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Radiation control in Naka Fusion Research Establishment

梅原 隆; 田山 徹; 秋山 勇; 長田 康史*; 小野寺 聡*

Umehara, Takashi; Tayama, Toru; Akiyama, Isamu; Nagata, Yasushi*; Onodera, Satoru*


This report has been written about the outline of the JT-60 related facility, the JT-60 gaseous waste treatment facility, radiation control equipments and a fundamental radiation control form, which are needed to carry out a radiation control by radiation control officer in Naka Fusion Research Establishment. Further, the following items has been arranged to tables; the low and in-house rules of a radiation protection to apply for the JT-60 facilities, specifications of the JT-60, main parameters and performance of the JT-60, a radiation generated by the JT-60 plasma discharge test, an permitted amount of radiation source and nuclear fuel, each performance of the radiation generators, specifications of the air exhaust facility and the radiation control facility. In addition, figures of the control area, system diagrams of the gaseous waste treatment facility and radiation control monitors are attached.



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