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Konno, Chikara; Kochiyama, Mami; Hayashi, Hirokazu
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00386_1 - 23-00386_11, 2024/04
Activation cross-section libraries for the ORIGEN and ORIGEN-S codes have been generated from JENDL-5 and JENDL/AD-2017. The ORIGEN activation cross-section libraries of the 200 and 48 group structures were generated with the AMPX-6 code, while the ORIGEN-S activation cross-section libraries with a MAXS format of the 199 group structure were done with the PREPO2018 code. Activation calculations for JPDR were carried out in order to validate the produced ORIGEN and ORIGEN-S activation cross-section libraries. The following comparisons were performed: the ORIGEN calculation results with the produced activation cross-section libraries and bundled ones, the 200 group and 48 group ORIGEN calculations, the ORIGEN and ORIGEN-S calculations with the JENDL-5 activation cross-section libraries, etc. Most of the differences of the calculation results were less than 20%, which demonstrated that the libraries were produced adequately.
Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Ho, H. Q.; Kitagawa, Kanta*; Fukuda, Takahito*; Ito, Ryo*; Nemoto, Masaya*; Kusunoki, Hayato*; Nomura, Takuro*; Nagase, Sota*; Hashimoto, Haruki*; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2023-013, 19 Pages, 2023/06
Eight people from five universities participated in the 2022 summer holiday practical training with the theme of "Technical development on HTTR". The participants practiced the feasibility study for nuclear battery, the burn-up analysis of HTTR core, the feasibility study for Cf production, the analysis of behavior on loss of forced cooling test, and the thermal-hydraulic analysis near reactor pressure vessel. In the questionnaire after this training, there were impressions such as that it was useful as a work experience, that some students found it useful for their own research, and that discussion with other university students was a good experience. These impressions suggest that this training was generally evaluated as good.
Kochiyama, Mami
Kaku Deta Nyusu (Internet), (133), p.76 - 81, 2022/10
The outline of the presentation at the joint session of Research Committee for Nuclear Data and Subcommittee on Nuclear Data in the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2022 Autumn Meeting was contributed to Nuclear Data News. As part of the study on the near surface disposal of waste from research facilities, we are studying a method for evaluating the radioactivity inventory of waste generated by the dismantling of research reactors. In the radioactivity evaluation of the research reactor, we have investigated the method of calculating the neutron transport in the reactor and using the obtained neutron spectrum to calculate the activation of the internal structure by the ORIGEN-S code. In recent years, we have introduced and evaluated libraries created based on JENDL-4.0 and JENDL/AD-2017, and we will introduce the status of their examination. And we will introduce how to apply the results obtained by the radioactivity evaluation calculation to burial disposal.
Ho, H. Q.; Ishii, Toshiaki; Nagasumi, Satoru; Ono, Masato; Shimazaki, Yosuke; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Goto, Minoru; Simanullang, I. L.*; Fujimoto, Nozomu*; Iigaki, Kazuhiko
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 396, p.111913_1 - 111913_9, 2022/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)Kochiyama, Mami; Sakai, Akihiro
JAEA-Technology 2022-009, 56 Pages, 2022/06
It is necessary to evaluate radioactivity inventory in wastes before disposal of low-level radioactive wastes generated from dismantling research reactors. It is efficient for owners of each research reactor to use a common radioactive evaluation method in order to comply with the license application for disposal facility. In this report, neutron transport and activation calculations were carried out for the Rikkyo University research reactor in order to examine a common radioactivity evaluation method for burial disposal of radioactive wastes generated by dismantling. We adopted the neutron transport codes DORT and MCNP and the activation code ORIGEN-S with cross-section libraries based on JENDL-4.0 and JENDL/AD-2017. The radioactivity concentrations obtained by the radiochemical analysis and both calculation codes were in agreement by 0.4 to 3 times. Therefore, by appropriately considering this difference, the radioactivity evaluation method by DORT, MCNP and ORIGEN-S can be applied to the radioactivity evaluation for buried disposal. In order to classify wastes from dismantling by clearance or buried disposal method according to their radioactivity levels, we also created radioactivity concentration distributions in the concrete area and graphite thermal column area.
Kochiyama, Mami; Okada, Shota; Sakai, Akihiro
JAEA-Technology 2021-010, 61 Pages, 2021/07
It is necessary to evaluate the radioactivity inventory in wastes in order to dispose of radioactive wastes generated from dismantling nuclear reactor in the shallow ground. In this report, we examined radioactivity evaluation method for near surface disposal about biological shield concrete near the core generated from the dismantling of JPDR. We calculated radioactive concentration of the target biological concrete using the DORT code and the ORIGEN-S code, and we estimated radioactivity concentration Di (Bq/t). For DORT calculation, the cross-section library created from the MATXSLIB-J40 file from JENDL-4.0 was used, and for ORIGEN-S, the attached library of SCALE6.0 was used. As a result of comparing the calculation results of the radioactivity concentration with the past measured values in the radial direction and the vertical direction, we found that the trends were generally the same. We calculated radioactive concentration of the target biological concrete Di (Bq/t), and we compared with the estimated Ci (Bq/t) equivalent to the dose criteria of trench disposal calculated for 140 nuclides. As a result we inferred that the except for about 2% of target waste could be disposed of in the trench disposal facility. We also preselected important nuclides for trench disposal based on the ratios (Di/Ci) for each nuclide, H-3, C-14, Cl-36, Ca-41, Co-60, Sr-90, Eu-152 and Cs-137 were selected as important nuclides.
Yokoyama, Kenji; Jin, Tomoyuki*
JAEA-Data/Code 2021-001, 47 Pages, 2021/03
A new burnup/depletion calculation code, CRAMO, was developed by combining an ORIGEN2 cross-section library set, ORLIB, based on Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, JENDL, and a burnup/depletion solver based on Chebyshev rational approximation method. CRAMO uses the ORIGEN2 cross-section library set ORLIBJ40 based on JENDL-4.0, and the burnup/depletion solver implemented in the versatile reactor analysis code system, MARBLE. It was confirmed that results of CRAMO agreed well with those of ORIGEN2 for burnup/depletion and radioactivity calculation cases. The development of CRAMO made it possible to use ORLIB without using ORIGEN2. It will be possible to provide an easy-to-use processed JENDL data set for burnup/depletion and radioactivity calculations in combination with a burnup/depletion based on Chebyshev rational approximation method. The present version of CRAMO is a subset of ORIGEN2 and can compute only compositions and radioactivities after irradiation. However, since various kinds of outputs of ORIGEN2 can be evaluated by using the composition, it is possible to reproduce many functions of ORIGEN2 by adding post-processing modules.
Okamura, Tomohiro*; Oizumi, Akito; Nishihara, Kenji; Nakase, Masahiko*; Takeshita, Kenji*
JAEA-Data/Code 2020-023, 32 Pages, 2021/03
Nuclear Material Balance code (NMB code) have been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The NMB code will be updated with the function of mass balance analysis at the backend process such as reprocessing, vitrification and geological disposal. In order to perform its analysis with high accuracy, it is necessary to expand the number of FP nuclides calculated in the NMB code. In this study, depletion calculation by ORIGEN code was performed under 3 different burn-up conditions such as spent uranium fuel from light water reactor, and nuclides were selected from 5 evaluation indexes such as mass and heat generation. In addition, the FP nuclides required to configure a simple burnup chain with the same calculation accuracy as ORIGEN in the NMB code was selected. As the result, two lists with different number of nuclides, such as "Detailed list" and a "Simplified list", were created.
Kenzhina, I.*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Ho, H. Q.; Sakamoto, Naoki*; Okumura, Keisuke; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Chikhray, Y.*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 164, p.112181_1 - 112181_5, 2021/03
Tritium release into the primary coolant during operation of the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) and the JRR-3M (Japan Research Reactor-3M) had been studied. It is found that the recoil release by Li(n,)H reaction, which comes from a chain reaction of beryllium neutron reflectors, is dominant. To prevent tritium recoil release, the surface area of beryllium neutron reflectors needs to be minimum in the core design and/or be shielded with other material. In this paper, as the feasibility study of the tritium recoil barrier for the beryllium neutron reflectors, various materials such as Al, Ti, V, Ni, and Zr were evaluated from the viewpoint of the thickness of barriers, activities after long-term operations, and effects on the reactivities. From the results of evaluations, Al would be a suitable candidate as the tritium recoil barrier for the beryllium neutron reflectors.
Kenzhina, I.*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Okumura, Keisuke; Ho, H. Q.; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Chikhray, Y.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.1 - 8, 2021/01
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.76(Nuclear Science & Technology)The sources and mechanisms for the tritium release into the primary coolant in the JMTR and the JRR-3M containing beryllium reflectors are evaluated. It is found that the recoil release from chain reaction of Be is dominant and its calculation results agree well with trends derived from the measured variation of tritium concentration in the primary coolant. It also indicates that the simple calculation method used in this study for the tritium recoil release from the beryllium reflectors can be utilized for an estimation of the tritium release into the primary coolant for a research and testing reactors containing beryllium reflectors.
Matsuda, Norihiro; Konno, Chikara; Ikehara, Tadashi; Okumura, Keisuke; Suyama, Kenya*
JAEA-Data/Code 2020-003, 33 Pages, 2020/03
Data handling modules for the radioactivity calculation code, ORIGEN-S, are developed for the reliable evaluations of radioactivity inventory. By using these modules, an activation cross-section data library for the ORIGEN-S code is updated easily and effectively based on a facility-specific neutron spectrum and multi-group neutron activation cross-section library for decommissioning of nuclear facilities, MAXS2015. In order to guarantee the reliability of the radioactivity calculations, functions of data verification in a visual way and numerical comparison between before and after the data processing are also prepared.
Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kenzhina, I.*; Okumura, Keisuke; Ho, H. Q.; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Chikhray, Y.*
JAEA-Technology 2018-010, 33 Pages, 2018/11
As a part of study on the mechanism of tritium release to the primary coolant in research and testing reactors, tritium recoil release rate from Li and U impurities in the neutron reflector made by beryllium, aluminum and graphite were calculated by PHITS code. On the other hand, the tritium production from Li and U impurities in beryllium neutron reflectors for JMTR and JRR-3M were calculated by MCNP6 and ORIGEN2 code. By using both results, the amount of recoiled tritium from beryllium neutron reflectors were estimated. It is clear that the amount of recoiled tritium from Li and U impurities in beryllium neutron reflectors are negligible, and 2 and 5 orders smaller than that from beryllium itself, respectively.
Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Nishihara, Tetsuo
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 326, p.108 - 113, 2018/01
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.97(Nuclear Science & Technology)Burn-up characteristics and criticality of impurity contained into graphite structure for commercial scale prismatic High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) have been investigated. For HTGR, of which the core is filled graphite structure, the impurity contained into the graphite has unignorable poison effect for criticality. Then, GTHTR300, commercial scale HTGR, employed high grade graphite material named IG-110 to take into account the criticality effect for the reflector blocks next to fuel blocks. The fuel blocks, which should also employ IG-110, employ lower grade graphite material named IG-11 from the economic perspective. In this study, the necessity of high grade graphite material for commercial scale HTGR is reconsidered by evaluating the burn-up characteristics and criticality of the impurity. The poison effect of the impurity, which is used to be expressed by a boron equivalent, reduces exponentially like burn-up of B, and saturate at a level of 1 % of the initial value of boron equivalent. On the other hand, the criticality effect of the boron equivalent of 0.03 ppm, which corresponds to a level of 1 % of IG-11 shows ignorable values lower than 0.01 %k/kk' for both of fuel blocks and reflector blocks. The impurity can be represented by natural boron without problem. Therefore, the poison effect of the impurity is evaluated with whole core burn-up calculations. As a result, it is concluded that the impurity is not problematic from the viewpoint of criticality for commercial scale HTGR because it is burned clearly until End of Cycle (EOC) even with the low grade graphite material of IG-11. According to this result, more economic electricity generation with HTGR is expected by abolishing the utilization of IG-110.
Usami, Shin; Kishimoto, Yasufumi; Taninaka, Hiroshi; Maeda, Shigetaka
Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.3263 - 3274, 2016/05
The present paper describes the validation of the new decay heat evaluation method using FPGS90 code with both the updated nuclear data library and the rational extent of uncertainty, by comparing the results of the decay heat measurement of the spent fuel subassemblies in Joyo MK-II core and by comparing with the calculation results of ORIGEN2.2 code. The calculated values of decay heat (C) by FPGS90 based on the JENDL-4.0 library were coincident with the measured ones (E) within the calculation uncertainties, and the C/E ranged from 1.01 to 0.93. FPGS90 evaluated the decay heat almost 3% larger than ORIGEN2.2, and it improved the C/E in comparison with the ORIGEN2.2 code. Furthermore, The C/E by FPGS90 based on the JENDL-4.0 library was improved than that based on the JENDL-3.2 library, and the contribution of the revision of reaction cross section library to the improvement was dominant rather than that of the decay data and fission yield data libraries.
Simanullang, I. L.*; Honda, Yuki; Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Shimazaki, Yosuke; Fujimoto, Nozomu*; Takada, Shoji
JAEA-Technology 2015-032, 26 Pages, 2016/01
Decay heat of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor had been evaluated by the Shure Equation and/or ORIGEN code based on the LWR's data. However, to evaluate more accurately, a suitable method must be considered because of the differences neutron spectrums from the LWRs. Therefore, the decay heat and the generated nuclides for the neutron spectrums of the core with different graphite moderator amount were calculated by the ORIGEN2 code. As a result, it is clear that the calculated decay heats are similar value with LWRs for about one year after the reactor shutdown, and that the significant differences are observed on the longer period affected by the generated nuclides such as Y, Cs, Pr, Rh, Am etc. It is also clear that the dose is affected by Pu on the initial stage after the reactor shutdown.
Kashima, Takao; Suyama, Kenya; Takada, Tomoyuki*
JAEA-Data/Code 2014-028, 152 Pages, 2015/03
There have been two versions of SWAT depending on details of its development history: the revised SWAT that uses the deterministic calculation code SRAC as a neutron transportation solver, and the SWAT3.1 that uses the continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP or MCNP5 for the same purpose. It takes several hours, however, to execute one calculation by the continuous energy Monte Carlo code even on the super computer of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Moreover, two-dimensional burnup calculation is not practical using the revised SWAT because it has problems on production of effective cross section data and applying them to arbitrary fuel geometry when a calculation model has multiple burnup zones. Therefore, SWAT4.0 has been developed by adding, to SWAT3.1, a function to utilize the deterministic code SARC2006, which has shorter calculation time, as an outer module of neutron transportation solver for burnup calculation. SWAT4.0 has been enabled to execute two-dimensional burnup calculation by providing an input data template of SRAC2006 to SWAT4.0 input data, and updating atomic number densities of burnup zones in each burnup step. This report describes outline, input data instruction, and examples of calculations of SWAT4.0.
Okumura, Keisuke; Oki, Shigeo*; Yamamoto, Munenari*; Matsumoto, Hideki*; Ando, Yoshihira*; Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Sasahara, Akihiro*; Katakura, Junichi; Matsumura, Tetsuo*; Aoyama, Takafumi*; et al.
JAERI-Research 2004-025, 154 Pages, 2005/01
This report summarizes the activity (FY2000-2003) of Working Group (WG) on Evaluation of Nuclide Generation and Depletion under Subcommittee on Nuclear Fuel Cycle of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. In the WG, analyses of Post Irradiation Examinations have been carried out for UO and MOX fuels irradiated in PWRs, BWRs and FBRs, and for actinide samples irradiated in fast reactors, by using ORIGEN or more detailed calculation codes with their libraries based on JENDL-3.2, JENDL-3.3 and other foreign nuclear data files. From these results, current prediction accuracy and problems for evaluation of nuclide generation and depletion are discussed. Furthermore, this report covers other products of our activity; development of the ORIGEN libraries for PWR, BWR and FBR based on JENDL-3.3, study on introduction of neutron spectrum index to ORIGEN calculations, and results of questionnaire survey on desirable accuracy of ORIGEN calculations.
Katakura, Junichi; Kataoka, Masaharu*; Suyama, Kenya; Jin, Tomoyuki*; Oki, Shigeo*
JAERI-Data/Code 2004-015, 115 Pages, 2004/11
A set of cross section libraries for ORIGEN2 code, ORLIBJ33, has been produced based on the latest Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JENDL-3.3. The produced libraries are for LWR's which include PWR, BWR and their MOX fuels. The libraries for FBR's are also produced. Using the libraries for LWR, comparisons with old libraries based on JENDL-3.2 were performed. The comparisons with measured PIE data were also carried out. For the libraries for FBR, the comparisons with the calculations using the old libraries were performed and the effects using different libraries were discussed.
Suyama, Kenya; Mochizuki, Hiroki*; Okuno, Hiroshi; Miyoshi, Yoshinori
Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems; Global Developments (PHYSOR 2004) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2004/04
This paper provides validation results of SWAT2, the revised version of SWAT, which is a code system combining point burnup code ORIGEN2 and continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP, by the analysis of post irradiation examinations (PIEs). Some isotopes show differences of calculation results between SWAT and SWAT2. However, generally, the differences are smaller than the error of PIE analysis that was reported in previous SWAT validation activity, and improved results are obtained for several important fission product nuclides. This study also includes comparison between an assembly and a single pin cell geometry models.
Akutsu, Atsushi; Kishimoto, Katsumi; Sukegawa, Takenori; Shimada, Taro
JAERI-Tech 2003-090, 75 Pages, 2004/01
The Japan Research Reactor No.1 (JRR-1) that was constructed first in Japan was permanently shut down after operation from 1957 to 1968. At present, the reactor part is in safe store conditions. The JRR-1 facility is being used as an exhibition room for the time being, and will be dismantled in the future. In consideration of future dismantling of the facility, the radioactive inventory in reactor part was calculated using computer codes that are Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code (DORT) and Oak Ridge Isotope Generation and Depletion Code (ORIGEN-MD). The average concentration of radioactivity is estimated to be 6.40 Bq/g in the core tank as of April, 2002. It is also expected that the low level waste (LLW) weights approximately 400kg and very low level waste (VLLW) weights approximately 14,000kg, and the waste which doesn't need to deal as a radioactive material weights approximately 250,000kg.