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Journal Articles

A Measurement method of long-term mechanical stability of support and rock mass after the excavation of galleries; Case study in Horonobe Underground Research Center

Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Sakurai, Akitaka; Miyara, Nobukatsu; Sugita, Yutaka; Tanai, Kenji

Shigen, Sozai Koenshu (Internet), 6(2), 7 Pages, 2019/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Remodeling of diagnostics timing system for JT-60 degassing operation

Oshima, Takayuki; Iwasaki, Keita*; Shimizu, Kazuaki

Heisei-14-Nendo Tokyo Daigaku Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyukai Gijutsu Hokokushu, 3 Pages, 2003/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


JNC TJ7420 2000-007, 28 Pages, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of fabrication method for thermal expansion difference irradiation temperature monitor

; ; Miyakawa, Shunichi; ;

PNC TN9410 98-035, 60 Pages, 1998/03


This report describes the development activities for the fabrication of the Thermal Expansion Difference irradiation temperature monitor (TED) at the Oarai Engineering Center (OEC)/PNC. TED is used for various irradiation tests in the experimental fast reactor JOYO. TED is the most accurate off-line temperature monitor used for irradiation examination. The TED is composed of a metallic sphere lid and either a stainless steel or nickel alloy container. Once the container is filled with sodium, the metallic sphere lid is sealed by using a resistance weld. This capsule is then loaded into a reactor. Once a TED is loaded into the JOYO reactor, the sodium inside the metallic container increases as a result of thermal expansion. The TED identifies the peak irradiation temperature of the reactor based on a formula correlating temperature to increment values. This formula is established specifically for the particular TED being used during a calibration process performed when the TED is fabricated. Initially the TED was developed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the United States, and was imported by PNC for use in the JOYO reactor. In 1992 PNC decided to fabricate TED domestically in order to ensure the stability of future supplies. Based on technical information provided by ANL, PNC began fabrication of a TED on an experimental basis. In addition, PNC endeavored to make the domestically produced TED more efficient. This involved improving the techniques used in the sodium filling and the metallic sphere welding processes. These quality control efforts led to PNC's development of processes enabling the capsules to be filled with sodium to nearly 100%. As a result, the accuracy of the temperature dispersion in the out-pile calibration test was improved from $$pm$$10$$^{circ}$$C to $$pm$$5$$^{circ}$$. In 1996 the new domestically fabricated TED was attached to a JOYO irradiation rig. In March of 1997, irradiation of the rig was started on the 30th duty cycle operation, .

JAEA Reports

Field test of the PNC mobile investigation system

; ; ; Nakano, Katsushi

PNC TN7410 98-001, 37 Pages, 1998/02


Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) has been developing groundwater research instruments in order to characterize hydraulic and geochemical environments in the deep underground. As part of this development programme, a support system was developed in 1996 to conduct groundwater investigations efficiently. This system, called the PNC Mobile Investigation System, consists of 5 units: a data acquisition and analysis unit, a maintenance unit, a hoisting unit, a cable drum for hydraulic tests (Type I), and a cable drum for groundwater sampling (Type II). The system is the following features: (1) Groundwater investigation is possible without a drill machine and rig. (2) Long term investigation is possible without housing facilities and utilities. (3) Maintenance of instruments is possible in the field. (4) Control units, such as the computer, are well protected from the external environment. (5) Groundwater analysis is possible in the field. (6)Recovery of instruments stuck in the borehole is possible using the emergency hoisting unit. The first field test of this system was performed in February and March, 1997. Through this test, it was confirmed that the system had met its performance design when combined with a proper hydraulic test instrument. Much useful information for future improvements to the system was also obtained.

JAEA Reports


PNC TJ1439 97-001, 39 Pages, 1997/03



JAEA Reports


; ;

PNC TJ7439 96-005, 83 Pages, 1996/12


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

A study for leak testing in the fuel handling facility "JOYO"

Ito, Hideaki; ; ; Okubo, Toshiyuki

PNC TN9410 96-298, 177 Pages, 1996/11


The fuel handling facility in "JOYO" must maintain an argon atmosphere and be gas tight; this prevents the oxidation of sodium adhering to a fuel assembly and leakage of radioactive gases. Periodic leak testing of the double O-ring gas seal had been performed at increasing pressure to assure its specified leak tightness. The problem with this method was that it took a long time to obtain an accurate measurement. The leak testing methods for the fuel handling facility, the reactor containment vessel, and other vessels were all reexamined. As a consequence, it was determined that alternative devices and methods for improving the leak rate measurements should be studied. Four methods of leak testing were evaluated; the present increasing pressure method, helium leak testing, decreasing pressure method, and a liquid nitrogen decreasing pressure method. A new automatic leak measurement device was used in these evaluations. The results of the utilization and limitations of the four methods of leak testing are summarized as follows. (1) The decreasing pressure leak testing method was efficient with regard to accuracy and stability for use in the fuel handling facility. (2) The automatic leak measurement device used a statistical calculation to measure the leak rate stability and it met the specified measurement requirements. (3) The leak rate measuring time was reduced by half with this new device and it could also simultaneously examine other objects.

JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; ; ; Yoshida, Mika

PNC TN8440 97-001, 39 Pages, 1996/11



JAEA Reports


; ;

PNC TN9420 97-001, 82 Pages, 1996/10



JAEA Reports


Kurosawa, Ryuhei*

PNC TJ1615 96-002, 38 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports


Moro, Yoshiji*; Oanh, T.*; Amemiya, Kiyoshi*

PNC TJ1412 96-002, 237 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports


Moro, Yoshiji*; Oanh, T.*; Amemiya, Kiyoshi*

PNC TJ1412 96-001, 481 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports


Hirata, Yoichi*;

PNC TJ1439 95-002, 105 Pages, 1995/03



JAEA Reports


PNC TJ1615 95-001, 25 Pages, 1995/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


PNC TN1460 94-001, 141 Pages, 1994/04


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


PNC TN8440 94-025, 112 Pages, 1994/03



JAEA Reports


PNC TN8420 94-008, 8 Pages, 1994/03



JAEA Reports


Nishida, Kaoru*;

PNC TJ7308 94-001, 72 Pages, 1994/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


PNC TN8440 94-007, 106 Pages, 1993/12



35 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)