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幌延深地層研究計画 地下施設基本設計 -設計報告書-

Basic Design of Underground Facilities for Horonobe Deep Underground Research Plan

妹尾 賢二*; 田村 彰教*; 西山 誠治*; 青木 七郎*; 布施 正人*; 與三 智彦*; 山本 範人*; 高橋 剛弘*

Seno, Kenji*; Tamura, Akinori*; Nishiyama, Seiji*; not registered; Fuse, Masato*; not registered; not registered; not registered


This is the work that has operated basic design, concerning excavation for the underground facilities to perform the studies on engineering technologu at deep underground (east and west shafts, a ventilation shaft, horizontal research drifts) as a part of the Horonobe Deep Underground Research Plan.



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