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Journal Articles

Promoting nuclear fuel cycle and ensuring nuclear non-proliferation/nuclear security

Tamai, Hiroshi; Mochiji, Toshiro; Senzaki, Masao*; Iwamoto, Tomonori*; Ishiguro, Yuzuru*; Kitade, Yuta; Sato, Heigo*; Suehiro, Rie*; Taniguchi, Tomihiro*; Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; et al.

Dai-41-Kai Nihon Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai Nenji Taikai Kaigi Rombunshu (Internet), 4 Pages, 2020/11

In light of recent delay of plutonium use in Japan and the increasing criticism of nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security in the nuclear fuel cycle, the validity of these criticisms will be examined for the sustainable development of the nuclear fuel cycle policy. Issues on the view point of nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security are examined.

Journal Articles

Nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security in Japan, 3; Challenges on technologies for nuclear non-proliferation/nuclear security and progressing credibility

Mochiji, Toshiro; Senzaki, Masao*; Tamai, Hiroshi; Iwamoto, Tomonori*; Ishiguro, Yuzuru*; Kitade, Yuta; Sato, Heigo*; Suehiro, Rie*; Taniguchi, Tomihiro*; Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; et al.

Enerugi Rebyu, 40(8), p.56 - 57, 2020/07

Strict application of IAEA safeguards and nuclear security should be implemented for Japan's full-scale nuclear fuel cycle. Based on the knowledge and experience of research and development in the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear material management, the effective and efficient promotion of new technologies should be promoted with scientific and demonstrative measures to strengthen the world's nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security. Development or sophistication of new technologies, human resource development, and reinforcement of the international framework are future challenge in the international community.

Journal Articles

Nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security in Japan, 2; Significance of sustainable progress in plutonium-thermal policy and R&D of fast reactor

Mochiji, Toshiro; Senzaki, Masao*; Tamai, Hiroshi; Iwamoto, Tomonori*; Ishiguro, Yuzuru*; Kitade, Yuta; Sato, Heigo*; Suehiro, Rie*; Taniguchi, Tomihiro*; Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; et al.

Enerugi Rebyu, 40(7), p.58 - 59, 2020/06

Japan have promoted the peaceful use of plutonium with the nuclear non-proliferation commitment based on IAEA safeguards agreement and Japan-US nuclear cooperation agreement, as well as ensuring transparency of the policy that Japan has no plutonium without purpose of use. In promoting the nuclear fuel cycle, adherence to those measures and maintaining plutonium utilization by means of plutonium-thermal, and a fast reactor cycle to achieve large-scale and long-term energy supply and environmental improvement, therefore, further research and development is essential.

Journal Articles

Nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security in Japan, 1; Peaceful nuclear use and nuclear non-proliferation

Mochiji, Toshiro; Senzaki, Masao*; Tamai, Hiroshi; Iwamoto, Tomonori*; Ishiguro, Yuzuru*; Kitade, Yuta; Sato, Heigo*; Suehiro, Rie*; Taniguchi, Tomihiro*; Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; et al.

Enerugi Rebyu, 40(6), p.58 - 59, 2020/05

In order to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, it is important not only to ensure safety but also to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security. Japan has contributed to the international community through strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security capabilities with technical and human resource development. However, in the wake of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011, Japan's nuclear power plants have not restarted or plutonium use has not progressed smoothly. Concerns have been shown. Towards appropriate steps of Japan's nuclear fuel cycle policy, such concerns are examined and future efforts are summarized.

JAEA Reports

Report of "The 2014 International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Future direction toward promoting non-proliferation and the ideal method of developing human resources using Centers of Excellence(COEs) following the New Strategic Energy Plan"

Yamaga, Chikanobu; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Kobayashi, Naoki; Naoi, Yosuke; Oda, Tetsuzo; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Review 2015-023, 108 Pages, 2015/10


The JAEA held "International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security -Future direction toward promoting non-proliferation and the ideal method of developing human resources using COEs following the New Strategic Energy Plan -" on 3 December 2014. In the Forum, officials and experts from Japan, the United States explained their efforts. Discussion was made in two panels, entitled "Effective and efficient measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation based on domestic and foreign issues and the direction and role of technology development" and "Roles of nuclear security COEs and future expectations". In Panel Discussion 1, how to implement effective and efficient safeguards was discussed. In Panel Discussion 2, panelists discussed current status of NSSCs and COEs, new role for COEs and regional cooperation. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum.

Journal Articles

Overview of activities and outcomes at ISCN related to Japanese commitment at nuclear security summit process

Naoi, Yosuke; Kobayashi, Naoki; Mochiji, Toshiro; Senzaki, Masao; Seya, Michio

Proceedings of 37th ESARDA Annual Meeting (Internet), p.100 - 110, 2015/08

In April 2010 at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., Japan made a commitment to establish a center of excellence on nuclear nonproliferation and security. This center would support capacity building for strengthening nuclear nonproliferation and security mainly in the Asian region and also would engage in development of technology related measurement and detection of nuclear material including nuclear forensics based on international cooperation. According to this statement, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) was established under Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in December 2010. Since its establishment four years ago, ISCN has developed its activities, having already conducted 74 training courses for the nuclear nonproliferation and security fields and having trained 2,096 participants from 49 countries (including Japan) and three international organizations. As for technical development on detection and measurement of nuclear material, ISCN has carried out substantial outcome with the international cooperation of U.S. and EU/JRC. It can be said that it is a significant achievement of the Nuclear Security Summit process. This paper will overview the outcome of ISCN's activities over the past four years.

JAEA Reports

Report of "The 2013 International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Ensuring Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options in consideration of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station"

Yamamura, Tsukasa; Suda, Kazunori; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Review 2014-011, 74 Pages, 2014/03


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency held "International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Ensuring Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options in consideration of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" on 3 and 4 December 2013. Keynote speakers from Japan, the United States, France and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), respectively explained their efforts. In two panel discussions, entitled "Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security measures of nuclear fuel cycle options in consideration of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" and "Roles of safeguards and technical measures for ensuring nuclear non-proliferation for nuclear fuel cycle options", active discussions were made. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum.

JAEA Reports

Report of the International Forum on Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia

Tazaki, Makiko; Yamamura, Tsukasa; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Review 2013-001, 76 Pages, 2013/03


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency held "International Forum on Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia" on 12 and 13 December 2012. In the forum, 5 keynote speakers respectively explained their views and efforts regarding challenges for peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear non-proliferation. In two panel discussions, entitled "Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security of nuclear fuel cycle back end" and "Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for nuclear energy use in the Asian region and a multilateral cooperative framework", active discussions were initiated among panelists. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum.

JAEA Reports

JAEA cooperation on the excess weapons plutonium disposal; Joint researches with Russian National Laboratories and demonstration studies on vibropac MOX fuel assemblies

Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Iwabuchi, Junichi*; Kasai, Yoshimitsu*; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Review 2012-044, 109 Pages, 2013/01


JAEA has worked for the contribution to the world disarmament and nonproliferation through the United States and Russia cooperation on the excess weapon plutonium disposition from Russian as well as to acquire the basic data of the post irradiation test with the BN-600 and the vibropack MOX fuel fabrication technologies. To support the initiative of Japan government, JAEA has started the joint research activities with some of the Russian national laboratories under the MINATOM in 1999. Since then, JAEA has been involved into the demonstration experiment for the vibropack fuel irradiation with the BN-600 that was managed by the PESCO corp. under the contract with MEXT. The joint researches with Russian national laboratories and the demonstration studies on vibropac MOX fuel assemblies from 1999 to 2011 are surmmarized in this document.

JAEA Reports

Review of the International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Security; Taking the lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident to the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

Tazaki, Makiko; Suda, Kazunori; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Review 2012-021, 83 Pages, 2012/06


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) held "2011 International Forum on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Security; Taking the lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident to the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit" on 8 and 9 December, 2011. It intended to articulate effective strategies and measures for strengthening nuclear security using lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident. Moreover, it was expected to explore comprehensive approaches which could contribute to enhancing both nuclear safety and security in order to support sustainable and appropriate development of the peaceful use of nuclear energy. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summary of panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum.

Journal Articles

JAEA's actions and contributions to the strengthening of nuclear non-proliferation

Suda, Kazunori; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Mochiji, Toshiro

AIP Conference Proceedings 1448, p.16 - 21, 2012/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Japan, a non-nuclear weapons state, has established a commercial nuclear fuel cycle including LWRs, and now is developing a fast neutron reactor fuel cycle as part of the next generation nuclear energy system, with commercial operation targeted for 2050. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is the independent administrative agency for conducting comprehensive nuclear R&D in Japan after the merger of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). JAEA and its predecessors have extensive experience in R&D, facility operations, and safeguards development and implementation for new types of nuclear facilities for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. As the operator of various nuclear fuel cycle facilities and numerous nuclear materials, JAEA makes international contributions to strengthen nuclear non-proliferation. This paper provides an overview of JAEA's development of nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards technologies, including remote monitoring of nuclear facilities, environmental sample analysis methods and new efforts since the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington D.C.

Journal Articles

Short news of Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

Mochiji, Toshiro

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Senta Nyusu, 41(5), p.1 - 2, 2012/05

As a short report of the Seoul Nuclear Industry Summit, an overview and summary of the communique as a result of the Summit are introduced.

JAEA Reports

Workshop on regional cooperation in remote monitoring for transparency and nonproliferation

Olsen, J.*; Inoue, Naoko; Hori, Masato; Hashimoto, Yu; Mochiji, Toshiro

JAEA-Conf 2006-004, 142 Pages, 2006/06


The Workshop on Regional Cooperation in Remote Monitoring for Transparency and Nonproliferation on 8-9 February at O'arai, Japan, brought together remote monitoring experts to share technical experience and consider potential uses of remote monitoring for nuclear transparency and strengthened nonproliferation. Sponsored by the Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology Center (NPSTC) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), this event gathered thirty five attendees from the JAEA, the Republic of Korea's National Nuclear Management and Control Agency (NNCA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA). U.S. technical experts represented Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Workshop discussions and interactions met or surpassed all goals: On the technical front, the JAEA, NNCA, and SNL exchanged presentations on their respective uses and technical approaches to remote monitoring. These included systems for both international safeguards and transparency. The IAEA shared valuable guidance on future remote monitoring system requirements. Following the presentations SNL conducted training in remote monitoring for technical personnel. In parallel project planning discussions, the JAEA, NNCA, SNL and the U.S. DOE reaffirmed mutual interest in regional cooperation in remote monitoring that could eventuate in exchange of safeguards-related data. A productive off-the-record session by all parties considered the path forward and established intermediate steps and time scales.

JAEA Reports


Mochiji, Toshiro;

JNC TN1450 2000-001, 122 Pages, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


Mochiji, Toshiro;

JNC TN1200 2000-001, 13 Pages, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Joint DOE-PNC research on the use of transparency in support of nuclear nonproliferation

Mochiji, Toshiro; Keeney, R.; Tazaki, Makiko; Nakhleh, C.*; Puckett, J.*; Stanbro, W.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 28(1), p.47 - 52, 1999/10

PNC and LANL collaborated in research on the concept of transparency in nuclear nonproliferation.The research was based on the Action Sheet #21,'The joint Research on 'Transparency' in nuclear nonproliferation' under the 'Agreement between the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation of Japan(PNC)and the US Department of Energy(DOE) for cooperation in research and development concerning nuclear material conctrol and accounting measures for safeguards and nonproliferation'The scope of the research was a fundamental study on transparency to clarify the means to improve worldwide acceptability of nuclear energy from nuclear nonproliferation viewpoint. The research encompassed three main topics:the policy environment oftransparency,the development of transparency options,and tech

JAEA Reports

The 1999 JNC International Forum on the peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy Summary

Mochiji, Toshiro; ; Tazaki, Makiko

JNC TN1200 99-002, 44 Pages, 1999/03


The 1999 JNC International Forum on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Technology, a continuation of the annual International Forum on Nuclear Non-proliferation sponsored by its predecessor organization PNC (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation), was held February 22-23, 1999 in Tokyo, Japan. About 380 people from government, industry, and academia involved in nuclear technology and issues attended the forum. A distinguished group of speakers participated in the forum sessions including highly respected technology and policy experts from France, Russia, and the United States. Session themes were: (1) Advanced Nuclear Technology for Peaceful Purposes and Nuclear Non-Proliferation, (2) Transparency Improvements in Nuclear Technology through the Disposition of Excess Nuclear Weapons Plutonium. This document provides a record of speeches and discussion which have no written documentation and summarizes presented papers as appropriate. Full papers prepared by the presenters can be found in The Proceedings of the 1999 JNC International Forum on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy.

JAEA Reports


Mochiji, Toshiro; ; Tazaki, Makiko

JNC TN1200 99-001, 20 Pages, 1999/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Recent development of nuclear non-proliferation in PNC

Senzaki, Masao; ; Mochiji, Toshiro;

IAEA Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Reactor, 0 Pages, 1997/06


27 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)