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Failure thresholds of high burnup BWR fuel rods under RIA conditions


中村 武彦* ; 更田 豊志; 杉山 智之 ; 笹島 栄夫 

Nakamura, Takehiko*; Fuketa, Toyoshi; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Sasajima, Hideo


Transient deformation of high burnup BWR fuel rods was measured and failure limit was examined under simulated RIA conditions. Brittle cladding failure occurred at a small strain of about 0.4% during an early phase of the pulse irradiation tests at the NSRR. Strain rates were in an order of tens %/s at the time of the failure. Comparison of the results with thermal expansion of pellets suggested that the deformation was caused by thermal expansion of the pellets. In other words, the influence of fission gases in the pellets was small in the early phase of the deformation. Separate effect tests were conducted to examine influence of the cladding temperature on the failure behavior of cladding. Influence of the pulse width on the failure threshold was discussed in terms of the strain rate, magnitude of the deformation and temperature of the cladding for high burnup BWR fuel rods under RIA conditions.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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