Synthesis and characterization of copper hydroxide acetate with a layered discoid crystal
香西 直文
; 三田村 久吉; 福山 裕康; 江坂 文孝
; Komarneni, S.*
Kozai, Naofumi; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Fukuyama, Hiroyasu; Esaka, Fumitaka; Komarneni, S.*
Layered transition metal hydroxide salt (LTMHS) is a group of anion-exchangeable layered compounds. LTMHSs have lately attraced attention of researchs on anion exchange and intercalation but very limited numbers of reports have been published on their synthesis, characteristics, and application. This study reports basic properties of a layered copper hyroxide acetate synthesized by a method modified from that of the previous studies. Titration of copper acetate solution with a dilute NaOH solution to pH 6.5 and subsequent aging at 313 K yielded a layered copper hydroxide acetate. This compound has some properties similar to those of the previously known copper hydroxide acetate, Cu
O. The present copper hydroxide acetate is dissimilar to the previous compound in morphology, stability of bonding between the interlayer acetate ions and the matrix hydroxides, and reaction with anions in aqueous solutions.