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Journal Articles

Electrolytic reduction of Tc(VII) in nitric acid solution using glassy carbon electrode

Hoshi, Harutaka*; Wei, Y.*; Kumagai, Mikio*; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 262(3), p.601 - 605, 2005/01

Electroreduction of Tc(VII) in nitric acid solution using grassy carbon electrode was studied. The electroreduction was conducted at a constant potential -300 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) with a potentiostat. It was found that difference of the Tc concentration in the solutions before and after the electrolysis was negligibly small. This means that there were almost no TcO$$_{2}$$ or Tc deposited on the carbon fiber electrode during the electroreduction. Absorption spectra and distribution coefficients obtained by ion-exchange analysis indicated that Tc(VII) was reduced to Tc(IV).

Journal Articles

Demonstration of inherent safety features of HTGRs using the HTTR

Tachibana, Yukio; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Nakazawa, Toshio; Iyoku, Tatsuo

Proceedings of 6th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-6) (CD-ROM), 17 Pages, 2004/10

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JAEA Reports

Structural integrity assessment of helium component during safety demonstration test using HTTR, 1 (Contract Research)

Sakaba, Nariaki; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Furusawa, Takayuki; Tachibana, Yukio

JAERI-Tech 2004-045, 67 Pages, 2004/04


Safety demonstration tests using the HTTR are now underway in order to verify the inherent safety features and to improve the safety design and evaluation technologies for HTGRs, as well as to contribute to research and development for the VHTR, which is one of the Generation IV reactors. In the safety demonstration tests, the coolant flow reduction test by tripping one or two out of three gas circulators is being performed between FY2002 and FY 2005 and by tripping all the three gas circulators will be conducted after FY2006. This paper describes the structural integrity assessment of the primary pressurised water cooler after one and two gas circulators run down. Also, the possibility of natural convection in the primary coolant after all the three gas circulator stopped was evaluated by the operation data of the reactor-scram test performed during the rise-to-power tests.

Journal Articles

Plan for first phase of safety demonstration tests of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)

Tachibana, Yukio; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Takeda, Takeshi; Saikusa, Akio; Furusawa, Takayuki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Iyoku, Tatsuo

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 224(2), p.179 - 197, 2003/09

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:63.86(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Safety demonstration tests using High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)

Tachibana, Yukio; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Iyoku, Tatsuo

Proceedings of International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (GENES4/ANP 2003) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2003/09

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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration test plan of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)

Tachibana, Yukio; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Takeda, Takeshi; Saikusa, Akio; Furusawa, Takayuki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Iyoku, Tatsuo

JAERI-Tech 2002-059, 42 Pages, 2002/08


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Journal Articles

Feasibility study of BWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor core design in thermal-hydraulic view point

Araya, Fumimasa; Kureta, Masatoshi; Akimoto, Hajime

Proceedings of 2nd Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-2), p.309 - 314, 2000/00

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Journal Articles

An Evaluation of the inlet flow reduction for a cable conduit conductor by rapid heating

Sugimoto, Makoto; Isono, Takaaki; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nishijima, Gen; Matsui, Kunihiro; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Tsuji, Hiroshi

Cryogenics, 39(11), p.939 - 945, 1999/11

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:18.73(Thermodynamics)

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Journal Articles

An evaluation of the inlet flow reduction for a cable-in-conduit conductor in pulsed operation

Sugimoto, Makoto; Isono, Takaaki; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; ; Hamajima, Takataro*; Sato, Takashi*; Shinoda, K.*

Cryogenics, 38(10), p.989 - 994, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:23.81(Thermodynamics)

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Journal Articles

Test results of the DPC-TJ; Thermal and hydraulic performances

Sugimoto, Makoto; Kato, Takashi; Kawano, Katsumi; Hiyama, Tadao; ; ; ; ; ; Okuno, Kiyoshi; et al.

Teion Kogaku, 27(3), p.239 - 244, 1992/00

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Journal Articles

Transient burnout under rapid flow reduction condition

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 24(10), p.811 - 820, 1987/10

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:44.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Study of Transient Burnout under Flow Reduction Condition

JAERI-M 86-135, 89 Pages, 1986/09


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Journal Articles

Reduction of gas flow into a hollow cathode ion source for neutral beam injector

; ; ; ;

Review of Scientific Instruments, 53(7), p.1038 - 1048, 1982/00

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:65.25(Instruments & Instrumentation)

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JAEA Reports

Flow Reduction Transient Burnout in a Vertical Tube,1


JAERI-M 8774, 138 Pages, 1980/03


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15 (Records 1-15 displayed on this page)
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