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Report No.

Evaluation of mechanical integrity of floor liner in secondary heat transport system cells of Monju

Imo, Kazumichi; Onuki, Koji; Kikuchi, H.; Morishita, Masaki ; Igawa, Kenichi*; Nishibayashi, Yohei; Ikeda, Makinori

About the secondary system floor liner of Monju, the mechanical soundness of a floor liner to the thermal load conditions by combustion of leak sodium was evaluated by large displacement inelastic analysis and the partial structure model test.In large displacement inelastic analysis, it was confirmed that heat strain of a floor liner was less than the standard value of the strain for no through-wall crack. In addition, the influence evaluation by a temperature increasing rate, liner board thickness, and the existence of corrosion thinning was performed. The result, the influence on the maximum strain was small in any parameter.In the partial structure model test, even when a strain more excessive than the standard value of strain was given, it was confirmed no through-wall crack in a liner plate.In addition, this report improves the evaluation conditions of the conventional research report [1], and resummarizes them to detailed design evaluation.



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