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Li, X.; 山路 哲史*; 佐藤 一憲*; 山下 拓哉
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 214, p.111217_1 - 111217_13, 2025/05
The decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP Unit-2 requires understanding of reactor damage and fuel debris distribution for effective debris retrieval. This study numerically analyzes potential Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) boundary failure due to eutectic melting of Control Rod Drive (CRD) housings during reheating after debris bed dryout. The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method, with an enthalpy-based temperature algorithm and Boussinesq approximation, is applied to simulate melt/solid interactions in a 2-D model of the lower plenum. The CRD housing melting temperature is set at 1523 K based on a quasi-binary phase diagram of 304 Stainless Steel (SS) and Zirconium (Zr) and ELSA experiments. Results suggest local RPV failure at CRD housings, leading to melt release and refreezing. The estimated failure occurs 8-12 hours post-dryout (ca. 12:00-16:00 on 3/15/2011), providing insights into melt progression and boundary breach scenarios in Unit-2.
伊東 達矢; 小川 祐平*; Gong, W.; Mao, W.*; 川崎 卓郎; 岡田 和歩*; 柴田 曉伸*; Harjo, S.
Acta Materialia, 287, p.120767_1 - 120767_16, 2025/04
Incorporating solute hydrogen into Fe-Cr-Ni-based austenitic stainless steels enhances both strength and ductility, providing a promising solution to hydrogen embrittlement by causing solid-solution strengthening and assisting deformation twinning. However, its impacts on the relevant lattice defects evolution (, dislocations, stacking faults, and twins) during deformation remains unclear. This study compared the tensile deformation behavior in an Fe-24Cr-19Ni (mass%) austenitic steel with 7600 atom ppm hydrogen-charged (H-charged) and without hydrogen-charged (non-charged) using
neutron diffraction. Hydrogen effects on the lattice expansion, solid-solution strengthening, stacking fault probability, stacking fault energy, dislocation density, and strain/stress for twin evolution were quantitatively evaluated to link them with the macroscale mechanical properties. The H-charged sample showed improvements in yield stress, flow stress, and uniform elongation, consistent with earlier findings. However, solute hydrogen exhibited minimal influences on the evolution of dislocation and stacking fault. This fact contradicts the previous reports on hydrogen-enhanced dislocation and stacking fault evolutions, the latter of which can be responsible for the enhancement of twinning. The strain for twin evolution was smaller in the H-charged sample compared to the non-charged one. Nevertheless, when evaluated as the onset stress for twin evolution, there was minimal change between the two samples. These findings suggest that the increase in flow stress due to the solid-solution strengthening by hydrogen is a root cause of accelerated deformation twinning at a smaller strain, leading to an enhanced work-hardening rate and improved uniform elongation.
Guembou Shouop, C. J.; 土屋 晴文
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170189_1 - 170189_14, 2025/03
被引用回数:0The development of a compact mobile neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) instrument is in progress for measuring nuclear materials in the field of nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security. The present paper focuses on research/developments on designing the source, moderators and shielding for the table-top NRTA system utilising a Cf spontaneous neutron. To this end, three source configurations were assessed using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations-based Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) by evaluating each configuration's neutron/gamma fluxes. Experimental validation of the MC simulation was conducted using an EJ270 plastic scintillation detector, a
Cf source, and a thin In sample. The Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results confirmed that an optimal configuration for the table-top NRTA system involves sandwiching the
Cf source between the polyethylene (PE) moderator (PE closer to the detector) and the W reflector. Furthermore, the MC simulations showed that resonance dips from NatU and Pu (energy lines of 1.06 and 2.60 eV of
Pu and 0.30 eV of
Pu) can be observed in the Time-of-Flight spectra obtained using the table-top NRTA system with an appropriate collimator for a small pellet sample. The preliminary experimental results with a 2 mm thick In sample displayed the 1.46 eV resonance dip of
In, showing that the table-top NRTA system using a
Cf neutron source can measure TOF spectra and observe dips caused by low energy resonances in a sample. These findings suggest the system is well-suited for measuring small pellet samples of Pu and U.
松村 太伊知; 奥村 啓介; 坂本 雅洋; 寺島 顕一; Riyana E. S.; 近藤 千博*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113791_1 - 113791_9, 2025/02
被引用回数:0Retrieving objects with a small amount of fuel debris, such as a few grams, will begin soon at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) at the start of decommissioning. Objects retrieved from the primary containment vessel are not necessarily fuel debris; fuel debris is an object from which neutrons are emitted because it contains nuclear-fuel material. However, the characteristics of the neutrons emitted by fuel debris are unknown. Fuel debris was categorized into five types according to the elapsed time from the accident, burnup, and fuel type (UO or mixed oxide). The number and energy spectra of (
) and spontaneous fission neutrons emitted from 1 g of each fuel debris type were estimated using the SOURCES 4C code to obtain the neutron characteristics. The results showed that the average neutron energy is approximately 2.1 MeV, regardless of the type of fuel debris. However, the intensities of neutrons emitted from the fuel debris in 1F Units 2 and 3 varied by four orders of magnitude according to the fuel debris type.
Yang, X.*; Che, G.*; Wang, Y.*; Zhang, P.*; Tang, X.*; Lang, P.*; Gao, D.*; Wang, X.*; Wang, Y.*; 服部 高典; et al.
Nano Letters, 25(3), p.1028 - 1035, 2025/01
Che, G.*; Fei, Y.*; Tang, X.*; Zhao, Z.*; 服部 高典; 阿部 淳*; Wang, X.*; Ju, J.*; Dong, X.*; Wang, Y.*; et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 27(2), p.1112 - 1118, 2025/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)芳香族分子の圧力誘起重合(PIP)は、様々な炭素系材料を合成するための効果的な方法として浮上してきた。目的とする構造や機能を得るためには、適切な官能基化された分子前駆体の選択が極めて重要である。本研究では、1,4-ジフルオロベンゼン(1,4-DFB)をPIPの構成要素として選択した。1,4-DFBをその場高圧で調べた結果、約12.0GPaで相転移が起こり、18.7GPaで不可逆的な化学反応が起こることがわかった。生成物の構造解析と反応のカイネティクスから、直線的な成長を伴う擬六方晶積層フッ素ダイヤモンドナノスレッドの形成が明らかになった。高圧下のベンゼンの結晶構造と比較して、1,4-DFBは[001]軸に沿って高い圧縮を示す。この異方的な圧縮は、[01]軸に沿ったより強いH
宇佐美 博士; 伊藤 倫太郎; 田川 明広
JAEA-Review 2024-045, 49 Pages, 2024/12
東京電力ホールディングス(株)福島第一原子力発電所の廃止措置は、長期にわたるプロジェクトであり、このようなプロジェクトを遂行していくには、今後の廃止措置を担う若い技術者や研究者の育成が必要かつ喫緊の課題となっている。この課題に対し、福島廃炉安全工学研究所廃炉環境国際共同研究センターでは、廃炉研究に取り組んでいる学生のための「次世代イニシアティブ廃炉技術カンファレンス(Conference for R&D Initiative on Nuclear Decommissioning Technology by the Next Generation: NDEC)」を2016年から継続的に開催してきている。NDECは、人材育成と若手研究者ネットワーク形成を目的とした学生の研究成果発表の場であり、廃止措置に関係する若者が互いに成果を発表し、切磋琢磨することで研究活動に対するモチベーションを高めることを目的として実施している。第9回目となるNDEC-9を、2024年3月21日(木)-22日(金)の2日間にわたり、福島県双葉郡富岡町の文化交流センター「学びの森」で開催した。本報告集は、これらの発表内容をまとめ、NDECの活動を広く周知するために公開するものである。
竹田 武司
JAEA-Data/Code 2024-014, 76 Pages, 2024/12
三浦 泰人*; 宮本 慎太郎*; 丸山 一平*; Aili, A.*; 佐藤 拓未; 永江 勇二; 五十嵐 豪*
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 21, p.e03571_1 - e03571_14, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Construction & Building Technology)In this study, the expansion behavior of cement materials after high-temperature heating and water immersion was observed experimentally. Two experiments were conducted using mortar specimens with different sand-to-cement ratios subjected to different high-temperature histories up to 1000C. In Case 1, the specimens were immersed in water after high-temperature heating and then cooled naturally; in Case 2, the specimens were immersed in water at high temperatures without the cooling process. Based on the results, it was confirmed that lime expansion due to the rehydration of CaO by heating occurred in Case 1. In contrast, dynamic continuous explosive spalling occurred in Case 2 because of water penetration into the specimen at a high temperature. The explosive spalling in water observed in Case 2 is a phenomenon that has not been reported to date. Possible failure mechanisms for lime expansion and continuous expansive spalling in water are suggested.
筒井 智嗣; 伊藤 孝; 中村 仁*; 吉田 実生*; 小林 義男*; 依田 芳卓*; 中村 惇平*; 幸田 章宏*; 東中 隆二*; 青木 大*; et al.
Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.55_1 - 55_9, 2024/12
Sm SR-based M
ssbauer and muon spin relaxation (
SR) spectroscopies have been applied to Sm
. The temperature dependence of the
Sm SR-based M
ssbauer spectra in the paramagnetic state implies the presence of dynamical nuclear Zeeman and/or quadrupole interactions. The time differential
SR spectra also exhibit a marked temperature dependence in the paramagnetic state, indicating the presence of magnetic fluctuation in Sm
at least. These results in the present work infer that the dynamical hyperfine interactions observed using the mutually complementary spectroscopic methods are connected with the mechanism of the heavy fermion behavior in Sm
筒井 智嗣; 東中 隆二*; 水牧 仁一朗*; 小林 義男*; 中村 仁*; 伊藤 孝; 依田 芳卓*; 松田 達磨*; 青木 勇二*; 佐藤 英行*
Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12
Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M
ssbauer spectroscopy has been applied to Sm-based heavy fermion intermetallics, Sm
= Ti, V and Cr) and SmOs
. The isomer shifts obtained demonstrate that the Sm valence states in these compounds are intermediate. Since the difference of the isomer shifts in 22.502 keV
Sm M
ssbauer effect between Sm
and Sm
state is comparable to the 2nd order Doppler shift, consideration of the 2nd order Doppler shift is required to precisely discuss Sm valence state through the shifts of the M
ssbauer spectra. In addition, the plots of the isomer shifts obtained by the M
ssbauer spectroscopy against the Sm valence states estimated from Sm L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy exhibit a linear correlation except for that in SmOs
. This implies that the origin of the intermediate valence state in SmOs
differs from that in Sm
= Ti, V and Cr).
杉本 千紘; Myagmarjav, O.; 田中 伸幸; 野口 弘喜; 竹上 弘彰; 久保 真治
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 95, p.98 - 107, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)The thermochemical iodine-sulfur (IS or SI) process can produce hydrogen by decomposing water through chemical reactions and nuclear heat. The hydrogen iodine (HI) decomposition reaction of the IS process thermally decomposes HI at ca. 500C to produce hydrogen. The thermal efficiency of hydrogen production in the thermochemical IS process can be effectively enhanced using a membrane reactor for the HI decomposition reaction; hydrogen separation membrane tubes made of ceramic are attached to a tube plate via sealing parts. The applicability of a sealing method using the expanded graphite grand packing was investigated. During 50 thermal cycles ranging between 25
C and gas pressure of 0.2-0.8 MPa (gauge), the leakage flow rate was approximately 2
Pa m
. This value is comparable to a detection limit of the standard bubble leak test, indicating that this sealing method works effectively.
涌井 隆; 斎藤 滋; 二川 正敏
実験力学, 24(4), p.212 - 218, 2024/12
羽成 敏秀; 中村 啓太*; 今渕 貴志; 川端 邦明
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 36(6), p.1537 - 1549, 2024/12
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 横浜国立大学*
JAEA-Review 2024-024, 88 Pages, 2024/11
小泉 光生; 伊藤 史哲*; Lee, J.; 弘中 浩太; 高橋 時音; 鈴木 敏*; 有川 安信*; 安部 勇輝*; Wei, T.*; 余語 覚文*; et al.
第45回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2024/11
Neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) is a non-destructive method applicable for measuring nuclear material using a time-of-flight (TOF) technique with a pulsed neutron source. To realize a high resolution compact NRTA system, use of a short-pulsed neutron source is essential. Laser-driven neutron sources (LDNSs) are well-suit for generating such neutron beams due to their short pulse width. The advances in laser technology will further reduce the system's size and improve practicality. In this study, we demonstrate the measurement of a neutron transmission TOF spectrum of a sample containing indium and silver using the LDNS of the Osaka University. The obtained spectrum was analyzed using the least-square nuclear-resonance fitting program, REFIT, showcasing for the first time the potential of an LDNS for nondestructive areal-density material characterization.
畑 浩二*; 丹生屋 純夫*; 青柳 和平
International Journal of the JSRM (Internet), 20(1), p.240104_1 - 240104_4, 2024/11
冠城 雅晃; 鎌田 圭*; 石井 隼也*; 松本 哲郎*; 真鍋 征也*; 増田 明彦*; 原野 英樹*; 加藤 昌弘*; 島添 健次*
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 19(11), p.P11019_1 - P11019_16, 2024/11
被引用回数:0A new LiCAF:Ce detector with an ultra-thick (99 m) crystal and optimized readout was developed. The LiCAF:Ce and KG2 detectors were used to detect a sealed Cf-252 neutron source (neutron emission rate of ~
) using a 5 cm thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) block located at the front of the detector. At the air kerma rates at the front surface of the HDPE block (
) of up to 1.07 Gy/h, the effective neutron count rate (
) for the LiCAF:Ce detector was the same within margins of errors, but it decreased by 5.7
0.8% at 2.97 Gy/h. In contrast, for the KG2 detector, with
increased up to 1.07 Gy/h,
for KG2 increased up to 20
1.0 % at 1.07 Gy/h. Then,
decreased by 20
1.0% at 2.97 Gy/h. Therefore, the LiCAF:Ce detector exhibited a smaller influence on neutron count rates by
-rays compared to the KG2 detector because of the faster decay time and optimization of digital pulse processing.
中村 詔司; 芝原 雄司*; 遠藤 駿典; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(11), p.1415 - 1430, 2024/11
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)廃止措置においては、生成放射能の評価に資する核データとして、中性子捕獲断面積を整備する必要がある。本研究では、整備すべき対象核種のうちSc,
0.28 barn、
0.06 barn、
0.011 barn、
0.05 barn、そして
0.27 barn。ScとZnの結果は、これまでに報告されている評価値を誤差範囲で支持するが、一方、他の核種については評価値と異なる結果となった。得られた結果は、生成量評価にはもちろん、これらの核種を中性束モニタとして利用する場合に用いることが考えられる。
青柳 和平; 尾崎 裕介; 田村 友識; 石井 英一
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media; Observation, Modeling, and Application (CouFrac2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/11
高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分では、処分場建設時に空洞周辺に生じる掘削損傷領域が放射性核種の選択的移行経路になりうることから、掘削損傷領域の評価が重要となる。過去の研究では、割れ目に作用する平均有効応力を引張強度で除した、Ductility Index(DI)というパラメータにより透水性を評価できる可能性があることが示されている。本研究では、幌延深地層研究センターの350m調査坑道を対象として坑道周辺のDIの分布を検討することで、掘削損傷領域の透水量係数を予測した結果、水理試験により得られた結果を内包する予測結果を得た。さらに、これから建設が予定されている500m調査坑道を対象としてDIに基づき掘削損傷領域の透水量係数を予測した。結果として、500m調査坑道では、350m調査坑道と比較して掘削損傷領域に生じる割れ目の透水量係数が1桁程度小さいことが確認された。これは、深度500mは、深度350mと比較して地圧状態が高いことにより割れ目が閉塞されやすいことを反映したものであると考えられる。