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Cyclic Crack Growth Typical Weld HAZ Microstructures of SA 533gr.B Steel in Simulated BWR Environment

近藤 達男; 中島 甫; 新藤 雅美; 鈴木 富男; 木内 清; 菊地 正彦; 辻 宏和; 塚田 隆 ; 鈴木 正彦*; 高橋 秀明*; 庄子 哲雄*; 玉川 欣治*; 相山 茂樹*; 菊地 正明*; 千葉 昌幸*; 湯田 周二*

not registered; not registered; Shindo, Masami; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


no abstracts in English



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