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Pressure dependence of effective pair potentials in AgBr determined by extended X-ray absorption fine structure


吉朝 朗*; 村井 敬一郎*; 永井 隆哉*; 片山 芳則

Yoshiasa, Akira*; Murai, Keiichiro*; Nagai, Takaya*; Katayama, Yoshinori

AgBrにおける広域X線吸収微細構造(EXAFS)のデバイワーラー因子の圧力依存性をキュムラント展開法によって調べた。キュービックアンビル型装置(MAX90)と筑波のフォトンファクトリーの放射光を用いて、Br K吸収端のEXAFSスペクトルを透過法によって、室温高圧下($$leq$$9.1GPa)で測定した。有効対ポテンシャル$$V(u)=au^{2}/2+bu^{3}/3!$$を評価し、2.1,4.2及び6.1GPaでのポテンシャル係数$$a$$として、それぞれ1.59(4),1.75(4),1.91(4)eV/$$AA^{-2}$$を得た。3次のキュムラント$$sigma_{3}$$は圧力と伴に増加したが、3次の非調和ポテンシャル係数$$b$$のエネルギーは圧力によってもほとんど一定であった。

The pressure dependence of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) Debye-Waller factors in AgBr has been investigated using the cumulant expansion method. The Br K-edge EXAFS spectra were measured in the transmission mode under high pressure ($$leq$$9.1GPa) at room temperature using a cubic anvil type apparatus (MAX90) and synchrotron radiation from the Photon Factory, Tsukuba. The effective pair potentials $$V(u)=au^{2}/2+bu^{3}/3!$$, were evaluated and the potential coefficient $$a$$ at 2.1, 4.2 and 6.1GPa are 1.59(4), 1.75(4) and 1.91(4) eV/$$AA^{-2}$$, respectively. The energies of the third-order anharmonic potential coefficient $$b$$ maintain nearly constant values with pressure though the third-order cumulant $$sigma_{3}$$ decreases with increasing in pressure.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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