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In-situ photoemission spectroscopy for chemical reaction dynamics study of Si(001) oxidation by using high-energy-resolution synchrotron radiation

寺岡 有殿; 吉越 章隆 

Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka


The translational kinetic energy of incident molecules is an important parameter for the study of surface chemical reaction mechanisms. New adsorption reactions, induced by the O$$_{2}$$ translational kinetic energy of several eV, have been found in the O$$_{2}$$/Si(001) system by applying the surface photoemission spectroscopy with supersonic molecular beam techniques and the high-energy-resolution synchrotron radiation. The termination of dangling bonds affected dominantly the oxidation of dimer backbonds. By controlling the translational kinetic energy of incident O$$_{2}$$ molecules, the formation of oxide-layers with a sub-nanometer scale is possible at room temperature.



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