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筒井 智嗣; 東中 隆二*; 水牧 仁一朗*; 小林 義男*; 中村 仁*; 伊藤 孝; 依田 芳卓*; 松田 達磨*; 青木 勇二*; 佐藤 英行*
Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12
Sm synchrotron-radiation-based Mssbauer spectroscopy has been applied to Sm-based heavy fermion intermetallics, SmAl ( = Ti, V and Cr) and SmOsSb. The isomer shifts obtained demonstrate that the Sm valence states in these compounds are intermediate. Since the difference of the isomer shifts in 22.502 keV Sm Mssbauer effect between Sm and Sm state is comparable to the 2nd order Doppler shift, consideration of the 2nd order Doppler shift is required to precisely discuss Sm valence state through the shifts of the Mssbauer spectra. In addition, the plots of the isomer shifts obtained by the Mssbauer spectroscopy against the Sm valence states estimated from Sm L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy exhibit a linear correlation except for that in SmOsSb. This implies that the origin of the intermediate valence state in SmOsSb differs from that in SmAl ( = Ti, V and Cr).
筒井 智嗣; 伊藤 孝; 中村 仁*; 吉田 実生*; 小林 義男*; 依田 芳卓*; 中村 惇平*; 幸田 章宏*; 東中 隆二*; 青木 大*; et al.
Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.55_1 - 55_9, 2024/12
Sm SR-based Mssbauer and muon spin relaxation (SR) spectroscopies have been applied to SmRuGe. The temperature dependence of the Sm SR-based Mssbauer spectra in the paramagnetic state implies the presence of dynamical nuclear Zeeman and/or quadrupole interactions. The time differential SR spectra also exhibit a marked temperature dependence in the paramagnetic state, indicating the presence of magnetic fluctuation in SmRuGe at least. These results in the present work infer that the dynamical hyperfine interactions observed using the mutually complementary spectroscopic methods are connected with the mechanism of the heavy fermion behavior in SmRuGe.
勝又 哲裕*; 鈴木 涼*; 佐藤 直人*; 小田 良哉*; 本山 慎吾*; 鈴木 俊平*; 中島 護*; 稲熊 宜之*; 森 大輔*; 相見 晃久*; et al.
Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)ペロブスカイト型酸窒化物のBaFeOFを高圧合成によって作製した。得られた物質はSHGシグナルが観測されたことから自発分極の存在を示唆していたため、分極発現機構を放射光高エネルギーX線回折で調べた。得られた2体相関分布関数をフィットした結果、方位の異なる局所的な分極発現機構を見出した。BaFeOFは磁性材料でもあるため、磁気ドメインと強誘電ドメインが共存していると考えられる。
船引 雄太*; 伊與田 宗慶*; 菖蒲 敬久; 松田 朋己*; 林 雄二郎*; 佐野 智一*; 他8名*
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 115, p.40 - 55, 2024/04
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Manufacturing)In resistance spot welding (RSW) of Fe and Al alloy, an intermetallic compound (IMC) is formed at the joining interface, and it is known that the joining strength of the joint decreases as the IMC becomes thicker. In this study, the convection behavior in the Al alloy melting zone of an Fe-Al alloy RSW was varied and the effect on the joint characteristics was investigated. For this study, focusing on the electromagnetic force generated in the Al alloy melting zone, the convection behavior in the Al alloy melting zone was changed by adding an external magnetic field using neodymium magnets. In-situ evaluation of the convection behavior using synchrotron radiation and cross-sectional macro-observation of the joint revealed that the addition of an external magnetic field causes a non-axisymmetric change in the convection behavior in the Al alloy melting zone, which results in the deflection of the Al alloy melting zone. The addition of an external magnetic field increases the driving force of convection and homogenizes the temperature field at the joining interface, suggesting that the IMC near the center is formed thin and uniform. Furthermore, from the cross tension test and the observation of the fracture surface of the joint after the test, it was clarified that the CTS of the joint with an external magnetic field was improved by the propagation of cracks into the Al alloy melting zone during the test.
Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; 舟越 賢一*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; 肥後 祐司*; et al.
CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)The phase transformations and pressure-volume dependencies of the Ti-45Al alloy with respect to pressure have been investigated by means of in-situ observation using multi anvil-type high-pressure devices and synchrotron radiation. Under hydrostatic compression from 0 to 10.1 GPa, about 2.3 vol. % of transforms continuously to 2. Lattice parameters as well as volume fractions of these two phases have been determined as a function of pressure. Bulk moduli estimated using Birch-Murnaghan's equation of state are 148 GPa for the phase, 138 GPa for the 2 phase, and 149 GPa for their two-phase mixture of Ti-45Al alloy. First-principles have also applied to investigate bulk moduli of two single phases, and the deviation between calculations and measurements is discussed and attributed to mainly phase transformation. The presently study provides useful insights into thermodynamics of 2 and phases under high pressure.
三浦 靖史*; 鈴木 賢治*; 諸岡 聡; 菖蒲 敬久
Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(1), p.1_1 - 1_14, 2024/03
Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is expected as a reasonable structural integrity assessment method for nuclear components such as piping, whose main degradation phenomenon is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Some input parameters are necessary for PFM analysis, and welding residual stress is one of the most important parameters because welding residual stress affects SCC initiation and propagation. Recently, a double exposure method (DEM) with synchrotron X-ray has been proposed, and the method is an expected candidate for the measurement of welding residual stress with a high spatial resolution. In this paper, the DEM was applied to measure the residual stress of the plate specimen, which was cut from the welded pipe using electrical discharge machining, and detailed stress maps under a plane stress state were obtained. Furthermore, the residual stress distributions of the welded pipe under a triaxial stress state were also evaluated using neutron diffraction. From these results, the method for obtaining a detailed stress map of the welded pipe by the complementary use of high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays and neutrons was proposed.
鈴木 誠也; 勝部 大樹*; 矢野 雅大; 津田 泰孝; 寺澤 知潮; 小澤 孝拓*; 福谷 克之; Kim, Y.*; 朝岡 秀人; 柚原 淳司*; et al.
Small Methods, p.2400863_1 - 2400863_9, 2024/00
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)For group 14 monoelemental two-dimensional materials, such as silicene, germanene, and stanene, oxidation is a severe problem that alters or degrades their physical properties. This study shows that the oxidized germanene on Ag(111)/Ge(111) can be reformed to germanene by simple heating around 500 C in a vacuum. The key reaction in reforming germanene is the desorption of GeO and GeO during heating around 350 C. After removing surface oxygen, Ge further segregates to the surface, resulting in germanene. The reformed germanene has the same crystal structure, a (7 7) R19.1 supercell with respect to Ag(111), and has equivalent high quality to that of as-grown germanene on Ag(111)/Ge(111). Even after air oxidation, germanene can be reformed by annealing in a vacuum. On the other hand, the desorption of GeO and GeO at high temperatures was not suppressed even in the O backfilling atmosphere. This instability of oxidized germanene/Ag(111)/Ge(111) at high temperatures contributes to the ease of germanene reformation without oxygen. In other words, the present germanene reformation, as well as the segregation of germanene on Ag(111)/Ge(111), is a highly robust process as a synthesis method of germanene.
塩飽 秀啓; 丸下 元治*
JAEA-Research 2022-015, 39 Pages, 2023/05
大型放射光施設SPring-8日本原子力研究所専用ビームライン(現在は、日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)専用ビームライン)である硬X線アンジュレータビームラインBL22XUの設計を行った。BL22XUは、主に放射性廃棄物処理に係る分離抽出材の設計及び化学的挙動解明を行うためのXAFS(X-ray Absorption Fine Structure)解析実験、回折計を用いた磁性研究実験、高圧プレスやダイヤモンドアンビルセルを用いた極限環境下実験等を行うためのビームラインである。利用可能なX線エネルギー範囲を370keVに設定した。ビームラインの光学系を設計するために、ミラーの反射率、分光結晶の回折幅、Be窓材の吸収率等を計算した。また、光線追跡を行い、各光学素子の材料、寸法、設置場所等を最適化した。さらに、放射性物質利用上の安全確保のため音響遅延管ADL(Acoustic Delay Line)の遅延時間についても検討を行った。BL22XU「重元素科学研究I」は、2002年にビームラインの建設を終え、立ち上げ調整期間を経て、既に運用している。軟X線アンジュレータを光源とするもう一つのJAEA専用ビームラインBL23SU「重元素化科学究II」と共に、2つのビームラインを相補的に利用することによって、原子力科学が直面する多くの問題を解決する放射光ビームラインとして発展することが期待されている。2018年から2019年に分光器の高度化を実施したため、ビームライン建設当時の設計、特徴と性能を改めてここに記録することとした。
伊與田 宗慶*; 松田 朋己*; 佐野 智一*; 茂田 正哉*; 菖蒲 敬久; 湯本 博勝*; 小山 貴久*; 山崎 裕史*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; et al.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 94, p.424 - 434, 2023/05
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:75.29(Engineering, Manufacturing)Aluminum alloys are increasingly being applied to automobile bodies to reduce the weight of automobiles. In joining steel materials and aluminum alloys using resistance spot welding (RSW), it is important to control the state of intermetallic compounds due to the temperature at the joining interface. In other words, in RSW of Fe/Al dissimilar materials, it is necessary to clarify the heating and cooling phenomena of the interface temperature during joining. Although the convection behavior of the molten aluminum alloy is thought to influence the temperature distribution at the joining interface, there are no studies that have directly observed this phenomenon. In this study, convection in molten zone of aluminum alloy during RSW of steel and aluminum alloy is discussed. Direct observations were attempted in order to clarify the convection behavior of the molten aluminum alloy in RSW of steel and aluminum alloy. The main feature of this experiment is that a real-scale test piece and an RSW apparatus used in actual production were used to observe convection during actual production. The observation experiments were conducted using synchrotron radiation X-ray at SPring-8. During welding, the specimens were irradiated with synchrotron radiation X-ray, and convection was observed from the behavior of tracer particles placed on the specimens. As a results, three types of convection were observed: radial outward convection from the center of the molten zone at the joining interface, convection from the edge of the molten zone toward its center, and weak circulating convection at the edge of the molten zone. And, small convection velocities were generated at the edge of the molten zone. Furthermore, the convection velocity inside the molten zone was calculated to be approximately 1.75 m/s. In addition, it was shown that there is a correlation between convection behavior and the shape of the molten zone.
鈴木 賢治*; 三浦 靖史*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 菖蒲 敬久; 諸岡 聡
材料, 72(4), p.316 - 323, 2023/04
Residual stresses in small-bore butt-welded pipe of austenitic stainless steel have never been measured. It is difficult to obtain a detailed residual stress map of the root welded part, because the gauge volume in neutron diffraction is large. The stress evaluation of the welded part by synchrotron X-rays was also difficult due to the dendritic structure. In this study, a double exposure method (DEM) with high-energy synchrotron X-rays was applied to measuring the details of the residual stress of the welded part, and we succeeded in obtaining the detailed axial and radius stress maps of the root welded part of the plate cut from the welded pipe, though the stress map was under the plane stress condition. The hoop stress map of the butt-welded pipe was obtained using the strain scanning method with neutrons under the triaxial stress state. The axial and radius stress maps under triaxial stress state were made up using the complementary use of the synchrotron X-ray and neutron. As a result, the detailed stress maps of the root welded part of the butt-welded pipe were obtained. The obtained map sufficiently explained the initiation and propagation of SCC.
平野 辰巳*; 前田 壮宏*; 村田 哲之*; 山木 孝弘*; 松原 英一郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 高松 大郊*
SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(インターネット), 11(1), p.49 - 57, 2023/02
The temperature rise due to high current/power operations and stress caused by the expansion or contraction of electrodes by lithium (de)-intercalation is known to be a degradation factor in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Therefore, in this study, a new technique is proposed to simultaneously measure the internal temperature and stress in the 18650-type LIB during its operation. The operando measurement involved retaining a constant gage volume using rotating spiral slits, obtaining X-ray diffraction images using a highly sensitive two-dimensional detector, and employing the sin method to separate the stress and change in temperature. During the charging process, at the 1C current rate, the anode expansion, owing to the lithium intercalation, induced the radial compressive stress in the Cu anode collector. The radial stress changes of the Cu anode collector were -31 MPa (compression) and 44 MPa (tensile) during the 1C charge and discharge processes, respectively. Moreover, the internal temperature, which was higher than the surface temperature, was calculated by considering the radial stress change during the battery operation. During the 4C cycle, the surface and internal temperatures rose by 26 degree and 42 degree, respectively. The results indicate that the internal temperature and stress in the 18650-LIB were successfully measured during battery operation.
仲野谷 孝充; 神谷 潤一郎; 吉本 政弘; 高柳 智弘; 谷 教夫; 古徳 博文*; 堀野 光喜*; 柳橋 享*; 竹田 修*; 山本 風海
JAEA-Technology 2021-019, 105 Pages, 2021/11
J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロン加速器ではビーム出力の増強に伴い、ビーム入射部付近では放射化による機器の表面線量と空間線量率が年々増加している。一方でビーム入射部には人の手によるメンテナンスが欠かせない機器が多数存在しており、作業者の被ばく低減が重要な課題であった。そのため、本加速器施設を管理するJ-PARCセンター加速器ディビジョン加速器第二セクションにおいて、作業者の被ばく低減のための遮蔽体設置を目的としたワーキンググループ「入射部タスクフォース」を設立し、遮蔽体の構造や設置方法等について検討を重ねてきた。結果、ビーム入射部の構造を一部更新し、必要な際に容易に取付けが可能な非常設型の遮蔽体を設置することとした。そして、2020年夏期メンテナンス期間に遮蔽体の設置に必要な更新作業を実施し、遮蔽体の設置を行った。更新作業は高線量下で長期間に渡るため、作業員の被ばく量を抑えることが重要な課題であった。このため、事前に入念に作業計画と作業手順を作成し、作業期間中も様々な被ばく低減対策と個々の被ばく管理を行った。これにより、作業者の被ばく線量を管理目標値以下に抑えることができた。本作業の実施により、ビーム入射部に取付け取外し可能な遮蔽体を設置できるようになった。この遮蔽体により入射部近傍での作業時の被ばく線量の低減に寄与できることが確認できた。夏期メンテナンス期間中のほぼすべてで入射部を占有する大規模な作業となったが、今後の保守作業における被ばく抑制のためには非常に有意義な作業であったと考えられる。
仲野谷 孝充; 神谷 潤一郎; 吉本 政弘; 高柳 智弘; 谷 教夫; 古徳 博文*; 堀野 光喜*; 柳橋 享*; 竹田 修*; 山本 風海
Proceedings of 18th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.238 - 242, 2021/10
J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロン加速器ではビーム出力の増強に伴い、ビーム入射部付近では放射化による機器の表面線量と空間線量率が年々増加している。一方でビーム入射部には人の手によるメンテナンスが欠かせない機器が多数存在しており、作業者の被ばく低減が重要な課題であった。特に今後、本加速器の設計値である1MWで定常的な運転をしていくとさらなる機器の放射化が予想されるため、作業者の被ばくを低減するには遮蔽体の設置が必須である。遮蔽体の形状、設置方法等について検討を重ねた結果、ビームライン架台に対して取り外し可能な遮蔽体を設置することとした。そして、2020年夏季メンテナンス期間に遮蔽体の設置作業を実施した。遮蔽体の設置作業は高線量下で行われるため、作業員の被ばく量を抑えることが重要な課題であった。被ばく低減を図るため、入念に作業計画と作業手順を作成し、また、作業期間中も様々な被ばく低減対策と個々の被ばく管理を行った。これにより、作業者の最大の被ばく線量を管理目標値以下に抑えて作業を完遂することができた。遮蔽体設置後に遮蔽効果を検証した結果、この遮蔽体によって入射部近傍での被ばく線量が大幅に低減することが確認できた。本発表では設置した遮蔽体の概要、設置作業に係る作業管理・放射線管理及び遮蔽効果について報告する。
菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 村松 壽晴*
SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(インターネット), 9(5), p.318 - 323, 2021/08
稲見 俊哉*; 菖蒲 敬久; 石井 賢司*
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57(3, Part 2), p.6400105_1 - 6400105_5, 2021/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)Although the observation of magnetic domains well below the surface of a sample appears to be relatively easy, in reality, magnetic domains inside metallic samples have not been investigated in detail due to a lack of adequate techniques. Non-resonant magnetic X-ray diffraction (NRMXRD) is a candidate for such 3-D magnetic microscopy. A relatively small focus size of less than 100 nm and a relatively long attenuation length of more than 100 m can be obtained by using high-energy synchrotron X-rays. However, NRMXRD has a disadvantage in that the magnetic contrast is low. It is known that the magnetic contrast in NRMXRD increases with increasing the total polarization of the incident X-rays. In this feasibility study, we carried out NRMXRD experiments on a metallic iron sample to examine whether the magnetic contrast can be sufficiently enhanced even for high-energy X-rays.
山中 謙太*; 黒田 あす美*; 伊藤 美優*; 森 真奈美*; Bian, H.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐藤 茂男*; 千葉 明彦*
Additive Manufacturing, 37, p.101678_1 - 101678_12, 2021/01
被引用回数:32 パーセンタイル:86.56(Engineering, Manufacturing)Ti-6Al-4V alloy is widely used in aerospace and biomedical industries, and its preparation using additive manufacturing techniques has recently attracted considerable attention. Herein, the dislocation structures developed during electron beam and laser beam powder-bed fusion (EB-PBF and LB-PBF, respectively) of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy were quantitatively examined via XRD line profile analysis. Accordingly, a higher dislocation density and finer crystallite size were observed at the top cross-section from the XRD line profile analysis, suggesting that the extent of phase decomposition depended on the duration of the exposure to the elevated temperature. Nonetheless, the saturated dislocation density was as high as 10 m, where dislocation strengthening affected the overall strength of the EB-PBF specimen. Diffraction peaks of sufficient intensity that enabled the analysis of the dislocation structures in both the (')-matrix and the nanosized beta-phase precipitates at the (')-laths were obtained under high-energy synchrotron radiation; this revealed that the beta-phase had a much higher dislocation density than the surrounding (')-matrix. The enhanced dislocation accumulation in the nanosized -phase precipitates probably reflects the elemental partitioning that occurred during post-solidification cooling. The valuable insights provided in this study are expected to promote further development of alloy preparation using additive manufacturing processes.
林 真琴*; 菖蒲 敬久
Residual Stress, p.100 - 132, 2021/00
菅野 未知央*; 町屋 修太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 中本 達志*
Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(8), p.085003_1 - 085003_10, 2020/08
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:33.94(Physics, Applied)REBaCuO-delta (REBCO) composite tapes are candidate conductors for future accelerator magnets. Given that REBCO is a brittle oxide film, stress/strain management is important in the mechanical design of a magnet. Therefore, the strain state of a superconducting film should be predicted under various operating conditions. A quantum beam is a useful tool in evaluating the strain state of a superconducting material in a composite conductor. Although various cryogenic tensile testing machines, in combination with neutron beam and synchrotron radiation, have been developed, they are not necessarily optimized for measuring highly textured materials such as REBCO films. This study reports a novel cryogenic tensile testing apparatus that can be used at the beamline of a synchrotron radiation facility. In this system, a superconducting tape is cooled using a Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler through 2.5 m long thermal links made of 5 N high-purity aluminum. This enables a compact cryogenic loading system that can be mounted on the goniometer of a beamline. Lattice strain measurements using synchrotron radiation were conducted at 40 K, 77 K, and 300 K for a commercially available (Y,Gd)BCO coated conductor at BL28B2 in SPring-8. The onset strain of film fracture determined from the lattice strain measurement at 77 K agreed well with the irreversible strain of critical current at the same temperature. The residual and fracture strain of the (Y,Gd)BCO film at 77 K was evaluated as well.
佐野 智一*; 詠村 嵩之*; 廣瀬 明夫*; 川人 洋介*; 片山 聖二*; 荒河 一渡*; 政木 清孝*; 城 鮎美*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐野 雄二*
Metals, 9(11), p.1192_1 - 1192_13, 2019/11
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:60.79(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)本研究の目的は、ドライレーザーピーニング(DryLP)の有効性を検証することである。DryLPは、大気条件下でフェムト秒レーザーパルスを使用して、加工合金中の硬度,残留応力,疲労性能などの機械的特性を改善するピーニング技術である。レーザー溶接された2024アルミニウム合金にDryLP処理を施すと軟化した溶接金属は母材の元の硬度に回復し、溶接金属と熱影響部の残留引張応力は圧縮応力に変わった。疲労寿命は180MPaの引張圧縮試験でほぼ2倍になり、120MPaでは50倍以上増加した。以上から、DryLPは低応力振幅での溶接欠陥のあるレーザー溶接アルミニウム試験片の疲労性能を改善するのにより効果的であることを明らかにした。
島村 佳伸*; 松下 真也*; 藤井 朋之*; 東郷 敬一郎*; 秋田 貢一*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*
Metals, 9(5), p.527_1 - 527_9, 2019/05
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:25.81(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)In order to examine the feasibility of applying synchrotron radiation CT imaging to alloy steels for non-destructive inspection of inclusions for potential origins of internal fatigue damage in the very high cycle region, synchrotron radiation CT imaging was utilized for repeated non-destructive observation of Cr-Mo steel. An ultrasonic fatigue testing machine was used in aid of the repeated observation. As a result, it was found that the synchrotron radiation CT imaging with 70 keV was useful for non-destructive observation of inclusions of more than 10 m, one of which may be an internal fatigue origin. No identifiable damage was observed around every inclusion, and in the base metal, at least up to 70% of fatigue life was observed in the imaging volume.