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Mohamad, A. B.; 宇田川 豊
Nuclear Technology, 210(2), p.245 - 260, 2024/02
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:57.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the Power to Melt and Maneuverability (P2M) project, a simulation exercise on two past power ramp experiments xM3 on medium burn-up rod and HBC4 on high burn-up rod were performed with the fuel performance code FEMAXI-8 to investigate the fuel behavior under high power and high-temperature conditions toward centerline fuel melting. In order to treat fuel melting, empirical melting temperature models have been incorporated into the FEMAXI-8 code. The present analysis gave reasonable predictions not only on cladding deformation but also on the fuel melting behavior of the HBC4 rod, in which the UO liquidus temperature was reached during the transient. On the other hand, model improvement appeared to be needed for a more accurate treatment of fuel melting behavior of the xM3 rod, in which fuel center temperature reached solidus line, whereas may not reached liquidus line. A reasonable agreement of estimated FGR with the measurement suggested that the high temperature FGR at the given conditions are essentially temperature dependent phenomenon: rate-limited primarily by thermally activated elementary processes such as fission gas diffusion.
谷口 良徳; 三原 武; 垣内 一雄; 宇田川 豊
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 195, p.110144_1 - 110144_11, 2024/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)A reactivity-initiated accident (RIA)-simulated test CN-1 on a high-burnup 64 GWd/t mixed-oxide fuel rod sheathed with M5 cladding was conducted at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor, resulting in fuel failure. A small opening with slight ballooning deformation characterized the post-test visual appearance of the test fuel rod. Simulation using fuel performance codes FEMAXI-8/RANNS predicted rod survival under early phase loading induced by pellet-cladding mechanical interaction and subsequent boiling transition, and the cladding surface temperature measured online confirmed the occurrence of boiling transition. The experimental observation and simulation indicate that the failure was caused by a high-temperature rupture following increased rod-internal pressure. The RANNS sensitivity analysis revealed that a mechanical state parameter dedicated to predicting plastic instability might be an effective index for evaluating the risk of rupture failure during RIAs.
Shaimerdenov, A.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Askerbekov, S.*; 植田 祥平; 相原 純; 柴田 大受; 坂場 成昭
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(8), p.2792 - 2800, 2022/08
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:79.63(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the core of the WWR-K reactor, a long-term irradiation of tri-structural isotopic (TRISO)-coated fuel particles (CFPs) with a UO kernel was carried out under normal operating conditions of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). This TRISO fuel was attained at the temperature of 950 to 1,100
C, and the uranium burnup of 9.9% FIMA (fission per initial metal atom) during the irradiation. The release of the gaseous fission product from the fuel was measured in-pile, and its release-to-birth (R/B) ratio was evaluated using the model developed in the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) project. After the irradiation test, fuel compacts were subjected to electric dissociation and nondestructive inspections such as X-ray radiography and gamma spectrometry. Finally, it was concluded that integrity of the TRISO fuel irradiated at approximately 9.9% FIMA was demonstrated, and a low fuel failure fraction and a low R/B measured with krypton-88 indicated good performance and reliability of the high burnup TRISO fuel.
JAEA-Technology 2022-006, 80 Pages, 2022/06
Soba, A.*; Prudil, A.*; Zhang, J.*; Dethioux, A.*; Han, Z.*; Dostal, M.*; Matocha, V.*; Marelle, V.*; Lasnel-Payan, J.*; Kulacsy, K.*; et al.
Proceedings of TopFuel 2021 (Internet), 10 Pages, 2021/10
The NEA Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance (EGRFP) proposed a benchmark on fuel performance codes modeling of pellet-cladding mechanical interation (PCMI). The aim of the benchmark was to improve understanding and modeling of PCMI amongst NEA member organizations. This was achieved by comparing PCMI predictions for a number of specified cases. The results of the two hypothetical cases (1 and 2) were presented earlier. The two final cases (3 and 4) are comparison between calculations and measurements, which will be published as NEA reports. This paper focuses on Case 3, which consists of eight beginning of life (BOL) sub-cases (3a to 3h) each with different pellet designs that have undergone ramping in the Halden Reactor. The aforementioned experiments are known as the IFA-118 experiments and were performed from 1969 to 1970. The variations between cases include four different pellets dimensions (7, 14, 20 and 30 mm of height), two different gapsizes between pellet-cladding (40 and 100 microns) and three variations on pellet face geometry (flat, dishing and dishing with chamfer). Such diversity has allowed exploring the codes sensitivity to these individual factors.
宇田川 豊; 田崎 雄大
JAEA-Data/Code 2021-007, 56 Pages, 2021/07
宇田川 豊; 三原 武; 谷口 良徳; 垣内 一雄; 天谷 政樹
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107268_1 - 107268_9, 2020/05
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:29.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the cladding hoop-stress more than 50 MPa discriminates the OS-1 rod from other BWR rods and supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.
谷口 良徳; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107188_1 - 107188_7, 2020/05
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)The fuel-failure-limit data obtained in the simulated reactivity-initiated-accident experiment SPERT-CDC 859 (SPERT859) has entailed a lot of discussions if it represents fuel-failure behavior of typical commercial LWRs for its specific pre-irradiation condition and fuel state. The fuel-rod conditions before and during SPERT859 were thus assessed by the fuel-performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS with focusing on cladding corrosion and its effect on the failure limit of the test rod. The analysis showed that the fuel cladding was probably excessively corroded even when the influential calculation conditions such as fuel swelling and creep models were determined so that the lowest limit of the cladding oxide layer thickness was captured. Such assumption of excessive cladding corrosion during pre-irradiation well explains not only the test-rod state before pulse irradiation but also the fuel-failure limit observed. Such understanding undermines anew the representativeness of the test data as a direct basis of safety evaluation for LWR fuels.
Pastore, G.*; Gamble, K. A.*; Cherubini, M.*; Giovedi, C.*; Marino, A.*; 山路 哲史*; 加治 芳行; Van Uffelen, P.*; Veshchunov, M.*
Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.1038 - 1047, 2019/09
宇田川 豊; 山内 紹裕*; 北野 剛司*; 天谷 政樹
JAEA-Data/Code 2018-016, 79 Pages, 2019/01
Dostl, M.*; Rossiter, G.*; Dethioux, A.*; Zhang, J.*; 天谷 政樹; Rozzia, D.*; Williamson, R.*; Kozlowski, T.*; Hill, I.*; Martin, J.-F.*
Proceedings of Annual Topical Meeting on Reactor Fuel Performance (TopFuel 2018) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2018/10
The benchmark on PCMI was initiated by OECD/NEA Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance (EGRFP) in June 2015 and is currently in the latter stages of compiling results and preparing the final report. The aim of the benchmark is to improve understanding and modelling of PCMI amongst NEA member organisations. This is being achieved by comparing PCMI predictions of different fuel performance codes for a number of cases. Two of these cases are hypothetical cases aiming to facilitate understanding of the effects of code-to-code differences in fuel performance models. The two remaining cases are actual irradiations, where code predictions are compared with measured data. During analysis of participants' results of the hypothetical cases, the assumptions for number of radial pellet cracks and the pellet-clad friction coefficient (which can be zero, finite or infinite) were identified to be important factors in explaining differences between predictions once pellet-cladding contact occurs. However, these parameters varied in the models and codes used originally by the participants. This fact led to the extension of the benchmark by inclusion of two additional cases, where the number of radial pellet cracks and three different values of the friction coefficient were prescribed in the case definition. Seven calculations from six organisations contributed results were compared and analysed in this paper.
永瀬 文久; 坂本 寛*; 山下 真一郎
Corrosion Reviews, 35(3), p.129 - 140, 2017/08
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:49.73(Electrochemistry)福島第一原子力発電所事故の教訓として、従来のジルコニウム合金に比べ事故耐性を高めた新型燃料被覆管の開発が進められている。本論文は、事故耐性燃料被覆管開発の進捗をレビューするとともに、軽水炉燃料を設計する上で考慮すべき様々な腐食環境における性能劣化に焦点を当て解決すべき課題をまとめた。
沢 和弘; 植田 祥平
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 233(1-3), p.163 - 172, 2004/10
被引用回数:60 パーセンタイル:95.32(Nuclear Science & Technology)高温ガス炉では高温の原子炉出口冷却材を取出すために耐熱性の被覆燃料粒子を用いている。高温工学試験研究炉(HTTR)は六角柱状の燃料体にTRISO型被覆燃料粒子を用いている。HTTR用燃料の製造技術及び燃料性能等についての研究開発は30年以上にわたり行われてきた。さらに原研では、高温ガス炉技術の高度化のために高燃焼度化TRISO型被覆燃料粒子や、より高温での強度を確保するための革新的なZrC被覆燃料粒子を開発した。本論文ではHTTRプロジェクトにおける高温ガス炉燃料の研究開発の経験及び現状について述べる。本論文は、HTTRに関するシリーズ投稿の一つである。
中田 哲夫*; 片西 昌司; 高田 昌二; Yan, X.; 國富 一彦
日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 2(4), p.478 - 489, 2003/12
沢 和弘; 角田 淳弥; 植田 祥平; 鈴木 修一*; 飛田 勉*; 斎藤 隆; 湊 和生; 高野 利夫; 関野 甫
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(6), p.403 - 410, 2001/06
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:48.26(Nuclear Science & Technology)HTTRの初装荷燃料は日本初の大量生産による高温ガス炉燃料であるため、その品質を慎重に調べる必要がある。そこで、製造時関連の品質管理の他に、運転中の燃料の健全性を確認するための試験を原研において行った。試験は(1)SiC層破損率確認試験,(2)照射後燃料加熱試験及び(3)加速照射試験より成る。製造時のSiC層破損率確認測定では、製造過程のSiC層破損率測定に加え、原研がSiC層破損率を測定し、測定値が95%信頼限度内で一致することを確認した。燃料コンパクトの照射後加熱試験を行い、加熱した燃料コンパクト内に破損粒子がないことを確認した。Csの拡散係数の測定値は、従来の試験燃料と同等以上の保持能力であることを示した。さらに、製造した燃料の加速照射試験を行い、HTTRにおける最大燃焼度33GWd/tの約2倍まで破損が生じていないことがわかった。今後実施する予定の照射後試験計画についても述べた。
沢 和弘; 飛田 勉*; 茂木 春義; 塩沢 周策; 吉牟田 秀治*; 鈴木 修一*; 出牛 幸三郎*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(8), p.683 - 690, 1999/08
被引用回数:32 パーセンタイル:88.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)日本初の高温ガス炉である高温工学試験研究炉(HTTR)は、1998年11月に初臨界を達成した。燃料の製造は1995年6月に開始し、1997年12月に150の燃料体の組立を完了した。4770本の燃料棒に対応する、合計66780個の燃料コンパクトは、燃料核、被覆燃料粒子、燃料コンパクトの各工程を経て無事製造した。燃料の製造技術は、これまでの多くの研究開発及び照射試料の製造経験を通して確立されてきた。製造した燃料コンパクトには、貫通破損粒子はほとんど含まれておらず、また、炭化ケイ素(SiC)層の破損粒子はわずかであった。平均貫通破損率及びSiC層破損率は、それぞれ210
鈴木 元衛; 斎藤 裕明*
JAERI-Data/Code 97-046, 210 Pages, 1997/11
湊 和生; 福田 幸朔; 石川 明義; 三田 尚亮
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 246(2-3), p.215 - 222, 1997/00
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:75.29(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)高温ガス炉用被覆燃料粒子のSiC層の腐食を防ぐために、3種類の新形式の被覆層を考案した。基本的考え方は、SiC層の内側に核分裂生成物を捕捉するための被覆層を付加することである。付加する被覆層として、SiCまたは遊離炭素を含むSiCを選定した。新形式被覆層の有効性を確認するために、新形式被覆層の被覆燃料粒子を製造し、炉外試験及び照射試験を実施した。新形式被覆層の有効性を完璧に実証するには追加の照射試験が必要であるが、ここでの試験により、新形式被覆層は、良好な照射健全性を有していること、及びSiC層の腐食を防ぐのに有効であることが明らかになった。
中村 武彦; 吉永 真希夫; 石島 清見; 小林 晋昇; 山原 武; 助川 友英; 伊藤 忠春
JAERI-Research 95-080, 92 Pages, 1995/11
湊 和生; 小川 徹; 福田 幸朔
JAERI-Review 95-004, 26 Pages, 1995/03