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宮澤 健; 上羽 智之; 矢野 康英; 丹野 敬嗣; 大塚 智史; 鬼澤 高志; 安藤 勝訓; 皆藤 威二

JAEA-Technology 2024-009, 140 Pages, 2024/10




Diffusion controlled hydrolysis in geopolymers under gamma irradiation

Cantarel, V.; Chupin, F.; Ortega-Charlot, M.*; 山岸 功; 上野 文義

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 592, p.154969_1 - 154969_9, 2024/04

When nuclear waste is immobilized in cement or geopolymer, gases may be generated by corrosion and radiolysis. This production must be accurately predicted, and waste loading and countermeasures selected accordingly to avoid overpressure and limit the risk of explosion in the case of dihydrogen (H$$_{2}$$). We measured and simulated H$$_{2}$$ generation and release from water-saturated geopolymer confined in a glass bottle under $$^{60}$$Co gamma irradiation. It was observed that confinement of H$$_{2}$$ in the pores of a high pH geopolymer could lead to recombination of more than 99.9% of the hydrogen generated by radiolysis. Shrinkage can allow hydrogen to diffuse between the geopolymer and the vessel, reducing the fraction of recombined H$$_{2}$$ to 90% at our experimental scale. We then used a model to scale up the results of our experiments. The hydrogen release of a saturated geopolymer in a standard 200 L drum is expected to be equivalent to that of a hydraulic binder containing approximately 2% moisture. Harnessing the effects of recombination would make it possible to preserve the capacity of countermeasures such as H$$_{2}$$ absorbers, increase the loading capacity of waste packages, and reduce the cost of nuclear waste immobilization.


Data processing and visualization of X-ray computed tomography images of a JOYO MK-III fuel assembly

Tsai, T.-H.; 佐々木 新治; 前田 宏治

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(6), p.715 - 723, 2023/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:19.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A method for processing and visualizing X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of a fuel assembly is developed and applied to a JOYO MK-III fuel assembly. The method provides vertical-section-like images to observe the spatial distribution of CT values in fuel pins and also supplies images that show the relationship between the linear heat rate (LHR) and radial CT-value distribution. In addition, an attempt to analyze the radial cracks in the CT images is proposed, and the results demonstrate the correlation between LHR and the radial cracks.



沢 和弘*; 長谷田 雅也*; 相原 純

日本機械学会論文集(インターネット), 89(921), p.22-00314_1 - 22-00314_6, 2023/05



海外炉を用いた中性子照射試験,1; キャプセル温度制御システムを用いた照射試験の検討(共同研究)

高部 湧吾; 大塚 紀彰; 冬島 拓実; 佐谷戸 夏紀; 井上 修一; 森田 寿; Jaroszewicz, J.*; Migdal, M.*; 小沼 勇一; 飛田 正浩*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2022-040, 45 Pages, 2023/03


中性子照射場として中核を担ってきた材料試験炉(Japan Materials Testing Reactor: JMTR)の廃止に伴い、軽水炉の一層の安全性、信頼性・効率性向上のための技術開発や革新的な原子炉開発に必要な国内照射場が喪失され、照射試験炉の運転技術や照射技術の継承や人材育成も困難な状況となった。こうした課題に対処するため、代替手段として中性子照射場を海外炉に求めた照射試験の実施に係る検討を行った。「ポーランド国立原子力研究センターと日本原子力研究開発機構との間の試験研究炉の研究開発のための共同研究取決め」に基づきポーランド国立原子力研究センター(NCBJ)が所有するMARIA炉(出力30MW)を中性子照射場として、JMTRの有する照射技術の一つである温度制御システムを導入した照射試験の実施可否を検討した。その結果、JMTRの設計・製作基準に則って製作済であったキャプセルに対し改造を施すことで照射試験の実現が可能である見通しが得られた。改造後に浸透探傷検査、絶縁導通試験及びキャプセルの使用温度である室温$$sim$$300$$^{circ}$$Cの範囲における動作試験等を実施し、良好な結果が得られ、MARIA炉への輸送前準備を完了した。


Microstructural evolution in tungsten binary alloys under proton and self-ion irradiations at 800$$^{circ}$$C

宮澤 健; 菊池 裕太*; 安堂 正己*; Yu, J.-H.*; 藪内 聖皓*; 野澤 貴史*; 谷川 博康*; 野上 修平*; 長谷川 晃*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 575, p.154239_1 - 154239_11, 2023/03

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:80.03(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

This study examined the effects of alloying elements such as Re and Ta on the microstructural evolution of recrystallized W under proton and self-ion irradiations at 800$$^{circ}$$C. Although the number density of voids increased with increasing proton-induced damage level, the void density in W-Re and W-Ta alloys were lower than that of pure W. Herein, the addition of Re and Ta to W suppresses the void formation process. In the proton-irradiated W-3%Re, a lot of dislocation loops were observed at 0.05 dpa which is the stage of nucleation. The evolution process up to 0.2 dpa was characterized by loop growth via the absorption of clusters and point defects. The dislocation loops then coalesce and grow large, and the dislocation lines become tangled at 1 dpa. At 0.05 dpa, the dislocation loops in pure W have already evolved into the tangled dislocations. Solute Re may inhibit the mobility of small dislocation loops and SIA clusters. In W-3%Ta irradiated at 0.05 and 0.2 dpa, the coalescence process of the elongated dislocation loops was observed. Solute Ta may inhibit the mobility of SIA clusters. Although no voids and rafts were observed in self-ion irradiated W-3%Re to 0.2 dpa, not only dislocation loops but also voids and rafts were observed in pure W to 0.2 dpa. The solute Re would suppress the raft formation and then the void formation under self-ion irradiation.


Engineering formulation of the irradiation growth behavior of zirconium-based alloys for light water reactors

垣内 一雄; 天谷 政樹; 宇田川 豊

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, p.154110_1 - 154110_7, 2023/01

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:19.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The irradiation growth behavior of coupon specimens prepared from improved Zr-based alloys for light-water reactor fuel cladding, which have various additive elements and fabrication conditions, was investigated by conducting an irradiation test at 573 and 593 K under typical PWR coolant conditions up to a fast-neutron fluence of $$approx$$7.8$$times$$10$$^{21}$$ (n/cm $$^{2}$$, E $$>$$1 MeV) in the Halden reactor in Norway. Based on the dimensional change data measured at interim and final inspections, the amounts of irradiation growth of the improved Zr-based alloys were formulated from the viewpoint of engineering. The trends of the parameters which express the effects of additive elements on irradiation growth behavior were in good agreement with those previously reported, and it was found that the amount of irradiation growth can be expressed by using a summation rule of the effect of each additive element on irradiation growth.


A Plan of Proton Irradiation Facility at J-PARC and possibilities of application to nuclear data research

前川 藤夫

JAEA-Conf 2022-001, p.7 - 13, 2022/11




峯尾 英章

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 64(11), p.617 - 621, 2022/11



Recent improvements of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessels

Lu, K.; 高見澤 悠; 勝山 仁哉; Li, Y.

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199, p.104706_1 - 104706_13, 2022/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:63.98(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

A probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis code PASCAL was developed in Japan for probabilistic integrity assessment of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) considering neutron irradiation embrittlement and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) transients. To strengthen the practical applications of PFM methodology in Japan, PASCAL has been upgraded to a new version, PASCAL5, which enables PFM analyses of RPVs in both PWRs and boiling water reactors (BWRs) subjected to a broad range of transients, including PTS and normal operational transients. In this paper, the recent improvements in PASCAL5 are described such as the incorporated stress intensity factor solutions and corresponding calculation methods for external surface cracks and embedded cracks near the RPV outer surface. In addition, the analysis conditions and evaluation models recommended for PFM analyses of Japanese RPVs in BWRs are investigated. Finally, PFM analysis examples for core region of a Japanese BWR-type model RPV subjected to two transients (i.e., low-temperature over pressure and heat-up transients) are presented using PASCAL5.


水銀ターゲット容器内壁のキャビテーション損傷観察に関する技術資料,1; 遠隔操作対応試験片切出し装置の開発

直江 崇; 木下 秀孝; 涌井 隆; 粉川 広行; 羽賀 勝洋

JAEA-Technology 2022-018, 43 Pages, 2022/08


大強度陽子加速器研究施設(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, J-PARC)の物質・生命科学実験施設に設置されている核破砕パルス中性子源水銀ターゲットでは、高エネルギー陽子線入射時に水銀中に発生する圧力波が引き起こすキャビテーションによって、ステンレス鋼製のターゲット容器内壁に激しい壊食損傷が生じる。陽子線強度の増加と共に攻撃性が高くなるキャビテーションが引き起こす壊食損傷によって、熱応力を低減するために厚さ3mmで設計されたターゲット容器先端部では、長時間の運転により壊食痕からの水銀漏洩や、壊食痕を起点とした疲労破壊などが生じる懸念がある。これまでに、高出力での長期的な安定運転を実現するために、キャビテーションによる壊食損傷を低減するための取り組みとして、容器内壁への表面改質の適用や、水銀中への微小気泡注入によりキャビテーションの発生源である圧力波の抑制、先端部の2重壁構造化を進めてきた。損傷低減化技術の効果を確認するために容器内壁に形成された損傷を観察する必要があるが、中性子源の運転中に内部を観察することは不可能であるため、運転を終えたターゲット容器の先端部から試験片を切出し、内壁の観察を実施している。ターゲット容器の破損による水銀の漏洩を防ぎつつ、運転出力によって変化する適切な容器の交換時期を検討するためには、運転出力と損傷の関係を明らかにすることが必要である。これまでに、高放射線環境で遠隔操作可能な試験片切出し装置を開発し、実機水銀ターゲット容器からの切出しを通じて、遠隔操作性や、より確実に試験片を切出すための切削条件の検討や切出し手法の改良を重ねてきた。本報では、実機ターゲットでの作業経験、及びモックアップ試験の結果に基づいて改良した遠隔操作による水銀ターゲット容器先端部からの試験片切出し手法に加えて、これまでに実機から試験片を切出した結果の概要についてまとめる。


Study on the effect of long-term high temperature irradiation on TRISO fuel

Shaimerdenov, A.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Askerbekov, S.*; 植田 祥平; 相原 純; 柴田 大受; 坂場 成昭

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(8), p.2792 - 2800, 2022/08

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:83.23(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the core of the WWR-K reactor, a long-term irradiation of tri-structural isotopic (TRISO)-coated fuel particles (CFPs) with a UO$$_{2}$$ kernel was carried out under normal operating conditions of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). This TRISO fuel was attained at the temperature of 950 to 1,100 $$^{circ}$$C, and the uranium burnup of 9.9% FIMA (fission per initial metal atom) during the irradiation. The release of the gaseous fission product from the fuel was measured in-pile, and its release-to-birth (R/B) ratio was evaluated using the model developed in the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) project. After the irradiation test, fuel compacts were subjected to electric dissociation and nondestructive inspections such as X-ray radiography and gamma spectrometry. Finally, it was concluded that integrity of the TRISO fuel irradiated at approximately 9.9% FIMA was demonstrated, and a low fuel failure fraction and a low R/B measured with krypton-88 indicated good performance and reliability of the high burnup TRISO fuel.


Irradiation growth behavior and effect of hydrogen absorption of Zr-based cladding alloys for PWR

垣内 一雄; 天谷 政樹; 宇田川 豊

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 171, p.109004_1 - 109004_9, 2022/06

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:72.25(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In order to understand the dimensional stability of the fuel rod during long-term use in commercial LWRs, an irradiation growth testing in the Halden reactor of Norway was conducted on various fuel cladding materials including the improved Zr alloy. In this paper, the effect of hydrogen, which was absorbed in the cladding tube due to corrosion, on the irradiation growth behavior was evaluated. Comparison between the specimens with or without pre-charged hydrogen revealed that the effect of hydrogen absorption, accelerating irradiation growth, became significant when the hydrogen content exceeded the hydrogen solubility limit in the corresponding irradiation temperature. Analysis based on this understanding derived growth acceleration effect (0.06$$pm$$0.01)%/100 ppm, whose denominator is defined as the amount of absorbed hydrogen involved in hydride precipitation under irradiation as a relevant parameter.


J-PARCにおける加速器駆動核変換システム(ADS)の研究開発,2; J-PARC核変換実験施設

前川 藤夫; 武井 早憲

プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 98(5), p.206 - 210, 2022/05



Sorption of Cs$$^{+}$$ and Eu$$^{3+}$$ ions onto sedimentary rock in the presence of gamma-irradiated humic acid

Zhao, Q.*; 齊藤 毅*; 宮川 和也; 笹本 広; 小林 大志*; 佐々木 隆之*

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 428, p.128211_1 - 128211_10, 2022/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:45.40(Engineering, Environmental)



Advanced reactor experiments for sodium fast reactor fuels (ARES) project; Transient irradiation experiments for metallic and MOX fuels

Jensen, C. B.*; Wachs, D. M.*; Woolstenhulme, N. E.*; 小澤 隆之; 廣岡 瞬; 加藤 正人

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/04

The ARES project is planned to re-establish capabilities for transient testing SFR fuels at the TREAT facility. A full suite of complementary in-pile capability will be available for future users with devices to suit a variety of testing objectives ranging from analytical experiments to highly prototypic experimental simulations. These capabilities extend from fresh to irradiated fuels leveraging a large library of irradiated SFR fuels from EBR-II and FFTF experimental programs. The fresh fuel commissioning tests on metallic fuels will support detailed understanding of the performance of the experimental platform while adding relatively large amount of data to the existing experiment database. High burnup experiments on irradiated metallic and MOX specimens will aid to expand the existing performance envelope of advanced designs to support current and future reactor design and optimization to maximize the performance potential of these already successful fuel types.



加藤 千明; 山岸 功; 佐藤 智徳; 山本 正弘*

材料と環境, 70(12), p.441 - 447, 2021/12



Development of an integrated computer code system for analyzing irradiation behaviors of a fast reactor fuel

上羽 智之; 根本 潤一*; 伊藤 昌弘*; 石谷 行生*; 堂田 哲広; 田中 正暁; 大塚 智史

Nuclear Technology, 207(8), p.1280 - 1289, 2021/08

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:30.60(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Evaluation of brittle crack arrest toughness for highly-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels

岩田 景子; 端 邦樹; 飛田 徹; 廣田 貴俊*; 高見澤 悠; 知見 康弘; 西山 裕孝

Proceedings of ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2021) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2021/07

The crack arrest fracture toughness, K$$_{Ia}$$, values for highly-irradiated reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels are estimated according to a linear relationship between crack arrest toughness reference temperature, T$$_{KIa}$$, and the temperature corresponding to a fixed arrest load, equal to 4 kN, T$$_{Fa4kN}$$, obtained by instrumented Charpy impact test. The relationship between T$$_{KIa}$$ derived from the instrumented Chrapy impact test and fracture toughness reference temperature, T$$_{o}$$, was expressed as an equation proposed in a previous report. The coefficients in the equation could be fine-tuned to obtain a better fitting curve using the present experimental data and previous K$$_{Ia}$$ data. The K$$_{Ia}$$ curve for RPV;A533B class1 steels irradiated up to 1.3$$times$$10$$^{20}$$ n/cm$$^{2}$$ (E $$>$$ 1 MeV) was compared with a K$$_{IR}$$ curve defined in JEAC4206-2016. It was shown that the K$$_{IR}$$ curve was always lower than the 1%ile curve of K$$_{Ia}$$ for these irradiated RPV steels. This result indicates that the conservativeness of the method defined in JEAC4206-2016 to evaluate K$$_{Ia}$$ using K$$_{IR}$$ curve is confirmed for highly-irradiated RPV steels.


Application of probabilistic fracture mechanics to reactor pressure vessel using PASCAL4 code

Lu, K.; 勝山 仁哉; Li, Y.; 吉村 忍*

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143(2), p.021505_1 - 021505_8, 2021/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:7.73(Engineering, Mechanical)

Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is considered to be a promising methodology in structural integrity assessments of pressure-boundary components in nuclear power plants since it can rationally represent the inherent probabilistic distributions for influence parameters without over-conservativeness. To strengthen the applicability of PFM methodology in Japan, Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed a PFM analysis code PASCAL4 which enables the failure frequency evaluation of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) considering neutron irradiation embrittlement and thermal transients. PASCAL4 is expected to make a significant contribution to the probabilistic integrity assessment of Japanese RPVs. In this study, PFM analysis for a Japanese model RPV in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) was conducted using PASCAL4, and the effects of nondestructive examination (NDE) and neutron flux reduction on failure frequencies of the RPV were quantitatively evaluated. From the analysis results, it is concluded that PASCAL4 is useful for probabilistic integrity assessments of embrittled RPVs and can enhance the applicability of PFM methodology.

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