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Survey on research and development status of Japanese small modular reactors in OECD/NEA activities (2022-2023)

竹田 武司; 柴田 大受

JAEA-Review 2024-040, 29 Pages, 2024/09


日本の第6次エネルギー基本計画では、2050年までのカーボンニュートラルを目指したエネルギー政策の道筋を示すことが重要なテーマとなっている。2030年に向けた日本の原子力研究開発(R&D)への政策対応には、国際連携による2030年までの小型モジュール炉(SMR)技術の実証が盛り込まれている。これを踏まえ、脱炭素化と経済成長を同時に達成するGreen Transformation (GX)の実現に向けて、今後10年を見据えた取組の基本方針が取りまとめられた。海外に目を向けると、米国、カナダ、欧州、中国、ロシアを中心に、重工メーカーやR&D機関のみならずベンチャー企業も含めて、国際的にSMRのR&D活動が活発である。このような状況下で、原子力機関(NEA)の原子力施設安全委員会(CSNI)は、SMRの安全性への影響評価を支援するために、SMRに関する専門家グループ(EGSMR)を招集した。EGSMRの取組として、SMRの導入や研究活動に関する最新情報の収集を主目的とした数回にわたるアンケートへの回答の提出が求められた。これに対して、筆頭著者から、JAEAに加えて日立GEニュークリア・エナジー株式会社、三菱重工業株式会社からの情報に基づき回答した。アンケートに対する日本の回答の多くは、CSNI Technical Opinion Paper No.21 (TOP-21)のベースとなる情報である。本報告書では、整理した公開可能な日本のアンケート回答と付加情報を示し、TOP-21の記載内容の一部を補完した。これにより、EGSMRの活動(2022-2023年)を中心とした日本におけるSMRに関するR&Dの調査結果をまとめた。本報告書は、SMRに関する今後の国際協力の議論や国内外の原子力分野の人材育成に役立てることを目的としている。この中で、日本の革新炉のR&Dの主なトピックスとして、高温ガス炉(HTGR)とナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR)に関して、実用化に必要な技術と現状のギャップを同定している。また、HTGRと水素製造施設の相互接続に関連して、水素製造施設からの可燃性ガスの漏洩と異常発生が安全性に与える影響等について整理している。


Development of severe accident simulation code for sodium-cooled fast reactors: SIMMER-V, 2; Development and verification of detailed fuel pin model

石田 真也; 田上 浩孝; 岡野 靖; 山野 秀将; 久保 重信; 飛田 吉春

Proceedings of 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research Conference (ERMSAR 2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/05

The new detailed fuel pin model has been developed in the SIMMER-V code to simulate thermal and mechanical behavior of the fuel pin from accident initiation to fuel pin failure. The SIMMER code has mainly been developed to simulate the event progression in Transition Phase (TP), and the Initiating Phase (IP) was simulated by the SAS4A code and the results of the SAS4A code were taken over as the initial conditions of the SIMMER code. The transfer of data between codes causes discontinuities due to differences in geometric models and analysis models. There is an additional issue that SIMMER has no analytical model applicable to reactor cores with complex geometry. To solve these issues, the improved SIMMER code, SIMMER-V, is being developed by introducing a detailed and flexible model to simulate fuel pin failure in the IP. This paper describes the development of the new detailed fuel pin model, the construction of the verification matrix, and the results of the verification.


Current status of development in the 3D seismic isolation applied to SFRs

山本 智彦; 渡壁 智祥; 宮崎 真之; 岡村 茂樹; 宮川 高行; 横井 忍*; 深沢 剛司*; 藤田 聡*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00393_1 - 23-00393_21, 2024/04

A sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) considers adopting 3-dimensional seismic isolation devices for withstanding seismic loads not only horizontal but also vertical direction. A seismic isolation device consists of a laminated rubber bearing and horizontal oil dampers for horizontal direction, coned disc springs and vertical oil dampers for vertical direction, respectively. In order to investigate the performance of each component and the feasibility of integrated system for SFR, the experiments such as load-displacement tests, vibrating tests, etc., to each component of seismic isolation devices and seismic response analysis are carried out. As those experimental results, the mechanical characteristics of each component and the devices are grasped, then it is demonstrated that components and devices have expected performances to reduce the seismic loading within the design range. As the analytical results of seismic response, it is indicated that this 3-dimesional seismic isolation device and system can reduce the seismic response on horizontal and vertical simultaneously. Based on the analytical studies and experimental results, the feasibility of newly developed 3-dimensional seismic isolation system is obtained and the prospect of practical application of 3D seismic isolation system for fast reactor is implied in this paper.


Status of development in the 3D seismic isolation applied to SFRS

山本 智彦; 渡壁 智祥; 宮崎 真之; 宮川 高行*; 横井 忍*; 岡村 茂樹*; 深沢 剛司*; 藤田 聡*

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05

A sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) considers adopting 3-dimensional seismic isolation devices for withstanding seismic loads not only horizontal but also vertical direction. In order to investigate the performance of each component and the feasibility of integrated system for SFR, the experiments to each component of seismic isolation devices and seismic response analysis are carried out. As those experimental results, the mechanical characteristics of each component and the devices are grasped. As the analytical results of seismic response, it is indicated that this 3-dimesional seismic isolation device and system can reduce the seismic response on horizontal and vertical simultaneously. Based on the analytical studies and experimental results, the feasibility of newly developed 3-dimensional seismic isolation system is obtained and the prospect of practical application of 3D seismic isolation system for fast reactor is implied in this paper.


Effectiveness evaluation methodology of the measures for improving resilience of nuclear structures at ultra-high temperature

小野田 雄一; 栗坂 健一; 山野 秀将

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05

本研究の目的は、破損拡大抑制技術を用いた超高温時における原子炉構造物のレジリエンス向上策の有効性評価手法を開発することである。まず、レジリエンスを向上させる可能性のある事故シーケンスを特定するため、日本の次世代ループ型ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR)を対象としてレベル1 PRA及びレベル2 PRAのイベントツリーを分析し、その特性を調査した。その結果、候補となる事故シーケンスとして除熱機能喪失事象の事故シーケンスを特定した。LOHRSに至るすべての事故シーケンスについて、レジリエンス向上策の導入前後の炉心損傷頻度の低減率を定量化することでレジリエンス向上策の有効性を評価するという方法論を考案した。次世代ループ型SFRを対象として予備評価を行い考案した方法論の適用性を確認した。これにより有効性評価の方法を開発することに成功した。今後、レジリエンス向上策の条件付成功確率の精緻化を行う予定である。


Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in sodium for sodium-water reaction detection of sodium-cooled fast reactor

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*

Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/04

In the secondary cooling system of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), a rapid detection of hydrogen explosion due to sodium-water reaction by water leakage from heat exchanger tube is steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection. For the hydrogen detection, Ni-membrane hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon were used in Japanese proto-type sodium-cooled fast reactor "Monju". However, during the plant operation, many alarms of water leakage were occurred without sodium-water reaction in relation to temperature up and down. The authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal operation and the hydrogen generated by the sodium-water reaction and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). As the results of theoretical estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than H$$_{2}$$, is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium, and hydrogen produced in large amounts by sodium-water reaction can exist stably as fine bubbles with a NaH layer on their surface. Currently, the authors study the new hydrogen detector system focusing on the difference between the background hydrogen (dissolved H) and the hydrogen by sodium-water reaction (fine bubbles H$$_{2}$$). This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium.


Study on safety characteristics of a sodium-cooled fast reactor with negative void reactivity during initiating phase in severe accident

石田 真也; 深野 義隆; 飛田 吉春; 岡野 靖

Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/04

One of the effective design measures against core disruptive accident (CDA) is to decrease void reactivity, and a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) with low void reactivity has been developed to improve reactor safety for future SFR. The evaluation of small SFRs, which can have a negative void reactivity coefficient, is useful to examine the reactor characteristics for future research and development. The event progression of unprotected loss of flow (ULOF), which is a typical initiating event of CDA, was analyzed by the SAS4A code. In comparison with a general behaviour of large SFR with relatively higher positive void reactivity, it was confirmed that the low void reactivity reactor has the following characteristics: (1) Event progression becomes slow and mild. (2) Positive reactivity insertion by a cladding melting and relocation has larger importance. (3) Generating mechanical energy during the initiating phase becomes less likely to occur.


Evaluation of detectability of pump/diagrid link rupture in pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor

小野田 雄一; 内田 昌人*; 時崎 美奈子*; 岡崎 仁*

Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 29) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2022/08



Development of dynamic PRA methodology for external hazards (Application of CMMC method to severe accident analysis code)

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

第26回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2022/07



France-Japan collaboration on thermodynamic and kinetic studies of core material mixture in severe accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

Quaini, A.*; Goss$'e$, S.*; Payot, F.*; Suteau, C.*; Delacroix, J.*; Saas, L.*; Gubernatis, P.*; Martin-Lopez, E.*; 山野 秀将; 高井 俊秀; et al.

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/04



Modelling and simulation of source term for sodium-cooled fast reactor under hypothetical severe accident; Primary system/containment system interface source term estimation

小野田 雄一; John Arul, A.*; Klimonov, I.*; Danting, S.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/04

Three Work Packages were defined in this Coordinated Research Project whose objective was to estimate fission-product-transportation behavior inside the reference pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor. This WP, WP-2, is dedicated to estimate the primary system/containment system interface source term using improved models and tools. The mass of primary sodium instantaneously ejected via leak paths onto the top shield was evaluated as a common benchmark problem which will be the input for the subsequent WP, WP-3. The exercises were carried out for a reference pool type SFR of 1250 MWth capacity with mixed oxide fuel. The accident sequence to be considered is Unprotected Loss of Flow Accident which is assumed to result in a core damage with release of radionuclides into the primary coolant and cover gas. Four organizations, NCEPU (China), IBRAE RAN (Russian Federation), IGCAR (India) and JAEA (Japan) finally participated in this WP. Reference case calculation using a common pressure history and sensitivity study were carried out. The total amount of the ejected sodium onto the top shield for reference case was in a good agreement between the participants. The results of the sensitivity study revealed that the change of the parameters regarding uncertainty bring about the change of leaked mass in the range of several tens of %.


Modelling and simulation of the source term for a sodium cooled fast reactor under hypothetical severe accident conditions; Final report of a coordinated research project

Arokiaswamy, J. A.*; Batra, C.*; Chang, J. E.*; Garcia, M.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Klimonov, I. A.*; Kriventsev, V.*; Li, S.*; Liegeard, C.*; Mahanes, J.*; et al.

IAEA-TECDOC-2006, 380 Pages, 2022/00



Development of effectiveness evaluations technology of the measures for improving resilience of nuclear structures at ultra high temperature

小野田 雄一; 西野 裕之; 栗坂 健一; 山野 秀将

Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2021 (ASRAM 2021) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2021/10



Numerical investigations on the coolability and the re-criticality of a debris bed with the density-stratified configuration

Li, C.-Y.; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; 岡本 孝司*

第25回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2021/07




加藤 智子

KURNS-EKR-11, p.19 - 28, 2021/03




梅田 良太; 下山 一仁; 栗原 成計

日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 19(4), p.234 - 244, 2020/12



Safety enhancement approach against external hazard on JSFR reactor building

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 近澤 佳隆; 原 裕之*

Nuclear Technology, 206(12), p.1875 - 1890, 2020/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Innovation for flexible use of nuclear power in JAEA

上出 英樹; 柴田 大受

NREL/TP-6A50-77088 (Internet), p.35 - 38, 2020/09

The flexibility of nuclear technology is one of the significant capabilities for advanced reactors when we consider their commercialization. JAEA has several research and development activities aiming at innovation that will provide further flexibility, including a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) and an HTGR. These activities are as follows: (1) Development of an innovative design evaluation code system for SFR and other advanced reactors, (2) Codes and standards for maintenance of innovative reactors, (3) Fast neutron irradiation using the experimental fast reactor, Joyo, (4) Demonstration of higher safety performance of HTGR and the capability of its application to hydrogen production. The details of these activities and how they contribute to improving the flexibility (i.e., operational flexibility, deployment flexibility, and product flexibility) of advanced reactors, such as SFR and HTGR, are explained in this paper.


Validation study of SAS4A code for the unprotected loss-of-flow accident in an SFR

石田 真也; 川田 賢一; 深野 義隆

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00523_1 - 19-00523_17, 2020/06

ナトリウム冷却高速炉の炉心損傷事故(CDA)の起因過程を評価する安全解析コードSAS4Aの客観的な検証の十分性を示すためにSAS4Aの検証にPIRT(Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table)手法を導入した。当該手法に基づいて、課題と検証の目的の明確化、対象施設とシナリオの選定、FOMと重要現象の選定を行い、解析モデルと試験の検討結果を併せて検証マトリクスを作成した。作成した検証マトリクスと試験解析の結果によって、起因過程評価に必要な解析モデルが不足なく検証されていることを示した。加えて、今回の検証マトリクスは各物理現象の関連性も含んだ総合的な検証となっているため、この検証マトリクスを用いた検証は高い信頼性を有する検証であると言える。すなわち、本研究によって、SAS4Aコードの信頼性を大きく向上させることができた。


Prototype fast breeder reactor Monju; Its history and achievements (Translated document)

光元 里香; 羽様 平; 高橋 慧多; 近藤 悟

JAEA-Technology 2019-020, 167 Pages, 2020/03


高速増殖原型炉もんじゅは、1968年の研究開発着手から半世紀にわたる設計, 建設, 運転, 保守等を通じて、数多くの貴重な成果を生んできた。本報告書は、「開発経緯と実績」, 「設計・建設」, 「試運転」, 「原子炉安全」, 「炉心技術」, 「燃料・材料」, 「原子炉設備」, 「ナトリウム技術」, 「構造・材料」, 「運転・保守」, 「事故・トラブル経験」の技術分野について、特徴や技術成果を取りまとめたものである。

88 件中 1件目~20件目を表示