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人形峠環境技術センターのウラン廃棄物処理研究(その3) -殿物からのウランとフッ素の分離基礎試験-

Study on the treatment process of uranium waste at Ningyo-toge environmental engineering center (Part3); Basic study on the uranium and fluorine separation from uranium waste

島崎 雅夫*; 滝 富弘

not registered; not registered


Uranium solid waste are generated from each facility in Ningyo Toge Environmental Engineering Center. One of the most representatives of them is sludge that came from Milling and Conversion Pilot Plant. The sludge generally consist of uranium, fluorine, calcium, and so on. Considering the capacity of their storage and the appreciation of safety in the storage shed, in the near future, a lot of sludge have to be reduced in volume without delay. This report summarizes the experimental results of bascic study on the uranium and fluorine separation by chelating resin in order to develop the treatment process of sludge.



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