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User's manual of SECOM2: A Computer code for seismic system reliability analysis

内山 智曜; 及川 哲邦; 近藤 雅明; 渡辺 裕一*; 田村 一雄*

Uchiyama, Tomoaki; Oikawa, Tetsukuni; Kondo, Masaaki; Watanabe, Yuichi*; Tamura, Kazuo*


This report is a user's manual of seismic system reliability analysis code SECOM2 developed at the JAERI for system reliability analysis, which is one of the tasks of seismic probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The SECOM2 code has many functions such as calculation of component and system failure probabilities for given seismic motion levels at the site of an NPP based on the response factor method, calculation of accident sequence frequencies and the core damage frequency (CDF), importance analysis using various indicators, uncertainty analysis, and calculation of the CDF taking into account the effect of the correlations of responses and capacities of components. These analyses require the fault tree (FT) representing the occurrence condition of the system failures and core damage, information about responses and capacities of the components which compose the FT, and seismic hazard curve for the NPP site as input. This report presents calculation method used in the SECOM2 code and how to use those functions in the SECOM2 code.



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