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検索結果: 31 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Liquid phase sintering of alumina-silica co-doped cerium dioxide CeO$$_{2}$$ ceramics

Vauchy, R.; 廣岡 瞬; 渡部 雅; 横山 佳祐; 砂押 剛雄*; 山田 忠久*; 中道 晋哉; 村上 龍敏

Ceramics International, 49(2), p.3058 - 3065, 2023/01

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:63.84(Materials Science, Ceramics)

Pure and low $$alpha$$-Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-SiO$$_{2}$$ co-doped ceria specimens were prepared by conventional ceramic processing using powder metallurgy. The effect of co-doping on the microstructural and structural properties of cerium dioxide was investigated by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The co-addition of alumina and silica promoted liquid phase sintering (LPS) and significantly contributed to grain growth, even in the small concentrations of the present study (1 wt% and 2 wt%). A glassy-look phase precipitated at the grain boundaries, characteristic of liquid phase sintering. The addition of dopants to the formulation greatly enhanced the grain growth process without disturbing the CeO$$_{2}$$ structure.


Water permeability of geopolymers emulsified with oil

Planel, B.*; Davy, C. A.*; Adler, P. M.*; Hauss, G.*; Bertin, M.*; Cantarel, V.; Lambertin, D.*

Cement and Concrete Research, 135, p.106108_1 - 106108_14, 2020/09

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:44.36(Construction & Building Technology)

Recently, geopolymer (GP) cements have proven adequate to immobilize oil emulsions as GEOIL composites. When used for radioactive waste storage, the vicinity of GEOIL with Portland Cement (PC) concretes may induce leaching by the PC pore water. This research identifies the preferential water flow pathways, and quantifies the water permeability of hardened GEOIL mortars using a typical PC pore water. Two alkali-activated GP cements are used, either made of 100% metakaolin (MK) or of 80%MK-20% slag, for oil proportions of 0, 20, 40 or 60%vol. For the identification of the preferential water flow pathways, two water flow scenarii are investigated numerically. Either water flows through the oil emulsion (Scenario 1) or water flows through the GP cement mortar pores (Scenario 2). The 3D structure of the oil emulsion is quantified by X Ray micro-computed tomography (X Ray micro CT), and the pore structure of GP cement mortars is identified by image analysis. Fluid pathways are predicted for both scenarii by 3D numerical simulations. Secondly, water permeability experiments are conducted on GEOIL mortars. Water permeability K$$_{water}$$ of highly alkaline PC water is deduced over several weeks. The results validate Scenario 2; for 20 or 40%vol oil, water flows preferentially through the GP cement mortar pores (at a permeability below 10$$^{-18}$$ m$$^{2}$$), instead of through the percolating oil emulsion.


A Noniterative mean-field QM/MM-type approach with a linear response approximation toward an efficient free-energy evaluation

城戸 健太朗

Journal of Computational Chemistry, 40(24), p.2072 - 2085, 2019/09

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:11.57(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Mean-field treatment of solvent provides an efficient technique to investigate chemical processes in solution in QM/MM framework. In the algorithm, an iterative calculation is required to obtain the self-consistency between QM and MM regions, which is a time-consuming step. In the present study, we have proposed a non-iterative approach by introducing a linear response approximation (LRA) into the solvation term in the one-electron part of Fock matrix in a hybrid approach between MO calculations and a three-dimensional integral equation theory for molecular liquids (MC-MOZ-SCF; Kido $textit{et al.}$, J. Chem. Phys. $textbf{143}$, 014103 (2015)). To save the computational time, we have also developed a fast method to generate electrostatic potential map near solute and the solvation term in Fock matrix, using Fourier transformation (FT) and real spherical harmonics expansion (RSHE). To numerically validate the LRA and FT-RSHE method, we applied the present approach to water, carbonic acid and their ionic species in aqueous solution. Molecular properties of the solutes were evaluated by the present approach with four different types of initial wave function and compared with those by the original (MC-MOZ-SCF). From the averaged speed up ratio, the present approach is 13.5 times faster than MC-MOZ-SCF.


An Experimental study on heat transfer from a mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel during core disruptive accidents in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

神山 健司; 小西 賢介; 佐藤 一憲; 豊岡 淳一; 松場 賢一; 鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Vurim, A. D.*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2014/12

The relocation of degraded core material through the Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) is one of essential subjects to achieve the in-vessel retention (IVR) in the case of postulated core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). The CRGT is available as the discharge path by its failure in the core region and heat-transfer from the core-material to the CRGT is one of dominant factors in its failure. In case of a core design into which a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure (FAIDUS) is introduced, a mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel is supposed to remain in the core region since the FAIDUS could effectively eliminate fuel in liquid-state from the core region. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to obtain experimental knowledge for the evaluation of heat-transfer from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT. In the present study, an experiment was conducted using Impulse Graphite Reactor which is an experimental facility in National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the experiment, the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel was generated by a low-power nuclear heating of fuel and transferring its heat to steel, and then, data to consider the heat-transfer characteristics from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT were obtained. The heat-transfer characteristic was revealed by evaluating thermocouple responses observed in the experiment. Through the present study, knowledge was obtained to evaluate heat-transfer from the remaining core-materials to the CRGT.


Large-scale direct simulation of two-phase flow structure around a spacer in a tight-lattice nuclear fuel bundle

高瀬 和之; 吉田 啓之; 小瀬 裕男*; 秋本 肇

Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004, p.649 - 654, 2006/00



Structural studies on liquids and glasses under high pressure and high temperature

片山 芳則; 稲村 泰弘*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 238(1-4), p.154 - 159, 2005/08

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:52.44(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Macroscopic Separation of Dense Fluid Phase and Liquid Phase of Phosphorus

片山 芳則; 稲村 泰弘*; 水谷 剛*; 山片 正明*; 内海 渉; 下村 理*

Science, 306(5697), p.848 - 851, 2004/10

 被引用回数:155 パーセンタイル:96.84(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

約1GPa, 1000$$^{circ}$$Cで起きるリンの二つの液体構造の間の構造変化がX線ラジオグラフィーによるその場観察によって調べられた。低圧液体が圧縮されると、暗く丸い物体がラジオグラフの中に現れた。X線回折測定によって、これらの物体は高圧液体であることが確認された。液滴は大きくなり、最後には試料空間を埋め尽くした。減圧により逆の過程が起こった。マクロスコピックな相分離はこれが一次の液体-液体相転移であることを支持する。X線吸収測定によって、転移に伴う密度の変化が高圧液体の密度の約40%であることが明らかになった。


X-ray structural studies on elemental liquids under high pressures

片山 芳則; 辻 和彦*

Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 15(36), p.6085 - 6103, 2003/09

 被引用回数:81 パーセンタイル:92.30(Physics, Condensed Matter)

いくつもの元素液体の高圧におけるX線構造研究がレビューされる。シンクロトロン放射光源と大容量プレスを組合せることによって、数ギガパスカルまでの高圧下における構造のその場測定を行うことが可能になった。これらの測定から、液体アルカリ金属の圧縮は等方的であるのに対し、結合に共有的な要素を持った液体の圧縮はほとんどの場合、非等方的であることがあきらかになった。幾つかの元素では、異なった種類の体積依存性が異なった圧力領域で観察される。この振る舞いは液相を幾つかの領域にわけることが可能であることを示唆する。観察された構造変化のほとんどは連続的であるが、液体リンでは、約1GPa, 1050$$^{circ}$$Cで、圧力幅0.05GPa以下で完了する急激な構造変化が観測された。この発見は1次の液体-液体相転移の存在を支持するものである。


Structure factor and electronic structure of compressed liquid rubidium

千原 順三*; G.Kahl*

Physical Review B, 58(9), p.5314 - 5321, 1998/09

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:67.44(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Structure of liquid rubidium and liquid sodium under pressure

森本 吉紀*; 加藤 小百合*; 戸田 直博*; 片山 芳則; 辻 和彦*; 矢尾板 憲一*; 下村 理

Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 7, p.245 - 247, 1998/03



Rubidium from a liquid metal to a plasma

千原 順三*; G.Kahl*

Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems, p.129 - 134, 1998/00



First-principles molecular dynamics of liquid alkali metals based on the quantal hypernetted chain theory

神林 奨; 千原 順三

Physical Review E, 53(6), p.6253 - 6263, 1996/06

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:58.04(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Liquid metallic lithium as a nucleus-electron mixture

千原 順三

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 117-118, p.128 - 131, 1990/00

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Ceramics)



Polarisation effects on core levels of a Ne impurity immersed in liquid metallic hydrogen

千原 順三

J.Phys.,C, 20, p.753 - 763, 1987/00



X-ray diffraction of the molten salt 50mol%AlCl$$_{3}$$-50mol%LiCl

高橋 節子*; 棟田 高行*; 小浦 延幸*; 大野 英雄

J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.,2, 81, p.319 - 326, 1985/00



Structural analysis of molten NaNO$$_{2}$$

大野 英雄; 五十嵐 一男*; 岩館 泰彦*; 新島 高幸*; 古川 和男; 持永 純一*

1st Int. Symp. on Molten Salt Chemistry, J-204, p.345 - 348, 1983/00



Structural analyses of molten R$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$,R=Li,Na,K,Cs and Ag

三宅 通博*; 鈴木 喬*; 森川 日出貴*; 大野 英雄; 古川 和男

First Inter.Symp.on Molten Salt Chem.Technol.,J-207, p.354 - 357, 1983/00



理論に支えられた溶融塩技術,続; イオン性液体構造模型・地球マントル・核融合炉・加速器溶融塩増殖炉など

古川 和男

金属物理セミナー, 6(1), p.11 - 23, 1983/00




大野 英雄; 五十嵐 一男*; 高木 喜樹*; 虎渓 久良*; 古川 和男; 持永 純一*

日本金属学会誌, 47(2), p.132 - 141, 1983/00



Structural analysis of molten LiBr

大野 英雄; 古川 和男; 五十嵐 一男*; 持永 純一*

J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.,I, 78(5), p.1555 - 1560, 1982/00

溶融塩の物性データ予測法を確立するには、その構造理論的知見が必要である。本研究では、詳細なX線回析実験を行ない、溶融LiBrの構造を解析した。最近接Li-Br間距離は0.265nmとなり、計算機実験で得られた値0.24nmより僅かに大きな値となる。この傾向はすべてのアルカリハライド液体に共通であり、pair potentialを用いた計算機実験が理論的にまだ不十分であること裏付ける結果である。また最近接Li-Br対の数は約3.8個となり、Levyら(ORNU)の結果(約5個)と異なるが、これはLevyらの測定にはかなりの誤差が含まれるためであろう。またこれは、古川の理論的予言(1961)を裏付ける結果である。

31 件中 1件目~20件目を表示