※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Resonance ionization spectroscopy of Nd for isotope micro-imaging of particles

宮部 昌文   ; 岩田 圭弘   ; 富田 英生*; 森田 真人*; 坂本 哲夫*

Miyabe, Masabumi; Iwata, Yoshihiro; Tomita, Hideki*; Morita, Masato*; Sakamoto, Tetsuo*


The isotopic composition of Nd is used in a wide range of nuclear field, such as forensic analysis and fuel burnup evaluation, and the currently most used analytical methods include TIMS and ICP-MS. However, the analytical samples obtained in decommissioning of Fukushima's failed reactors contain a mixture of particles of different sources, and these analytical techniques which cannot distinguish individual particles lose the information on their origin and history. Conversely, if the origin can be determined from the burnup of each particle, it is important for clarifying accident progress and criticality safety assessment. For this reason, we have applied ion sputter mass spectrometry imaging, which can measure the distribution of nuclides in individual particles, and have developed laser resonance secondary neutral mass spectrometry as a countermeasure against the isobaric interference. In this study, we performed two-step ionization spectroscopy to obtain highly efficient ionization schemes of Nd. As a result, we found several schemes with higher ionization efficiency than previously reported one.



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