunnels and disposal tunnels, a large number of tunnels will be excavated in deep rock formations. These excavations will extend hundreds kilometers in total length. Therefore, special attention must be paid, to transporting large volume of debris, ventilation, emergency escape routes in case of accident, and other factors. In addition, special attention must also paid to potential accidents which might in underground excavations, including unstable facing phenomena (such as collapse and swelling of facing at weak layer sections), spring water flow resulting collapse of rock, gas eruption, and rock burst. While considering these factors to be emphasized during the construction of geological disposal facilities, the investigation reviewed the existing working methods on individual construction technologies of access tunnels, main tunnels, connecting tunnels, disposal tunnels, and disposal pit, based on the recognition that the present state deals with a wide range of geological environments, and conducted investigation about the construction methods for each tunnel on the basis current technologies, and described the outline of these methods. Furthermore, for the items to be particulaly emphasized on site characterization koko and siting data such as ground pressure and spring water, the investigation reviewed the current countermeasure works, and made survey on the phenomena appeared during actual tunnel construction works and their countermeasres, and carried out a study on effectiveness of these countermeasures. This constructing of disposal site in deep geological formations is basically possible by applying, or confirming, current excavation technologies for tunnels and underground facilities, A systematic construction system combines separate technologies relating to construction, (excavation technology, tunnel support work method, etc.). Such systems ...

JAEA Reports

Backfilling of the underground facilities on a disposal site

Sugita, Yutaka; Fujita, Tomoo; Tanai, Kenji; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Furuichi, Mitsuaki*; Okutsu, Kazuo*; Miura, K.*

JNC TN8400 99-039, 58 Pages, 1999/11


Regarding disposal techniques of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), the HLW is vitrified and then stored for cooling for a period of 30 to 50 years. After cooling, the HLW is isolated in the deep underground. The concept of geological disposal is based on the requirement to enclose the HLW in the deep underground for the long-term durability of the human's environmental safety. Backfilling of a repository is a unique activity on the geological disposal. If underground tunnels excavated to construct the repository are left, they may have significant influences on the barrier performance of an entire repository, such as: the mechanical stability of a tunnel may be damaged by rock stresses and a tunnel may provide a fast pathway for ground water flow. Therefore, the underground facilities are expected to be backfilled with a backfilling material after emplacement of the HLW and a buffer material. The material for the backfilling of the underground facilities is backfilling material. In this report, bentonite-aggregate mixture is considered, as one of the candidate materials for the backfilling material. Aggregate imitates the muck that is generated during construction phase of the underground facilities. The combination of backfilling, plugging and grouting is considered in some underground situations. Plug is composed of concrete material or clay-based one. Grouting material is concrete material or clay-based one, too. In this report, the concept of the backfilling, mechanical and hydrological characteristics of the bentonite-aggregate mixture, the function, work methods and a schedule of the backfilling materials, plugging and grouting are considered, and items of quality control for the bentonite-aggregate mixture, concrete material and grouting are listed.

JAEA Reports


; Asano, Tomohiro;

PNC TN7420 92-018, 53 Pages, 1992/06



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