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Koyama, Tomohiro*; Ieda, Junichi; Chiba, Daichi*
Applied Physics Letters, 116(9), p.092405_1 - 092405_5, 2020/03
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:32.40(Physics, Applied)Koyama, Tomohiro*; Nakatani, Yoshinobu*; Ieda, Junichi; Chiba, Daichi*
Science Advances (Internet), 4(12), p.eaav0265_1 - eaav0265_5, 2018/12
Times Cited Count:60 Percentile:89.62(Multidisciplinary Sciences)We show that the electric field (EF) can control the magnetic domain wall (DW) velocity in a Pt/Co/Pd asymmetric structure. With the application of a gate voltage, a significant change in DW velocity up to 50 m/s is observed, which is much greater than that observed in previous studies. Moreover, a DW velocity exceeding 100 m/s is clearly modulated. An EF-induced change in the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) up to several percent is found to be the origin of the velocity modulation. The DMI-mediated velocity change shown here is a fundamentally different mechanism from that caused by EF-induced anisotropy modulation. Our results will pave the way for the electrical manipulation of spin structures and dynamics via DMI control, which can enhance the performance of spintronic devices.
Ieda, Junichi; Yamane, Yuta*; Sinova, J.*
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Recently, spintronics phenomena in antiferromagnets (AFM) attract attention. Especially spin transfer torque (STT) and spinmotive force (SMF) that have been established and play principal roles in ferromagnets become important subjects since they enable us to control and detect AFM dynamics. A few approaches have been theoretically proposed for treating these effects in AFMs but they are still under debate. In this work, we theoretically investigate SMF due to AFM dynamics by incorporating the finite canting between sublattice magnetizations, non-adiabaticity of the electron dynamics, and the Rashba spin-orbit interaction, which were all omitted in previous work. We show that the electric voltages can be generated by field-induced AFM domain wall motion and AFM resonance. This finding is useful as providing an electrical detection method of AFM dynamics and opens up the possibility of materials search for the larger SMF signals.
Sato, Nana; Schultheiss, K.*; Krber, L.*; Puwenberg, N.*; M
hl, T.*; Awad, A. A.*; Arekapudi, S. S. P. K.*; Hellwig, O.*; Fassbender, J.*; Schultheiss, H.*
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