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Sorption studies of plutonium on geological materials - year 2


J. A. BERRY*; M. BROWNSWORD*; D. J. ILETT*; Linklater, C. M.*; Mason, C.*; TWEED, C. J.*

J. A. BERRY*; M. BROWNSWORD*; D. J. ILETT*; Linklater, C. M.*; Mason, C.*; TWEED, C. J.*


Batch sorption experiments have been carried out to investigate the sorption behaviour of plutonium onto basalt and sandstone from the appropriate rock-equilibrated waters under different redox eonditions. Redox Potentials in solution were controlled by the addition of two reducing agents and one oxidising agent. Thermodynamic chemical modelling was undertaken to interpret the results. The sorption models were based on iron oxide. They adequately reproduced the data for sorption of plutonium onto sandstone, but tended to underpredict sorption onto basalt.



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