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JAEA Reports

Standard of radiation monitor based on LAN and PLC technology for J-PARC

Miyamoto, Yukihiro; Sakamaki, Tsuyoshi*; Maekawa, Osamu*; Nakashima, Hiroshi

JAERI-Tech 2004-054, 72 Pages, 2004/08


A standard is provided for the radiation monitor based on LAN (Local Area Network) and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) technology at the introduction to the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The monitor consists of radiation measurement equipments and the central monitoring panel. The formers are installed in the radiation field, and the latter is installed in the control room and composed of PLC, which are connected with LAN. Extension of the existing standard and the conformity to the international standard were thought as important in providing the standard. The standard is expected to improve the compatibility, maintenancability and productivity of the components.

JAEA Reports

Experimental study on accelerator driven subcritical reactor, JAERI's nuclear research promotion program, H12-031 (Contract research)

Shiroya, Seiji*; Misawa, Tsuyoshi*; Unesaki, Hironobu*; Ichihara, Chihiro*; Kobayashi, Keiji*; Nakamura, Hiroshi*; Shin, Kazuo*; Imanishi, Nobutsugu*; Kanazawa, Satoshi*; Mori, Takamasa

JAERI-Tech 2004-025, 93 Pages, 2004/03


In view of the future plan of Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, the present study consisted of (1) the transmission experiments of high energy neutrons through materials, (2) experimental simulation of ADSR using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly(KUCA), and (3) conceptual neutronics design study on KUR type ADSR using the MCNP-X code. Through the present study, valuable knowledge on the basic nuclear characteristics of ADSR, which is indispensable to promote the study on ADSR, was obtained both theoretically and experimentally. For the realization of ADSR, it is considered to be necessary to accumulate results of research steadily. For this purpose, it is inevitable (1) to compile the more precise nuclear data for the wide energy range, (2) to establish experimental techniques for reactor physics study on ADSR including subcriticality measurement and absolute neutron flux measurement, and (3) to develop neutronics calculation tools which take into account the neutron generation process by the spallation reaction and the delayed neutron behavior.

Journal Articles

Progress towards the establishment of integrated safeguards in Japan

Naito, Kaoru; Ogawa, Tsuyoshi*; Osabe, Takeshi*

Proceedings of 42nd INMM Annual Meeting, 12 Pages, 2001/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Processing and analysis of neutron transmission data and consideration of the accuracy

Fuketa, Toyojiro; ; ; ; ;

Proc.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Reactors, p.181 - 186, 1966/10

no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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