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Tada, Kenichi; Yamamoto, Akio*; Kunieda, Satoshi; Nagaya, Yasunobu
JAEA-Data/Code 2022-009, 208 Pages, 2023/02
The nuclear data processing code has an important role to connect evaluated nuclear data libraries and neutronics calculation codes. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed the nuclear data processing code FRENDY since 2013 to generate cross section files from evaluated nuclear data libraries, such as JENDL, ENDF/B, JEFF, and TENDL. The first version of FRENDY was released in 2019. FRENDY version 1 generates ACE files which are used for continuous energy Monte Carlo codes such as PHITS, Serpent, and MCNP. FRENDY version 2 generates multi-group neutron cross-section files from ACE files. The other major improvements are as follows: (1) uncertainty quantification for the probability tables of the unresolved resonance cross-section; (2) perturbation of the ACE file for the uncertainty quantification using a continuous Monte Carlo code; (3) modification of the ENDF-6 formatted nuclear data file. This report describes an overview of the nuclear data processing methods and input instructions for FRENDY.
Nagaya, Yasunobu; Okumura, Keisuke; Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki
JAERI 1348, 388 Pages, 2005/06
To realize fast and accurate Monte Carlo simulation of neutron and photon transport problems, two vectorized Monte Carlo codes MVP and GMVP have been developed at JAERI. MVP is based on the continuous energy model and GMVP is on the multigroup model. Compared with conventional scalar codes, these codes achieve higher computation speed by a factor of 10 or more on vector supercomputers. Both codes have sufficient functions for production use by adopting accurate physics model, geometry description capability and variance reduction techniques. The first version of the codes was released in 1994. They have been extensively improved and new functions have been implemented. The major improvements and new functions are (1) capability to treat the scattering model expressed with File 6 of the ENDF-6 format, (2) time-dependent tallies, (3) reaction rate calculation with the pointwise response function, (4) flexible source specification, etc. This report describes the physical model, geometry description method used in the codes, new functions and how to use them.
Sakashita, Tetsuya; Yokota, Yuichiro; Wada, Seiichi; Funayama, Tomoo; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko
JAERI-Tech 2004-007, 91 Pages, 2004/03
Microbeam System is a powerful tool for micro-radiosurgery studies and direct investigation of cell-to-cell communications such as "bystander effects". Microbeam system in Takasaki for biological application (MiST-BA) has been developed for several years and applied to some cases. There were fate mapping of the cellular blastoderm stage egg of the silkworm and bystander effects such as inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of micronuclei, and so on. The aim of this report (operation manual) is to provide a simple and easy usage of MiST-BA for current and new users. MiST-BA consists of three parts; (1) Offline microscope control system for cell-finding, (2) Online microscope control system for cell-targeting and irradiating, and (3) Beam shutter control system for cell irradiation with a precise number of heavy ions. The report presents the outline of MiST-BA, the operation protocol of each part, examples of a microbeam irradiation experiment using CHO-K1 cells, silkworm eggs, and Tobacco protoplast cells, and Trouble shooting.
Hanawa, Satoshi; Iyoku, Tatsuo
JAERI-Data/Code 2001-021, 150 Pages, 2001/08
no abstracts in English
Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-041, 108 Pages, 2001/01
no abstracts in English
Yamamoto, Nobuo
JAERI-Data/Code 99-023, 65 Pages, 1999/04
no abstracts in English
Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki;
JAERI-Data/Code 96-018, 121 Pages, 1996/05
no abstracts in English
Kimura, Hideo; Takahashi, Tomoyuki; ; Matsuzuru, Hideo
JAERI-M 92-161, 72 Pages, 1992/11
no abstracts in English
Fujimura, Toichiro;
JAERI-M 92-121, 218 Pages, 1992/09
no abstracts in English
Mori, Takamasa; Nakagawa, Masayuki;
JAERI 1314, 151 Pages, 1988/11
no abstracts in English
Mori, Takamasa; ; Nakagawa, Masayuki
JAERI-M 87-123, 55 Pages, 1987/08
no abstracts in English
JAERI-M 84-038, 116 Pages, 1984/03
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 82-095, 238 Pages, 1982/09
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 9396, 150 Pages, 1981/03
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 8479, 266 Pages, 1979/11
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 8287, 55 Pages, 1979/06
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 7102, 138 Pages, 1977/05
no abstracts in English
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JAERI-M 6954, 42 Pages, 1977/02
no abstracts in English