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Journal Articles

New JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files

Konno, Chikara

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(1), p.121 - 126, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files were produced in 2017 and those of 22 nuclei for neutron and 25 nuclei for proton were bundled in the PHITS code. Recently it was found that the following five data in the JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files had any problems; ACE files for $$^{15}$$N and $$^{18}$$O, heating numbers, damage energy production cross sections, secondary neutron multiplicities and fission cross sections. Thus new JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files were produced with the problems fixed. This paper describes the problems and how to produce the new neutron and proton ACE files in detail.

Journal Articles

Review of JENDL/HE-2007 neutron-induced fission cross sections of uranium-235 and 238 above 200 MeV

Fukahori, Tokio

INDC(JPN)-210 (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/10

The $$^{235}$$U(n,f) cross section values were not correctly compiled in the ENDF format, and wrong values are disseminated in the JENDL/HE-2007 file. The high energy part of the $$^{235}$$U(n,f) cross section for the JENDL/HE-2007 library was evaluated by using the results of the FISCAL code. The correct $$^{235}$$U(n,f) cross section values of the JENDL/HE-2007 library above 200 MeV is given in this report.

Journal Articles

High accuracy, high resolution $$^{235}$$U(n,f) cross section from n_TOF (CERN) from 18 meV to 10 keV

Mastromarco, M.*; Amaducci, S.*; Colonna, N.*; Kimura, Atsushi; 118 of others*

European Physical Journal A, 58(8), p.147_1 - 147_13, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:58.74(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Setup for the measurement of the $$^{235}$$U(n, f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 1 GeV

Manna, A.*; Aberle, O.*; Alcayne, V.*; Kimura, Atsushi; 125 of others*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.01008_1 - 01008_5, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:92.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Monte Carlo simulations and n-p differential scattering data measured with Proton Recoil Telescopes

Terranova, N.*; Aberle, O.*; Alcayne, V.*; Kimura, Atsushi; 125 of others*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.01024_1 - 01024_5, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:96.63(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Unified description of the fission probability for highly excited nuclei

Iwamoto, Hiroki; Meigo, Shinichiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(2), p.160 - 171, 2019/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:36.10(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We present a new model to describe the fission probability of the high-energy fission model, as deduced from the intranuclear cascade calculation with the Intra-Nuclear Cascade model of Li$`{e}$ge (INCL) version 4.6 and Prokofiev's phenomenological systematics of the proton-induced fission cross sections. This model is implemented in the de-excitation model of the Generalized Evaporation Model (GEM), and applied to Monte Carlo spallation reaction simulation using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). Comparing with experimental data for subactinide nuclei shows that this model can provide a unified prediction of the proton-, neutron-, and deuteron-induced fission cross sections with markedly improved accuracy. The calculated fission fragments tend to shift to higher mass numbers. To account for the isotopic distributions of fission fragments within the framework of a coupled INCL/GEM, modification of INCL is required, especially for description of the highly-excited states of residual nuclei.

Journal Articles

Progress of neutron-capture cross-section measurements promoted by ImPACT project at ANNRI in MLF of J-PARC

Nakamura, Shoji; Kimura, Atsushi; Hales, B. P.; Iwamoto, Osamu; Shibahara, Yuji*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*

JAEA-Conf 2018-001, p.199 - 203, 2018/12

Study on cross-section measurements has been promoted for $$^{135}$$Cs among long-lived fission products in ImPACT Project. The feasibility study on $$^{79}$$Se sample preparation also has been conducted to measure its cross sections in future. During the feasibility study, we started the neutron-capture cross-section measurements of stable Se isotopes. This paper reports research progresses on preparation of a radioactive $$^{135}$$Cs sample, neutron irradiation experiments with the Cs sample, and cross-section measurements of stable Se isotopes.

Journal Articles

Research on neutron capture cross sections at J-PARC in ImPACT Project

Nakamura, Shoji; Kimura, Atsushi; Hales, B. P.; Iwamoto, Osamu; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Matsumura, Tatsuro; Shibahara, Yuji*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*

JAEA-Conf 2017-001, p.15 - 22, 2018/01

Neutron nuclear data of long lived fission products (LLFPs) have been required as basic data for the technology of reduce environmental impact involved in high level radioactive wastes (HLW). The innovative large project called by "Impusing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program: ImPACT" have been started from October, 2014. In the ImPACT project, some research groups of JAEA engaged in the Project No.2 (Nuclear Reaction Data Measurements), and have started measurements of neutron capture cross-section at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI. In our research, we selected cesium-135 ($$^{135}$$Cs) nuclide (half life: 2.3$$times$$10$$^{6}$$ yr.) among LLFPs in the HLW, and decided to measure the neutron capture cross-sections of $$^{135}$$Cs. When measurement, the $$^{135}$$Cs sample might contained cecium-137 ($$^{137}$$Cs) as impurities because it's impossible to chemically separate each other. To measure the cross-sections of $$^{135}$$Cs, there should be also needed to know the cross-sections of $$^{137}$$Cs. In this work, sample maintenance also has been examined especially for selen-79 ($$^{79}$$Se) nuclide among LLFPs having difficulty in sample preparations. In this oral session, the outline of our research project will be presented together with a research motivation, situations of past reported data, total schedules, progress, future plans, and some of high light data for neutron capture cross-section measurements.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the $$^{240}$$Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility; First results from experimental area II (EAR-2)

Stamatopoulos, A.*; Tsinganis, A.*; Colonna, N.*; Harada, Hideo; Kimura, Atsushi; n_TOF Collaboration*; 126 of others*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.04030_1 - 04030_4, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:94.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Estimation of covariance matrices for nuclear data of $$^{237}Np$$, $$^{241}Am$$ and $$^{243}Am$$

Nakagawa, Tsuneo

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 42(11), p.984 - 993, 2005/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:52.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

JENDL photonuclear data file

Kishida, Norio*; Murata, Toru*; Asami, Tetsuo*; Kosako, Kazuaki*; Maki, Koichi*; Harada, Hideo*; Lee, Y.*; Chang, J.*; Chiba, Satoshi; Fukahori, Tokio

AIP Conference Proceedings 769, p.199 - 202, 2005/05

Nuclear data for photonuclear reactions are required in the field of shielding design of high-energy electron accelerators and high-energy $$gamma$$-ray therapy. The JENDL Photonuclear Data File was prepared by a working group on nuclear data evaluations for photonuclear reactions in Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. From a survey of many literatures, it is difficult to construct the photonuclear data file by using only measured data, since there are not sufficient experimental data. We were therefore evaluating with theoretical calculations based on statistical nuclear reaction models. The photonuclear cross sections that are to be contained in the file are as follows: photoabsorption cross sections, yield cross sections and DDX for neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, $$^{3}$$He-particles and alpha-particles, and isotope production cross sections. For the actinide nuclides, photofission cross sections are also included. The maximum energy of incident photons is 140 MeV and stored are the photonuclear data for 68 nuclides from $$^{2}$$H to $$^{237}$$Np.

Journal Articles

Validation of minor actinide cross sections by studying samples irradiated for 492 days at the dounreay prototype fast reactor, 2; Burnup calculations

Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Kono, Nobuaki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sakurai, Takeshi; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Mukaiyama, Takehiko; Raman, S.*

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.129 - 141, 2003/06

To evaluate neutron cross-section data of minor actinides, separated actinide samples and dosimetry samples were irradiated at the Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor for 492 effective full power days. Based on the burnup calculations of major actinide and dosimetry samples, the neutron flux distribution and the flux level were adjusted at the locations where minor actinide samples were irradiated. The burnup calculations were carried out for minor actinides using the determined flux distribution and flux level. This paper discusses the burnup calculations and the validation of minor actinide cross-section data in evaluated nuclear data libraries. We find that we can obtain reliable FIMA (fission per initial metallic atom) values by using the $$^{148}$$Nd method except that the uncertainties in the FIMA values are large for $$^{234}$$U, $$^{238}$$Pu, Am isotopes, and Cm isotopes because the $$^{148}$$Nd yields are known poorly for these isotopes and are probably overestimated. For these isotopes, measurements to improve the fission-yield data are needed. We also find that, in general, the JENDL-3.2 nuclear data for the minor actinides are adequate for the conceptual design study of transmutation systems. But, there are some nuclides (especially $$^{238}$$Pu and $$^{242}$$Pu) for which new measurements are needed particulary if the minor actinides constitute a major part of the nuclear fuel.

Journal Articles

Validation of minor actinide cross sections by studying samples irradiated for 492 days at the dounreay prototype fast reactor, 2; Burnup calculations

Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Kono, Nobuaki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sakurai, Takeshi; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Mukaiyama, Takehiko*; Raman, S.*

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.129 - 141, 2003/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:58.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Nuclear data evaluation for $$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am, $$^{242g}$$Am and $$^{242m}$$Am irradiated by neutrons and protons at energies up to 250 MeV

Konobeyev, A. Y.; Fukahori, Tokio; Iwamoto, Osamu

JAERI-Research 2002-032, 36 Pages, 2002/12


The evaluation of nuclear data has been performed for $$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am, $$^{242g}$$Am and $$^{242m}$$. Neutron data were obtained at the energies from 20 to 250 MeV and combined with JENDL-3.3 data at 20 MeV. Evaluation of the proton data has been done from 1 to 250 MeV. The coupled channel optical model was used to obtain angular distributions for elastic and inelastic scattering and transmission coefficients. Pre-equilibrium exciton model and Hauser-Feshbach statistical model were used to describe neutron and charged particles emission from the excited nuclei. These evaluation is the first work for producing the full set of evaluated file up to 250 MeV for $$^{237}$$Np and americium isotopes.

JAEA Reports

Nuclear data evaluation for $$^{238}$$Pu, $$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{240}$$Pu, $$^{241}$$Pu and $$^{242}$$Pu irradiated by neutrons and protons at the energies up to 250 MeV

Konobeyev, A. Y.; Fukahori, Tokio; Iwamoto, Osamu

JAERI-Research 2002-029, 48 Pages, 2002/12


The evaluation of nuclear data for plutonium isotopes with atomic mass number from 238 to 242 has been performed. Neutron data were obtained at the energies from 20 to 250 MeV and combined with JENDL-3.3 data at 20 MeV. Evaluation of the proton data has been done from 1 to 250 MeV. The coupled channel optical model was used to obtain angular distributions for elastic and inelastic scattering and transmission coefficients. Pre-equilibrium exciton model and Hauser-Feshbach statistical model were used to describe neutron and charged particles emission from the excited nuclei. These evaluation is the first work for producing the full set of evaluated file up to 250 MeV for plutonium isotopes.

JAEA Reports

Neutron and proton nuclear data evaluation for $$^{235}$$U and $$^{238}$$U at energies up to 250 MeV

Konobeyev, A. Y.; Fukahori, Tokio; Iwamoto, Osamu

JAERI-Research 2002-028, 69 Pages, 2002/12


Basic features of nuclear data evaluation for uranium isotopes $$^{235}$$U and 238U at intermediate energies are described. The coupled channel optical model was used to obtain total cross section, reaction cross section, angular distributions and transmission coefficients. The direct, pre-compound and evaporation models were used to describe neutron and charged particles emission from excited nuclei. The neutron data evaluated were combined with JENDL-3.3 data below 20 MeV to obtain a full data set in the whole energy range between 10$$^{-5}$$ eV and 250 MeV. Evaluation of the proton data has been done at energies from 1 to 250 MeV

Journal Articles

Calculation of fission reaction in the framework of QMD + SDM

Iwamoto, Osamu; Rong, J.; Fukahori, Tokio; Chiba, Satoshi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(Suppl.2), p.128 - 131, 2002/08

The nucleon induced fission cross section and the fragment distribution are calculated using the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) plus Statistical Decay Model (SDM) in the nucleon energy range 10 MeV to 10 GeV. The fission cross section is calculated for $$^{197}$$Au, $$^{209}$$Bi and $$^{238}$$U and compared with experiments. The calculation predicts fairly well the experimental values. The mass and charge distribution is calculated for $$^{208}$$Pb and $$^{232}$$Th at 1.6-GeV and 190-MeV proton incident energy, respectively.

JAEA Reports

Comparison of (n,2n) and (n,3n) reaction cross sections for fission products in JENDL-3.2 with available experimental and other evaluated cross section data

Manokhin, V. N.*; Odano, Naoteru; Hasegawa, Akira

JAERI-Data/Code 2001-019, 169 Pages, 2001/07


Results of comparison of (n,2n) and (n,3n) reaction cross sections for 155 nuclei (Ge - Tb) in JENDL-3.2 with available experimental data, various evaluated data, and those estimated from systematics are summarized to assess validity of cross sections for threshold reactions for fission product nuclei in JENDL-3.2. Plots for comparisons are compiled and issues in cross section data in JENDL-3.2 are also discussed.

JAEA Reports

DCHAIN-SP 2001: High energy particle induced radioactivity calculation code

Kai, Tetsuya; Maekawa, Fujio; Kosako, Kazuaki*; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Takada, Hiroshi; Ikeda, Yujiro

JAERI-Data/Code 2001-016, 82 Pages, 2001/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of fission cross sections and covariances for $$^{233}$$U,$$^{235}$$U,$$^{238}$$U,$$^{239}$$Pu,$$^{240}$$Pu,and $$^{241}$$Pu

Kawano, Toshihiko*; Matsunobu, Hiroyuki*; Murata, Toru*; Zukeran, Atsushi*; Nakajima, Yutaka*; Kawai, Masayoshi*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Shibata, Keiichi; Nakagawa, Tsuneo; Osawa, Takaaki*; et al.

JAERI-Research 2000-004, p.76 - 0, 2000/02


no abstracts in English

34 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)