※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Analytical tool development for coarse break-up of a molten jet in a deep water pool


森山 清史; 中村 秀夫  ; 丸山 結*

Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Nakamura, Hideo; Maruyama, Yu*


A computer code JASMINE-pre was developed for the prediction of premixing conditions of fuel-coolant interactions and the debris bed formation behavior relevant to severe accidents of light water reactors. JASMINE-pre consists of three melt component models: melt jet, melt particles and melt pool, coupled with a two-phase flow model derived from the ACE-3D code developed at JAERI. Simulations of the FARO corium quenching experiments with a saturated water pool and with a subcooled water pool were performed with JASMINE-pre and ${tt pmjet}$. JASMINE-pre reproduced the pressurization and fragmentation behaviors observed in the experiments with a reasonable accuracy. The results by pmjet showed qualitatively the same trend with JASMINE-pre in the fragmentation behavior.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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