Extraction separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) with TPEN isomers and decanoic acid
TPEN及び異性体とデカン酸によるAm(III), Eu(III)の抽出分離
松村 達郎
; 竹下 健二*
Matsumura, Tatsuro; Takeshita, Kenji*
TPENのピリジル基の結合位置が異なる3種の異性体、t2pen, t3pen, t4penを合成し、これらと脂肪酸の一種であるデカン酸との協同抽出によるAm(III)とEu(III)の分離を試みた。これら3種の異性体は、水溶液中での、水素イオン,金属イオンとの錯形成に関する挙動は非常に似ているが、AmとEuの抽出挙動はまったく異なることが明らかとなった。t2penのみがデカン酸との協同抽出によりAmを抽出可能であり、Euとの分離係数は100であった。他の2種類の異性体は、抽出能力が非常に低くAmとEuの分離は観察されなかった。ピリジル基の窒素ドナーが骨格のN-C-C-N構造に近接しているt2penのみが、Amを分離可能であった。
Three TPEN isomers with different positon of nitrogen donor in pyridyl groups, t2pen, t3pen and t4pen, were synthesized and the extraction separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) with these ligands and a fatty acid, decanoic acid, was investigated. All isomers were similar in the complexation in the aqueous phase, such as the protonation and the formation of metal complex, however, they showed different extraction behavior of Am and Eu. The synergistic extraction effect for Am was observed for t2pen and the high separation factor about 100 was measured, when 1:2. The value is comparable to that for the extraction system with a famous nitrogen-donor extractant, BTP. On the other hand, the extractability of other isomers was very low and no separation of Am and Eu was observed. Only t2pen, in which nitrogen donor in pyridyl groups is positioned in the vicinity of the skeletal structure (N-C-C-N structure) of ligand, is available for the extraction separation of Am.