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川崎地質株式会社と原子力機構の共同研究; ミュー粒子を利用した深部地質構造探査手法の開発

Joint research between KGE and JAEA; Feasibility study for the geological survey in deep underground using cosmic ray muons

山田 信人; 笹尾 英嗣   ; 鈴木 敬一*; 窪島 光志*; 金沢 淳*

Yamada, Nobuto; Sasao, Eiji; Suzuki, Keiichi*; Kuboshima, Koji*; Kanazawa, Sunao*


JAEA and KGE perform the joint research on cosmic ray muons applying detection of sub-surface geological structure such as fault, using the research gallery of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. We set the detectors of cosmic ray muons in the underground gallery to evaluate its applicability for estimating geological structure in deep underground. We estimate the geological structure by the number of cosmic ray muons observed from November 2013 to August 2014 and confirm that we can observe the substantial number of cosmic ray muons to estimate the geological structure in the research gallery of granite at -300m underground.



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