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Measures for the failure of pressure detectors for dissolver baskets and plugs

大谷 吉邦; 巖渕 弘樹; 伊藤 信一; 田中 真; 所 武司

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


Safety review for the whole facilities and equipments of the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute(JNC) was carried out in order to dig up their problems voluntarily in 1997, and the failure of pressure detectors making sure that dissolver baskets and plugs were in each right position was taken out from these investigations. An improving treatment for this failure finished in September, 1999, after legal formalities with the Law for the Regulations for Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors had been completed. While many problems were taken out from the safety review, on the other hand mass media and citizen groups particularly took an interest in this detector's trouble which concerned criticality safety of the dissolver unit. Consequently we have been replaying to various questions from them. For the purpose of being sure to keep accurate facts of this trouble and handing down these information, general countermeasure covered from occurrence of this trouble to completion of improving work was described.



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