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Tritium elimination system using tritium gas oxidizing bacteria


一政 満子*; 粟ヶ窪 さゆり*; 高橋 美穂*; 田内 広*; 林 巧; 小林 和容; 西 正孝; 一政 祐輔*

Ichimasa, Michiko*; Awagakubo, Sayuri*; Takahashi, Miho*; Tauchi, Hiroshi*; Hayashi, Takumi; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Nishi, Masataka; Ichimasa, Yusuke*


There exists various kinds of HT oxidizing soil bacteria in the world, and we have conducted the investigation of HT oxidation activity of such bacteria. In the fusion facility where deuterium and tritium will be used as its fuel, the system is necessary to eliminate tritium from atmospheric air. General tritium elimination method is oxidation and dehumidification, and high temperature catalyst is used in the present system for oxidation. Application of the HT oxidation bioreactor, which can oxidize in room temperature, to this oxidation process has possibility to get higher tritium elimination efficiency, so we started to study the bioreactor. In the recent study, we can get high oxidation ratio of 85% in the processing conditions of 200 Bq/cm$$^{3}$$ as tritium concentration in air, 100 cm$$^{3}$$/min as flow rate and once-through processing using the Caisson Assembly for Tritium Safety Study (CATS) in JAERI. This result encourages this development study.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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