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Journal Articles

Neutron importance estimation via new recursive Monte Carlo method for deep penetration neutron transport

Tuya, D.; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(5), p.1021 - 1035, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations for local response or deep penetration problems, some estimation of an importance function is generally required in order to improve their efficiency. In this work, a new recursive Monte Carlo (RMC) method, which is partly based on the original RMC method, for estimating an importance function for local variance reduction (i.e., source-detector type) problems has been developed. The new RMC method has been applied to two sample problems of varying degrees of neutron penetrations, namely a one-dimensional iron slab problem and a three-dimensional concrete-air problem. The biased Monte Carlo calculations with variance reduction parameters based on the obtained importance functions by the new RMC method have been performed to estimate detector responses in these problems. The obtained results are in agreement with those by the reference unbiased Monte Carlo calculations. Furthermore, the biased calculations offered an increase in efficiency on the order of 1 to 10$$^{4}$$ in terms of the figure of merit (FOM). The results also indicated that the efficiency increased as the neutron penetration became deeper.

Journal Articles

Development of high-fidelity multi-physics platform JAMPAN

Tada, Kenichi; Kondo, Ryoichi; Kamiya, Tomohiro; Nagatake, Taku; Ono, Ayako; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Yoshida, Hiroyuki

Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/04

JAEA has developed a new high-fidelity multi-physics platform JAMPAN for connecting single-physics codes such as a neutronics code and a thermal-hydraulics code. It consists of the HDF5 formatted data container and input and output data handler modules to generate the input file and read the output file of the single-physics code. Users can easily add or exchange the code by implementing input and output data handler modules for this code. The first target of JAMPAN is the coupling of neutronics and thermal-hydraulics calculations to provide reference results of core analysis codes. The current version of JAMPAN couples the neutronics code MVP and the thermal-hydraulics codes JUPITER, ACE-3D, and NASCA. Users can select the thermal-hydraulics code depending on the scale of problems to be solved, computational performance, and so on. This presentation explains the overview of JAMPAN and shows the results of the neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling calculation.

Journal Articles

JENDL-5 benchmarking for fission reactor applications

Tada, Kenichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Taninaka, Hiroshi; Yokoyama, Kenji; Okita, Shoichiro; Oizumi, Akito; Fukushima, Masahiro; Nakayama, Shinsuke

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(1), p.2 - 22, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:98.85(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The new version of the Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, JENDL-5, was released in December 2021. This paper demonstrates the validation of JENDL-5 for fission reactor applications. Benchmark calculations are performed with the continuous-energy Monte Carlo codes MVP and MCNP and the deterministic code system MARBLE. The benchmark calculation results indicate that the performance of JENDL-5 for fission reactor applications is better than that of the former library JENDL-4.0.

Journal Articles

Experiments on criticality and reactivity worths in the FCA-XXII-1 assembly simulating highly enriched MOX fueled tight lattice LWR cores

Fukushima, Masahiro; Ando, Masaki; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 24 Pages, 2024/00

A series of integral experiments were conducted at FCA of JAEA, simulating LWR cores with a tight lattice cell of highly enriched MOX fuel containing more than 15% fissile plutonium. The three experimental configurations were constructed using foamed polystyrene with different void fractions to clarify the prediction accuracy of neutronic calculation codes and nuclear data among various neutron spectra. The nuclear characteristics measured in the experiments were criticality, moderator void reactivity worths, and sample reactivity worths. The preliminary analyses on experiments were conducted using a deterministic calculation code conventionally used for fast reactors with JENDL-4.0. Most reactivity worth calculations correlated well with the experimental values. Specifically for the softer neutron spectra configurations, the treatment of ultrafine energy groups obviously improved the prediction accuracy of the deterministic calculations. Furthermore, reference calculations were performed with MVP3 code by modeling the experimental setup in detail, confirming the validity of the deterministic calculations.

Journal Articles

Estimation of continuous distribution of iterated fission probability using an artificial neural network with Monte Carlo-based training data

Tuya, D.; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Journal of Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 4(4), p.691 - 710, 2023/11

The Monte Carlo method is used to accurately estimate various quantities such as k-eigenvalue and integral neutron flux. However, when a distribution of a quantity is desired, the Monte Carlo method does not typically provide continuous distribution. Recently, the functional expansion tally and kernel density estimation methods have been developed to provide continuous distribution. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate a continuous distribution of a quantity using artificial neural network (ANN) model with Monte Carlo-based training data. As a proof of concept, a continuous distribution of iterated fission probability (IFP) is estimated by ANN models in two systems. The IFP distributions by the ANN models were compared with the Monte Carlo-based data and the adjoint angular neutron fluxes by the PARTISN code. The comparisons showed varying degrees of agreement or discrepancy; however, it was observed that the ANN models learned the general trend of the IFP distributions.

Journal Articles

Study on criticality safety control of fuel debris for validation of methodology applied to the safety regulation

Suyama, Kenya; Ueki, Taro; Gunji, Satoshi; Watanabe, Tomoaki; Araki, Shohei; Fukuda, Kodai; Yamane, Yuichi; Izawa, Kazuhiko; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Kikuchi, Takeo; et al.

Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/10

To remove and store safely the fuel debris generated by the severe accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011 is one of the most important and challenging topics for decommissioning of the damaged reactors in Fukushima. To validate the adopted method for the evaluation of criticality safety control of the fuel debris through comparison with the experimental data obtained by the criticality experiments, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan funds a research and development project which was entrusted to the Nuclear Safety Research Center (NSRC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) from 2014. In this project, JAEA has been conducting such activities as i) comprehensive computation of the criticality characteristics of the fuel debris and making database (criticality map of the fuel debris), ii) development of new continuous energy Monte Carlo code, iii) evaluation of criticality accident and iv) modification of the critical assembly STACY for the experiments for validation of criticality safety control methodology. After the last ICNC2019, the project has the substantial progress in the modification of STACY which will start officially operation from May 2024 and the development of the Monte Carlo Code "Solomon" suitable for the criticality calculation for materials having spatially random distribution complies with the power spectrum. We present the whole picture of this research and development project and status of each technical topics in the session.

Journal Articles

A Functional expansion tally method with numerical basis sets generated by singular value decomposition for one-dimensional Monte Carlo calculations

Kondo, Ryoichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/08

A functional expansion tally (FET) method with numerical basis functions generated by singular value decomposition (SVD) is newly proposed. Traditionally, analytical functions were used for the FET calculations, e.g., Legendre polynomials for a one-dimensional distribution. However, the expansion terms could increase to reconstruct steep or complex distributions with these functions. A basis set that can well represent the target distribution with lower order expansion is desired to achieve high accuracy with the small computational resource. In the present study, a numerical basis set is generated from snapshot data by using SVD. This approach is based on the reduced order modeling (ROM). We applied ROM to the FET method in Monte Carlo calculations. The numerical result showed the applicability of the proposed method, on the other hand, some issues were revealed, e.g., discretization of the snapshot data.

Journal Articles

General-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5 and to the next

Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Minato, Futoshi; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Endo, Shunsuke; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Tada, Kenichi; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.14001_1 - 14001_7, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Approximate estimation of iterated fission probability by deep neural network

Tuya, D.; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05

Adjoint angular neutron flux is used as weighting function in various reactor applications such as calculation of kinetics parameters, importance sampling variance reduction techniques, etc. Iterated fission probability (IFP), which is proportional to a fundamental mode of adjoint angular neutron flux, has increasingly been used as weighting function in Monte Carlo calculations. The Monte Carlo based IFP methods stochastically estimate IFP for a given phase-space location. In this work, we investigated the applicability of a deep neural network for approximating an unknown underlying function, which maps from a phase-space location to an IFP in a given fissile system, from dataset produced by a Monte Carlo based IFP method. The preliminary application has been performed for the Godiva and simplified STACY cores. The comparison showed a varying degree of agreement and discrepancy between the results by the DNN and the reference results by a deterministic neutron transport code PARTISN.

JAEA Reports

Nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 2

Tada, Kenichi; Yamamoto, Akio*; Kunieda, Satoshi; Nagaya, Yasunobu

JAEA-Data/Code 2022-009, 208 Pages, 2023/02


The nuclear data processing code has an important role to connect evaluated nuclear data libraries and neutronics calculation codes. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed the nuclear data processing code FRENDY since 2013 to generate cross section files from evaluated nuclear data libraries, such as JENDL, ENDF/B, JEFF, and TENDL. The first version of FRENDY was released in 2019. FRENDY version 1 generates ACE files which are used for continuous energy Monte Carlo codes such as PHITS, Serpent, and MCNP. FRENDY version 2 generates multi-group neutron cross-section files from ACE files. The other major improvements are as follows: (1) uncertainty quantification for the probability tables of the unresolved resonance cross-section; (2) perturbation of the ACE file for the uncertainty quantification using a continuous Monte Carlo code; (3) modification of the ENDF-6 formatted nuclear data file. This report describes an overview of the nuclear data processing methods and input instructions for FRENDY.

Journal Articles

Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5

Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Minato, Futoshi; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Abe, Yutaka*; Tsubakihara, Kosuke*; Okumura, Shin*; Ishizuka, Chikako*; Yoshida, Tadashi*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(1), p.1 - 60, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:75 Percentile:99.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Development of JAEA advanced multi-physics analysis platform for nuclear systems

Kamiya, Tomohiro; Ono, Ayako; Tada, Kenichi; Akie, Hiroshi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Kawanishi, Tomohiro

Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 29) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2022/11

JAEA started to develop the advanced reactor analysis code JAMPAN (JAEA advanced multi-physics analysis platform for nuclear systems). The current version of JAMPAN handles the continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP and the detailed thermal-hydraulics analysis code for multiphase and multicomponent JUPITER. JAMPAN is designed to consider the extensibility and it does not depend on the analysis codes. All calculations in JAMAPAN are not directly connected. JAMPAN has data containers, and all input and output data of each analysis code are set in these data containers. JAMPAN will easily exchange the calculation codes and add the other calculations, e.g., structure calculation and irradiation calculation since the input and the output format of each code has no impact on the other calculation codes. The 4 by 4 pin-cell geometry was used as the demonstration calculation of JAMPAN and the physically reasonable calculation results were obtained.

Journal Articles

Adjoint-weighted correlated sampling for $$k$$-eigenvalue perturbation in Monte Carlo calculation

Tuya, D.; Nagaya, Yasunobu

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 169, p.108919_1 - 108919_9, 2022/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:27.23(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Estimating an effect of a perturbation in a fissile system on its $$k$$-eigenvalue requires special technique called perturbation theory when the considered perturbation is small. In this study, we develop an adjoint-weighted correlated sampling (AWCS) method based on the exact perturbation theory without any approximation by combining the correlated sampling (CS) method with iterated-fission probability (IFP) based adjoint-weighting method. With the advantages of the CS method being good at providing very small uncertainty for small perturbations and the IFP-based adjoint-weighting method being suitable for continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation, the developed AWCS method based on the exact perturbation theory offers a new rigorous approach for perturbation calculations. The obtained results by the developed AWCS method for verification problems involving Godiva and simplified STACY density perturbations showed good agreement with the reference calculations.

Journal Articles

A Pseudo-material method for graphite with arbitrary porosities in Monte Carlo criticality calculations

Okita, Shoichiro; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Fukaya, Yuji

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(9), p.992 - 998, 2021/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:29.53(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Progress of criticality control study on fuel debris by Japan Atomic Energy Agency to support Secretariat of Nuclear Regulation Authority

Tonoike, Kotaro; Watanabe, Tomoaki; Gunji, Satoshi; Yamane, Yuichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Umeda, Miki; Izawa, Kazuhiko; Ogawa, Kazuhiko

Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2019) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/09

Criticality control of the fuel debris in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station would be a risk-informed control to mitigate consequences of criticality events, instead of a deterministic control to prevent such events. The Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan has administrated a research and development program to tackle this challenge since 2014. The Nuclear Safety Research Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, commissioned by the authority, is conducting activities such as computations of criticality characteristics of the fuel debris, development of a criticality analysis code, preparation of criticality experiments, and development of a criticality risk analysis method.

Journal Articles

Solomon; A Monte Carlo solver for criticality safety analysis

Nagaya, Yasunobu; Ueki, Taro; Tonoike, Kotaro

Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2019) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/09

A new Monte Carlo solver Solomon has been developed for the application to fuel-debris systems. It is designed not only for usual criticality safety analysis but also for criticality calculations of damaged reactor core including fuel debris. This paper describes the current status of Solomon and demonstrates the applications of the randomized Weierstrass function (RWF) model and the RWF model superimposed voxel geometry.

JAEA Reports

Development of the Unified Cross-section Set ADJ2017

Yokoyama, Kenji; Sugino, Kazuteru; Ishikawa, Makoto; Maruyama, Shuhei; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Numata, Kazuyuki*; Jin, Tomoyuki*

JAEA-Research 2018-011, 556 Pages, 2019/03


We have developed a new unified cross-section set ADJ2017, which is an improved version of the unified cross-section set ADJ2010 for fast reactors. The unified cross-section set is used for reflecting information of C/E values (analysis / experiment values) obtained by integral experiment analyses; the values are stored in the standard database for FBR core design via the cross-section adjustment methodology, which integrates with the information such as uncertainty (covariance) of nuclear data, uncertainty of integral experiment / analysis, sensitivity of integral experiment with respect to nuclear data. The ADJ2017 is based on Japan's latest nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 as in the previous version of ADJ2010, and it incorporates more information on integral experimental data sets related to minor actinides (MAs) and degraded plutonium (Pu). In the creation of ADJ2010, a total of 643 integral experimental data sets were analyzed and evaluated, and 488 of the integral experimental data sets were finally selected to be used for the cross-section adjustment. In contrast, we have evaluated a total of 719 data sets, and eventually adopted 620 integral experimental data sets to create ADJ2017. ADJ2017 shows almost the same performance as ADJ2010 for the main neutronic characteristics of conventional sodium-cooled MOX-fuel fast reactors. In addition, for the neutronic characteristics related to MA and degraded Pu, ADJ2017 improves the C/E values of the integral experimental data sets, and reduces the uncertainty induced by the nuclear data. ADJ2017 is expected to be widely used in the analysis and design research of fast reactors. Moreover, it is expected that the integral experimental data sets used for ADJ2017 can be utilized as a standard database of FBR core design.

JAEA Reports

Nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 1

Tada, Kenichi; Kunieda, Satoshi; Nagaya, Yasunobu

JAEA-Data/Code 2018-014, 106 Pages, 2019/01


A new nuclear data processing code FRENDY has been developed in order to process the evaluated nuclear data library JENDL. Development of FRENDY helps to disseminate JENDL and various nuclear calculation codes. FRENDY is developed not only to process the evaluated nuclear data file but also to implement the FRENDY functions to other calculation codes. Users can easily use many functions e.g., read, write, and process the evaluated nuclear data file, in their own codes when they implement the classes of FRENDY to their codes. FRENDY is coded with considering maintainability, modularity, portability and flexibility. The processing method of FRENDY is similar to that of NJOY. The current version of FRENDY treats the ENDF-6 format and generates the ACE file which is used for the continuous energy Monte Carlo codes such as PHITS and MCNP. This report describes the nuclear data processing methods and input instructions for FRENDY.

Journal Articles

FRENDY; A New nuclear date processing system being developed at JAEA

Tada, Kenichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Kunieda, Satoshi; Suyama, Kenya; Fukahori, Tokio

EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02028_1 - 02028_5, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:90.42(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA has started to develop new nuclear data processing system FRENDY (FRom Evaluated Nuclear Data libralY to any application). In this presentation, the outline of the development of FRENDY is presented. And functions and performances of FRENDY are demonstrated by generation and validation of the continuous energy cross section data libraries for MVP, PHITS and MCNP codes.

Journal Articles

Development and verification of a new nuclear data processing system FRENDY

Tada, Kenichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Kunieda, Satoshi; Suyama, Kenya; Fukahori, Tokio

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(7), p.806 - 817, 2017/07


 Times Cited Count:48 Percentile:98.44(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA has developed an evaluated nuclear data library JENDL and several nuclear analysis codes such as MARBLE2, SRAC, MVP and PHITS. Though JENDL and these computer codes have been widely used in many countries, the nuclear data processing system to generate the data library for application programs had not been developed in Japan and foreign nuclear data processing systems, e.g., NJOY and PREPRO are used. To process the new library for JAEA's computer codes immediately and independently, JAEA started to develop the new nuclear data processing system FRENDY in 2013. In this paper, outline, function, and verification of FRENDY are described.

161 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)