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Journal Articles

Weakened oxygen adsorbing the Pt-O bond of the Pt catalyst induced by vacancy introduction into carbon support

Okazaki, Hiroyuki*; Idesaki, Akira*; Koshikawa, Hiroshi*; Matsumura, Daiju; Ikeda, Takashi*; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(49), p.23628 - 23633, 2023/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Roles of excess minority carrier recombination and chemisorbed O$$_{2}$$ species at SiO$$_{2}$$/Si interfaces in Si dry oxidation; Comparison between p-Si(001) and n-Si(001) surfaces

Tsuda, Yasutaka; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Sakamoto, Tetsuya*; Yamamoto, Yoshiki*; Yamamoto, Yukio*; Takakuwa, Yuji*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(23), p.234705_1 - 234705_21, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Activity enhancement of platinum oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts using ion-beam induced defects

Kimata, Tetsuya*; Kakitani, Kenta*; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Shimoyama, Iwao; Matsumura, Daiju; Iwase, Akihiro*; Mao, W.*; Kobayashi, Tomohiro*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*; Terai, Takayuki*

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6(3), p.035801_1 - 035801_7, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:67.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Observation of longitudinal magnetic fluctuations at a first-order ferromagnetic quantum phase transition in UGe$$_2$$

Noma, Yuichiro*; Kotegawa, Hisashi*; Kubo, Tetsuro*; To, Hideki*; Harima, Hisatomo*; Haga, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Onuki, Yoshichika*; Ito, Kohei*; Nakamura, Ai*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(7), p.073707_1 - 073707_5, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Anisotropic physical properties of layered antiferromagnet U$$_2$$Pt$$_6$$Ga$$_{15}$$

Matsumoto, Yuji*; Haga, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Miyake, Atsushi*; Tokunaga, Masashi*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(7), p.074707_1 - 074707_6, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Takagi, Yasuhiko*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Hiroi, Takahiro*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Here we report observations of Ryugu's subsurface material by the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Reflectance spectra of excavated material exhibit a hydroxyl (OH) absorption feature that is slightly stronger and peak-shifted compared with that observed for the surface, indicating that space weathering and/or radiative heating have caused subtle spectral changes in the uppermost surface. However, the strength and shape of the OH feature still suggests that the subsurface material experienced heating above 300 $$^{circ}$$C, similar to the surface. In contrast, thermophysical modeling indicates that radiative heating does not increase the temperature above 200 $$^{circ}$$C at the estimated excavation depth of 1 m, even if the semimajor axis is reduced to 0.344 au. This supports the hypothesis that primary thermal alteration occurred due to radiogenic and/or impact heating on Ryugu's parent body.

Journal Articles

Changes in electronic structure of carbon supports for Pt catalysts induced by vacancy formation due to Ar$$^{+}$$ irradiation

Okazaki, Hiroyuki*; Kakitani, Kenta*; Kimata, Tetsuya*; Idesaki, Akira*; Koshikawa, Hiroshi*; Matsumura, Daiju; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(12), p.124708_1 - 124708_5, 2020/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:24.62(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

FE-SEM observation of chains of nanohillocks in SrTiO$$_{3}$$ and Nb-doped SrTiO$$_{3}$$ surfaces irradiated with swift heavy ions

Kitamura, Akane; Ishikawa, Norito; Kondo, Keietsu; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 460, p.175 - 179, 2019/12

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:31.66(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Irradiation at grazing incidence formed chains of multiple hillocks on the surface of strontium titanate (SrTiO$$_{3}$$) and titanium oxide (TiO$$_{2}$$). They were observed with an atomic force microscope (AFM), however, the AFM measurement gives resolution errors in a nanometer order due to the curvature of the probe tip. To prevent these errors, a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) would be a better option for observation. In this study, we performed SEM observations for the chains of the multiple hillocks. Single crystals of SrTiO$$_{3}$$ and TiO$$_{2}$$ were irradiated with 200 MeV $$^{136}$$Xe$$^{14+}$$ in the tandem accelerator at JAEA-Tokai. It was revealed that a lot of isolated hillocks were formed in a line on these surface. The diameter and the interval of those hillocks are discussed in comparison to AFM observation.

Journal Articles

FE-SEM observations of multiple nanohillocks on SrTiO$$_{3}$$ irradiated with swift heavy ions

Kitamura, Akane; Ishikawa, Norito; Kondo, Keietsu; Fujimura, Yuki; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 44(3), p.85 - 88, 2019/06

Swift heavy ions can create nanosized hillocks on the surfaces of various ceramics. When these materials are irradiated with swift heavy ions at normal incidence, each ion impact results in the formation of a single hillock on the surfaces. In contrast, irradiation at grazing incidence forms chains of multiple hillocks on the surface, for example, for strontium titanate (SrTiO$$_{3}$$). So far, chains of multiple hillocks have been investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). It should be noted that AFM measurements involve systematic errors of several nanometers due to the finite size of the probe tip. Consequently, it is possible that the image of one hillock may merge with that of a neighboring hillock even if the two hillocks are well separated. In contrast to AFM, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) is a useful technique for obtaining higher-resolution images. In this study, we observed multiple nanohillocks on the surfaces of SrTiO$$_{3}$$ using FE-SEM. Crystals of SrTiO$$_{3}$$(100) and 0.05 wt% Nb-doped SrTiO$$_{3}$$(100) were irradiated with 350 MeV Xe ions, respectively, at grazing incidence, where the angle between the sample surface and the beam was less than 2$$^{circ}$$. On the SrTiO$$_{3}$$ surface, a chain of periodic nanohillocks is created along the ion path. In contrast, black lines accompanied by hillocks are observed on the Nb-doped SrTiO$$_{3}$$ surface.

Journal Articles

The Surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Arai, Takehiko*; Nakauchi, Yusuke*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Science, 364(6437), p.272 - 275, 2019/04

 Times Cited Count:262 Percentile:99.73(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

The near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 sample return mission, is believed to be a primitive carbonaceous object. The Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on Hayabusa2 acquired reflectance spectra of Ryugu's surface to provide direct measurements of the surface composition and geological context for the returned samples. A weak, narrow absorption feature centered at 2.72 micron was detected across the entire observed surface, indicating that hydroxyl (OH)-bearing minerals are ubiquitous there. The intensity of the OH feature and low albedo are similar to thermally- and/or shock-metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. There are few variations in the OH-band position, consistent with Ryugu being a compositionally homogeneous rubble-pile object generated from impact fragments of an undifferentiated aqueously altered parent body.

Journal Articles

X-ray absorption study of platinum nanoparticles on an ion-irradiated carbon support

Kakitani, Kenta*; Kimata, Tetsuya*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Matsumura, Daiju; Taguchi, Tomitsugu*; Terai, Takayuki*

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 153, p.152 - 155, 2018/12

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:29.51(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Anisotropic magnetic fluctuations in ferromagnetic superconductor UGe$$_2$$; $$^{73}$$Ge-NQR study at ambient pressure

Noma, Yuichiro*; Kotegawa, Hisashi*; Kubo, Tetsuro*; To, Hideki*; Harima, Hisatomo*; Haga, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Onuki, Yoshichika*; Ito, Kohei*; Haller, E. E.*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(3), p.033704_1 - 033704_5, 2018/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:35.44(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

SFCOMPO-2.0; An OECD NEA database of spent nuclear fuel isotopic assays, reactor design specifications, and operating data

Michel-Sendis, F.*; Gauld, I.*; Martinez, J. S.*; Alejano, C.*; Bossant, M.*; Boulanger, D.*; Cabellos, O.*; Chrapciak, V.*; Conde, J.*; Fast, I.*; et al.

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 110, p.779 - 788, 2017/12

 Times Cited Count:65 Percentile:99.19(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Platinum nanoparticles on the glassy carbon surface irradiated with argon ions

Kimata, Tetsuya*; Kato, Sho*; Yamaki, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Shunya; Kobayashi, Tomohiro*; Terai, Takayuki*

Surface & Coatings Technology, 306(Part A), p.123 - 126, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:51.96(Materials Science, Coatings & Films)

Platinum (Pt) nanoparticle catalysts with oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity are required for practical applications of polymer electrolyte fuel cells. We prepared Pt nanoparticles on an Ar$$^+$$-irradiated glassy carbon (GC) surface by a radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method to investigate the influence of the ion-induced lattice defects in GC on the ORR activity of the deposited Pt nanoparticles. Interestingly, the Pt nanoparticles on the irradiated surface exhibited ca. 2.5 times higher specific activity than those on the non-irradiated one. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy suggested the interfacial Pt-C interaction occurring between the irradiated GC and Pt nanoparticles, which should be a reason for improvement of the ORR activity.

Journal Articles

Crossover phase diagram and electronic state in the heavy-fermion metamagnets UIr$$_2$$Zn$$_{20}$$ and UCo$$_2$$Zn$$_{20}$$

Hirose, Yusuke*; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Honda, Fuminori*; Yoshiuchi, Shingo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84(7), p.074704_1 - 074704_10, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:44.95(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Thermal expansion of a Au-Al-Yb intermediate valence quasicrystal

Watanuki, Tetsu; Kashimoto, Shiro*; Ishimasa, Tsutomu*; Machida, Akihiko; Yamamoto, Shin*; Tanaka, Yukinori*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Kawamura, Naomi*; Watanabe, Shinji*

Solid State Communications, 211, p.19 - 22, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:31.77(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The thermal expansion of a Au-Al-Yb intermediate-valence quasicrystal has been studied by X-ray diffraction measurements. We have found anomalous thermal expansion behavior, namely zero thermal expansion below 50 K. By comparison with an isostructural Au-Al-Tm quasicrystal, the contribution of the Yb valence variation was extracted, and it was shown that its negative thermal expansion component due to the valence shift toward the divalent state by cooling compensated for the positive thermal expansion of the original lattice.

JAEA Reports

Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014)

Sato, Takeshi; Muto, Shigeo; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Aoki, Kazufumi; Okamoto, Akiko; Kawakami, Takeshi; Kume, Nobuhide; Nakanishi, Chika; Koie, Masahiro; Kawamata, Hiroyuki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-048, 69 Pages, 2015/02


JAEA was assigned as a designated public institution under the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and under the Armed Attack Situations Response Act. Based on these Acts, the JAEA has the responsibility of providing technical support to the national government and/or local governments in case of disaster responses or response in the event of a military attack, etc. In order to fulfill the tasks, the JAEA has established the Emergency Action Plan and the Civil Protection Action Plan. In case of a nuclear emergency, NEAT dispatches specialists of JAEA, supplies the national government and local governments with emergency equipment and materials, and gives technical advice and information. In normal time, NEAT provides various exercises and training courses concerning nuclear disaster prevention to those personnel taking an active part in emergency response institutions of the national and local governments, police, fire fighters, self-defense forces, etc. in addition to the JAEA itself. The NEAT also researches nuclear disaster preparedness and response, and cooperates with international organizations. In the FY2013, the NEAT accomplished the following tasks: (1) Technical support activities as a designated public institution in cooperation with the national and local governments, etc. (2) Human resource development, exercise and training of nuclear emergency response personnel for the national and local governments, etc. (3) Researches on nuclear disaster preparedness and response, and sending useful information (4) International contributions to Asian countries on nuclear disaster preparedness and response in collaboration with the international organizations

Journal Articles

Development of the method to assay barely measurable elements in spent nuclear fuel and application to BWR 9$$times$$9 fuel

Suyama, Kenya; Uchiyama, Gunzo; Fukaya, Hiroyuki; Umeda, Miki; Yamamoto, Toru*; Suzuki, Motomu*

Nuclear Back-end and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal, p.47 - 56, 2015/00

In fission products in used nuclear fuel, there are several stable isotopes which have large neutron absorption effect. It is known that there are several hardly measurable elements in such important fission products. JAEA had been developed the method to assess the amount of fission products which are hardly measurable and have large neutron capture cross section, under the auspices of the JNES. In this development, the measurement method was developed combining a simple and effective chemical separation scheme of fission products from used nuclear fuel and ICP-MS with high-sensitivity and high-precision. This method was applied to the measurement program for used BWR 9$$times$$9 fuel assembly. This method is applicable to the required measurement for the countermeasure to the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants of Tokyo Electric Power Company. This presentation describes the measurement method developed in the study as well as the future measurement plan in JAEA.

Journal Articles

Size and composition analyses of colloids in deep granitic groundwater using microfiltration/ultrafiltration while maintaining in situ hydrochemical conditions

Aosai, Daisuke*; Yamamoto, Yuhei*; Mizuno, Takashi; Ishigami, Toru*; Matsuyama, Hideto*

Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 461, p.279 - 286, 2014/11


 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:24.72(Chemistry, Physical)

In studies of colloids in deep groundwater, a serious problem exists because the properties of the colloids are influenced by changes in the chemistry of groundwater upon exposure to the atmosphere and pressure release during sampling. Then, ultrafiltration technique, while maintaining in situ hydrochemical conditions was developed. As the result of the investigation using the method at the Mizunami underground Research Laboratory (MIU), different types of colloids consisting of inorganic and organic substances were observed and complex formation between the colloids and REEs was suggested. Furthermore, characteristic partitioning of REEs depending on colloids size was observed in complex natural environments without chemical disturbance. The current findings are useful for understanding migration of radionuclides.

Journal Articles

Transport properties of UT$$_2$$Zn$$_{20}$$ (T: Co, Ir)

Hirose, Yusuke*; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Yoshiuchi, Shingo*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 3, p.011056_1 - 011056_6, 2014/06

234 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)