※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Identification of material constants in constitutive equation by indentation test with different indenters

涌井 隆*  ; 二川 正敏  ; 田辺 裕治*; 井岡 郁夫  

Wakui, Takashi*; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Tanabe, Yuji*; Ioka, Ikuo


This paper describes the novel technique for determining constants in constitutive equaution of elastic-palstic materials by the indentation test with indenters having different tip angles. FEM analyses were carried out to evaluate the effect of material constants and the indenter tip angle on the load-depth curve. The constitutive equation was determeined from the characterized curves associated with the effects on the slope. Simiulation analyses were performed for some material models to exammine accuracy of the presented technique. It is confirmed that this technique is useful to determine the constitutive equation of sub-surface of materials or coatings.



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