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Journal Articles

In situ X-ray observations of pure-copper layer formation with blue direct diode lasers

Sato, Yuji*; Tsukamoto, Masahiro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Funada, Yoshinori*; Yamashita, Yorihiro*; Hara, Takahiro*; Sengoku, Masanori*; Sakon, Yu*; Okubo, Tomomasa*; Yoshida, Minoru*; et al.

Applied Surface Science, 480, p.861 - 867, 2019/06

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:86.01(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

A Novel facial composite adsorbent for enhanced copper(II) detection and removal from wastewater

Awual, M. R.

Chemical Engineering Journal, 266, p.368 - 375, 2015/04

 Times Cited Count:684 Percentile:99.94(Engineering, Environmental)

Journal Articles

Synthesis and characterization of nickel-copper hydroxide acetate, NiCu(OH)$$_{3.1}$$(OCOCH$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.9}$$ $$cdot$$ 0.9H$$_{2}$$O

Kozai, Naofumi; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Fukuyama, Hiroyasu; Esaka, Fumitaka; Komarneni, S.*

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 89(1-3), p.123 - 131, 2006/03

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:38.65(Chemistry, Applied)

Layered transition metal hydroxide salt (LTMHS) is a group of anion-exchangeable layered compounds. Although LTMHSs have recentely attracted attention of researches on anion exchange and intercalation, very limited numbers of reports have been published on their synthesis, characteristics, and applications. This paper describes basic characteristics of a new LTMHS, nickel-copper hydroxide acetate. Hydrothermal Heating of an aqueous solution containing nickel acetate, copper acetate, and hydrogen peroxide to 150$$^{o}$$C for 4h yielded a layered compound with an analytical composition of NiCu(OH)$$_{3.1}$$(OCOCH$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.9}$$ 0.9H$$_{2}$$O. This compound does not take up Cl$$^{-}$$ and NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ in aqueous solution but takes up multivalent anions and shows high selectivity in uptake of toxic SeO$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$ and AsO$$_{4}$$$$^{3-}$$. This compound may find applicarion in the removal of those toxic anions form natural water and wastewater rich in Cl$$^{-}$$ and NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$.

Journal Articles

Synthesis and characterization of copper hydroxide acetate with a layered discoid crystal

Kozai, Naofumi; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Fukuyama, Hiroyasu; Esaka, Fumitaka; Komarneni, S.*

Journal of Materials Research, 20(11), p.2997 - 3003, 2005/11

Layered transition metal hydroxide salt (LTMHS) is a group of anion-exchangeable layered compounds. LTMHSs have lately attraced attention of researchs on anion exchange and intercalation but very limited numbers of reports have been published on their synthesis, characteristics, and application. This study reports basic properties of a layered copper hyroxide acetate synthesized by a method modified from that of the previous studies. Titration of copper acetate solution with a dilute NaOH solution to pH 6.5 and subsequent aging at 313 K yielded a layered copper hydroxide acetate. This compound has some properties similar to those of the previously known copper hydroxide acetate, Cu$$_{2}$$(OH)$$_{3}$$(OCOCH$$_{3}$$)H$$_{2}$$O. The present copper hydroxide acetate is dissimilar to the previous compound in morphology, stability of bonding between the interlayer acetate ions and the matrix hydroxides, and reaction with anions in aqueous solutions.

Journal Articles

Development of cold isostatic pressing graphite module for a heat-resistant lower hybrid current drive antenna

Maebara, Sunao; Goniche, M.*; Kazarian, F.*; Seki, Masami; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Imai, Tsuyoshi*; Beaumont, B.*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(5), p.053501_1 - 053501_7, 2005/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.98(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Development of a plasma facing module using Cold Isostatic Pressing Graphite (CIPG) had been done for a heat-resistant LHCD antenna. A thin stainless film (10$$mu$$m), molybdenum film (10$$mu$$m) and copper film (50$$mu$$m) are laid to overlap each other on the CIPG materials, the CIPG surfaces were successfully coated with copper layer by diffusion bonding method. This module has four waveguides and a water cooling channel, the length is 206 mm. High power long pulse operation was successfully achieved up to 250 kW (125 MW/m$$^{2}$$)/700s. The module has been successfully tested at a RF power density which is equivalent, in terms of RF electric field (5kV/cm), to the one proposed for the LHCD antenna of ITER-FEAT. The outgassing rate of the copper-coated CIPG is estimated to be 3.2-5.1$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ Pa.m$$^{3}$$/s.m$$^{2}$$ at 100$$^{circ}$$C, it is assessed that a pumping system is not required to evacuate the pressure in the LHCD antenna.

Journal Articles

Outgassing of lower hybrid antenna modules during high-power long-pulse transmission

Goniche, M.*; Kazarian, F.*; Bibet, P.*; Maebara, Sunao; Seki, Masami; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Imai, Tsuyoshi*

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 23(1), p.55 - 65, 2005/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:9.16(Materials Science, Coatings & Films)

Outgassing rates have been measured for long duration (100-4700 seconds) of RF transmission at high power density (50-200 MW/m$$^{2}$$) for waveguides made of OFHC copper, dispersoid copper, copper-coated carbon fiber composite and copper-coated graphite. The measurements were performed on multi-waveguide(2 to 8)mockups, using a test bed facility equipped with a 3.7 GHz klystron. The effect on the outgassing rate of waveguide surface temperature and of initial wall gas loading('conditioning'), is examined. It is concluded that an outgassing rate of 1$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$ Pam$$^{3}$$s$$^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$ and 5$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$ Pam$$^{3}$$s$$^{-1}$$m$$^{-2}$$ at 300$$^{circ}$$C and 400$$^{circ}$$C respectively, can be expected for the tested material. Based on these measurement results, it is further concluded that no additional pumping will be needed for the LHRF antenna proposed for ITER.

Journal Articles

An Improved fast neutron radiography quantitative measurement method

Matsubayashi, Masahito; Hibiki, Takashi*; Mishima, Kaichiro*; Yoshii, Koji*; Okamoto, Koji*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 533(3), p.481 - 490, 2004/11

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:36.02(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The validity of a fast neutron radiography quantification method, the $$Sigma$$-scaling method, which was originally proposed for thermal neutron radiography was examined with Monte Carlo calculations and experiments conducted at the YAYOI fast neutron source reactor. Water and copper were selected as comparative samples for a thermal neutron radiography case and a dense object, respectively. Although different characteristics on effective macroscopic cross-sections were implied by the simulation, the $$Sigma$$-scaled experimental results with the fission neutron spectrum cross-sections were well fitted to the measurements for both the water and copper samples. This indicates that the $$Sigma$$-scaling method could be successfully adopted for quantitative measurements in fast neutron radiography.

Journal Articles

Elastic-plastic FEM analysis on low cycle fatigue behavior for alumina dispersion-strengthened copper/stainless steel joint

Nishi, Hiroshi

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(Part2), p.1567 - 1570, 2004/08

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:51.92(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Elastic-plastic finite element analysis was performed for low cycle fatigue behavior of stainless steel/alumina-dispersion-strengthened copper (DS Cu) joint in order to investigate the fatigue life and the fracture behavior of the joint. As the results, a strain concentration was occurred near the interface of DS Cu for small strain range, however, in the DS Cu for large strain range. The fatigue life and fracture point were evaluated taking account for the strain concentration. The fatigue life and fracture point were consistent with those of the low cycle fatigue test.

Journal Articles

Theoretical study on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in quasi-one-dimensional cuprates

Nomura, Takuji; Igarashi, Junichi*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(7), p.1677 - 1680, 2004/07

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:73.26(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We study theoretically the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in quasi-one-dimensional insulating copper oxides, where the incident photon energy is tuned to the Cu1$$s$$-4$$p$$ absorption energy. Our attention is focused particularly on the strong momentum-transfer dependence of the spectral shape observed in recent experiments. We describe the antiferromagnetic ground state within the Hartree-Fock theory, and consider charge excitations from the ground state within the random phase approximation. By taking account of the electron correlation effects perturbatively, we obtain detailed momentum-transfer dependence of the spectra in a semiquantitative agreement with the experiments.

JAEA Reports

Tritium permeation evaluation through vertical target of divertor based on recent tritium transport properties

Nakamura, Hirofumi; Nishi, Masataka

JAERI-Research 2003-024, 24 Pages, 2003/11


Re-evaluation of tritium permeation through vertical target of divertor under the ITER operation condition was carried out using tritium transport properties in the candidate materials such as the diffusion coefficient and the trapping factors in tungsten for armor, and the surface recombination coefficient on copper for the heat sink obtained by authors' recent investigation (authors' data), which simulated the plasma-facing conditions of ITER. Evaluation with the data set of previous evaluation was also carried out for comparison (previous data). The permeation analysis was carried out individually by classifying into the armor region (Carbon Fiber Composites and tungsten) and the slit region without armor (3% of armor surface area) assuming the incident flux and temperature for each region. As the results of the permeation analysis, estimated permeation amount with the authors' data was one order less than that with the previous data at the end of lifetime of the divertor due to authors' small diffusion coefficient of tritium in tungsten. It also indicated the possibility that permeation through the slit region of the armor tiles could dominate total permeation through the vertical target, since tritium permeation amount through tungsten armor with the authors' data was estimated to be reduced drastically smaller than that with the previous evaluation data. The result of a little tritium permeation amount through the vertical target with the authors' data ensured the conservatism of the current evaluation of tritium concentration in the primary cooling water in ITER divertor, as it indicated the possibility of direct drainage of the divertor primary cooling water.

Journal Articles

MATXS files processed from JENDL-3.2 and -3.3 for shielding

Konno, Chikara; Ikeda, Yujiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(Suppl.2), p.1037 - 1040, 2002/08

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Journal Articles

A Carbon onion; A New allotrope of carbon made by radiation

Abe, Hiroaki

Hoshasen To Sangyo, (88), p.54 - 60, 2000/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Nucleation and growth of carbon onions by means of simultaneous electron microscopic observation under ion implantation

Abe, Hiroaki; Yamamoto, Shunya; Miyashita, Atsumi

Dai-11-Kai Ryushisen No Sentanteki Oyo Gijutsu Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu (BEAMS 2000) Hobunshu, p.127 - 130, 2000/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of induced radioactivity in copper exposed to high energy heavy ion beam

Kim, E.; Nakamura, Takashi*; Uwamino, Y.*; Ito, S.*; Fukumura, A.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 37(Suppl.1), p.811 - 815, 2000/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Impurity measurement test of HTTR; At the commissioning tests

Sakaba, Nariaki; Emori, Koichi; Saruta, Toru

JAERI-Tech 99-072, p.125 - 0, 1999/10


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Data collection of fusion neutronics benchmark experiment conducted at FNS/JAERI

Maekawa, Fujio; Konno, Chikara; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Oyama, Yukio; Ikeda, Yujiro

JAERI-Data/Code 98-021, 93 Pages, 1998/08


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Decay heat measurement on aluminum, copper and type 304 stainless steel irradiated by D-T neutrons

Maekawa, Fujio; Ikeda, Yujiro; E.T.Cheng*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 42, p.229 - 233, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:31.58(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of divertor plate with CFCs bouded onto DSCu cooling tube for fusion reactor application

; ; Araki, Masanori; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Akiba, Masato

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 258-263, p.318 - 322, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:56.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of divertor high heat flux components at JAERI

; ; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Akiba, Masato

Proceedings of 17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium Fusion Engineering (SOFE'97), 1, p.385 - 388, 1998/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of radiation streaming in labyrinth; Measurement of radiation streaming in labyrinth at light ion room 2

Tanaka, Susumu; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Nakane, Yoshihiro; Sakamoto, Yukio; Meigo, Shinichiro; Tanaka, Shunichi; Takada, Masashi*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Nakamura, Takashi*; Nakao, Noriaki*; et al.

Genshikaku Kenkyu, 41(3), p.101 - 112, 1996/06

no abstracts in English

71 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)