Survey of the geological characteristics on the Japanese Islands for disposal of RI and research institute waste
萩原 茂*; 坂本 義昭
; 武部 愼一; 小川 弘道; 中山 真一 
Hagiwara, Shigeru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Nakayama, Shinichi
For the disposal of radioactive waste arising from radioactive utilization facilities and nuclear facilities, it is necessary to establish the disposal system in proportion to half-lives of radionuclides and radioactivity concentration in the waste. It is important to grasp the features of the earth scientific phenomena and geological structure of our country for the disposal system of radioactive waste. Then, for the porpose of the survey of the geological characteristics around the Japanese Islands whole neiborhood, the earth scientific phenomena at present, geological structure and geotectonic history were summarized on the basis of the existing literatures.