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Preliminary analysis of the post-disassembly expansion phase and structural response under unprotected loss of flow accident in prototype sodium cooled fast reactor

小野田 雄一; 松場 賢一; 飛田 吉春; 鈴木 徹

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 4(3), p.16-00597_1 - 16-00597_14, 2017/06

For the prototype sodium-cooled fast reactor, MONJU, the mechanical energy and structural response under energetics caused by neutronic power excursion during Unprotected Loss of Flow accident (ULOF) were preliminarily analyzed. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the integrity of the reactor vessel against the mechanical load induced by the energetics. Conservative energy production was assumed in order to confirm the robustness of the safety design of MONJU. Mechanical energy was evaluated with the code in which mechanistic modelling of core expansion was implemented. The mechanical energy, which were obtained by analyzing the expanding behavior of core materials after energetics, were about one order of magnitude below the thermodynamic work potential calculated by assuming isentropic expansion of the fuel vapor to one atmosphere, which was often used as an indicator to express the severity of the energetics. Structural integrity was then evaluated with coupled fluid-structure dynamics code using the obtained mechanical energy. No or very small circumferential residual strain of the reactor vessel was evaluated in most analytical cases, and even in the most conservative energy production case, the residual strain was only 0.008 % so that the integrity of the reactor vessel is maintained. The result obtained in the present study shows that MONJU has enough robustness against the mechanical load under energetics.


高速炉の炉停止失敗事象における炉容器内終息(IVR)に関する検討,1; ATWSにおけるIVR評価の概要

鈴木 徹; 曽我部 丞司; 飛田 吉春; 堺 公明*; 中井 良大

日本機械学会論文集(インターネット), 83(848), p.16-00395_1 - 16-00395_9, 2017/04

高速炉の炉停止失敗事象(ATWS: Anticipated Transient without Scram)に対して、原子炉容器内での事象終息(IVR: In-Vessel Retention)の成立性を検討した。検討においては、確率論的評価に基づいて冷却材流量喪失時炉停止失敗事象(ULOF: Unprotected Loss of Flow)をATWSの代表事象に選定した上で、総合的安全解析コードや個別物理モデルを活用して炉心損傷時の事象進展を解析し、事故の機械的影響と熱的影響を評価した。本検討の結果から、原子炉容器は機械的にも熱的にも損傷することはなく、IVRが成立する見通しを得ることができた。


Preliminary analysis of the post-disassembly expansion phase and structural response under unprotected loss of flow accident in prototype sodium cooled fast reactor

小野田 雄一; 松場 賢一; 飛田 吉春; 鈴木 徹

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2016/06

For the prototype sodium-cooled fast reactor, MONJU, the mechanical energy and structural response under energetics caused by neutronic power excursion during Unprotected Loss of Flow accident were preliminarily analyzed. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the integrity of the reactor vessel against the mechanical load induced by the energetics. Conservative energy production was assumed in order to confirm the robustness of the safety design of MONJU. Mechanical energy was evaluated with the code in which mechanistic modelling of core expansion was implemented. The mechanical energy, which were obtained by analyzing the expanding behavior of core materials after energetics, were about one order of magnitude below the thermodynamic work potential calculated by assuming isentropic expansion of the fuel vapor to one atmosphere, which was often used as an indicator to express the severity of the energetics. Structural integrity was then evaluated with coupled fluid-structure dynamics code using the obtained mechanical energy. No or very small circumferential residual strain of the reactor vessel was evaluated in most analytical cases, and even in the most conservative energy production case, the residual strain was only 0.008 % so that the integrity of the reactor vessel is maintained. The result obtained in the present study shows that MONJU has enough robustness against the mechanical load under energetics.


A Preliminary evaluation of unprotected loss-of-flow accident for a prototype fast-breeder reactor

鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春; 川田 賢一; 田上 浩孝; 曽我部 丞司; 松場 賢一; 伊藤 啓; 大島 宏之

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 47(3), p.240 - 252, 2015/04

 被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:90.34(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the original licensing application for the prototype fast-breeder reactor, MONJU, the event progression during an unprotected loss-of-flow (ULOF), which is one of the technically inconceivable events postulated beyond design basis, was evaluated. Through this evaluation, it was confirmed that radiological consequences could be suitably limited even if mechanical energy was released. Following the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, a new nuclear safety regulation has become effective in Japan. The conformity of MONJU to this new regulation should hence be investigated. The objectives of the present study are to conduct a preliminary evaluation of ULOF for MONJU, reflecting the knowledge obtained after the original licensing application through CABRI experiments and EAGLE projects, and to gain the prospect of In-Vessel Retention (IVR) for the conformity of MONJU to the new regulation. The preliminary evaluation in the present study showed that no significant mechanical energy release would take place, and that thermal failure of the reactor vessel could be avoided by the stable cooling of disrupted-core materials. This result suggests that the prospect of IVR against ULOF, which lies within the bounds of the original licensing evaluation and conforms to the new nuclear safety regulation, will be gained.

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