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Report No.

Champion comparison of prestigious nuclear research institutes by thirty-year research papers written in nuclear advanced countries

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki

A champion of research paper at JAERI and those of foreign prestigious nuclear research institutes was studied taking the timeframe as long as 30 years (1978-2007) Tools were INIS, ECD, WOS and SCOPUS. (1) INIS judged that JAERI (32,859 papers) was the champion. ECD judged that the ORNL (36,608 papers) was the champion. WOS coincided with that of ECD. SCOPUS judged that ORNL (32,728 papers) was the champion. (2) Different characteristics exhibited by individual databases can sometimes generate conflicting bibliometric results. This was true among INIS, ECD, WOS and SCOPUS when looking at trends between 5-year periods. It implies that results from analytical tools used in bibliometric studies should be viewed with careful consideration to learn of any influencing factors. (3) Users from developed and developing countries assigned as the Member State IAEA would be better served using INIS and ECD. As the recent trend, the use of WOS and SCOPUS has tended to grow worldwide.



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